Blockchain: algorithm out of conflict and povertyby@gregkerr_9395
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Blockchain: algorithm out of conflict and poverty

by Greg Kerr2mNovember 28th, 2017
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The modern roadmap to global peace and prosperity is to provide good-enough sub-national governance systems that in turn, legitimize a central capital. This national capital then protects the collective with a large military and cuts binding international trade deals with other capitals making war too economic costly to wage. If you look at the math this strategy has really, really, really worked! The capital centered nation-state solution reduced the inefficiencies of the near continuous <a href="" target="_blank">warfare</a> of the feudal system. The nation-state has reduced the number of conflicts, however, advances in weaponry increased the death toll.&nbsp;<br>&nbsp;<br>As a young participant in the 2003 US invasion of Iraq, I am an unfortunately unique type of modern veteran that has fought in a state-on-state war; and I hope to be the last to ever have that inglorious title. Counterinsurgencies, and proxy wars are stepping-stones away from high-intensity state-on-state wars of the past. Leading to the next iteration of urban guerilla warfare that will be best handled best by police, gendarmerie and improved public policy.

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