A great door for hackers
TL;DR: Don't use metaprogramming. It is not that cool
Developers employ the eval() and exec() functions to evaluate arbitrary expressions from strings.
They can be a powerful tool in certain contexts but come with several risks and problems, especially when used with untrusted input or where the code's behavior is not fully controlled or understood.
def calculate(mathOperand, firstArgument, secondArgument):
return eval(f'{firstArgument} {mathOperand} {secondArgument}')
# Sample usage to multiply two numbers
result = calculate('*', 4, 6)
# Injection to remove all files
calculate('', "__import__('os').system('rm -rf *')",''))
def calculate(mathOperand, firstArgument, secondArgument):
if mathOperand == '+':
return firstArgument + secondArgument
elif mathOperand == '-':
return firstArgument - secondArgument
elif mathOperand == '*':
return firstArgument * secondArgument
elif mathOperand == '/':
if secondArgument != 0:
return firstArgument / secondArgument
return "Error: Division by zero"
return "Error: Invalid operation - Do not hack!"
# This is a quick solution but another smell
# You should avoid this kind of switches and iterate to
# a Polymorphic Hierarchy
You can search for eval() in the code
Most AI Assistants avoid using eval() in their solutions.
They also recognize it as a code smell and offer different options
Avoid this metaprogramming solution by hardcoding all the possible scenarios and avoiding over-generalizations.
Code Smell 207 - Dynamic Methods
Code Smell 189 - Not Sanitized Input
Code Smell 215 - Deserializing Object Vulnerability
Code Smells are my opinion.
When you actually sit down to write some code, you learn things that you didn’t get from thinking about them in modeling terms…there is a feedback process there that you can only really get at from executing some things and seeing what works.
Martin Fowler
This article is part of the CodeSmell Series.