Brand Marketing for The Perfect Emotional Connection in B2Bby@dariavolkova
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Brand Marketing for The Perfect Emotional Connection in B2B

by Daria Volkova6mFebruary 6th, 2023
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I’m always surprised when people talk about their product using clichés like, “It’s like Uber, but a little different…”. This wording suggests that the founders don’t know how to explain the essence of the product and its positioning. Therefore, they compare it with a well-known brand (which managed to convey its positioning). And it sounds worst when pitching to investors or at business events, where the audience is very knowledgeable. Companies that want to keep or win the lead are looking to move beyond the traditional focus on features and benefits. Instead, they are moving towards greater emotional connection with everyone involved with their business The decision-makers in B2B are humans (what a surprise!), and thus they might occasionally blend emotional sentiments into their decision-making process. The perfect emotional connection in B2B operates deeply, allowing you to rethink and catch “braingasm” (or “aha moment”) that ultimately affects your transactions. The emotional considerations in technology B2B are security, tech curiosity, personal motivations and greed. Successful brands are created only when the semantic, visual and technical execution is coordinated and receives due attention from the people responsible for the brand and promotion.

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Daria Volkova

Daria Volkova


Strategic Brand Marketer & Growth Expert. Team Manager. Public Speaker. Educational content about Web3. UA🇺🇦

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Daria Volkova@dariavolkova
Strategic Brand Marketer & Growth Expert. Team Manager. Public Speaker. Educational content about Web3. UA🇺🇦



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