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A Minecraft color code is a combination of the section ‘§’ sign followed by a number (0–9) or an alphabet (a-f).This article will provide you with a full chart of all the Minecraft color codes.
You love playing Minecraft too? High five! Well, the game has come a long way from just a 3D simulator where could built anything you could imagine.
Now, it has PvP battles, teams, chats etc that make Minecraft more fun to play.
Mostly in multiplayer mode, chats become too confusing to follow. Everyone is saying one or the other thing and there’s no way to differentiate one message from the other.
What if I tell you there’s a way to do that?
A color code is combination of the section ‘§’ sign followed by a number (0–9) or an alphabet (a-f).
First of all, following is the complete list of colors you can choose in Minecraft.
Source: Click Speed Test
Don’t worry, these are not as complex as they look like. 😜 These are simple codes that let you customise the colors of chat in Minecraft to make it even more fun!
Let me explain how these work.
Following are the steps to change the color of your Minecraft Chat text using color codes.
Isn’t that cool? 😎
But, That’s not over yet!
There are some format codes as well. Just like the color codes let you change the color of the text, the format codes let you change the format of the text.
So, you can make the text — Bold, Italic, Underline, Italic & Strike through.
These format codes work just like the color codes. Prepend the format code before your chat message to see the magic!
I knew you would think what if we want to use both. Sure, You can! But there’s it could mess up not done correctly.
Remember always use the color code before the format code!
Let me give you an example to get this right. For writing the text in green color and bold format, use the following.
✅ §a§lThis is my green bold message.
❌§l§aThis is my green bold message.
Here’s how the output should look like.
These color codes and format codes can be extended to the MOTD on server as well.
For those who do not know what I am talking about, MOTD is Message of the Day and it is set on the server where you are playing Minecraft.
If you run a Minecraft server yourself, you can customise the MOTD with color codes and format codes.
These codes are a little different for the MOTD. Instead of using the section sign ‘§’, the hex equivalent \u00A is used.
Here’s how you can implement these Minecraft color codes and format codes to MOTD.
So, my fellow Minecraft fans, that’s how the colorful magic happens!✨
I hope these little tricks will help you and your furious team to stand out in Minecraft. Best of luck and keep building with passion!