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Freelance Tech Writer for startups, AI, Automation, Cybersecurity, Machine & co.• Content marketer• Creative writer
Within years, the deployment of Artificial Intelligence, also known as AI, to execute human tasks is becoming rampant. To save much time and ensure productivity, humans seek other means of executing difficult tasks without wasting so much effort. In search of a credible solution, we resorted to the adoption and integration of AI technologies.
Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a branch of computer science that empowers digital computers or robots with the ability to execute tasks that traditionally demand human intelligence. The use of human-initiated intelligence by a computer in carrying out tasks and getting the expected results without human interference or supervision is what is known as AI.
Artificial Intelligence is all around us, but we don't seem to realize what they are. Artificial Intelligence can be seen in the smartphones we carry, the computers we use, and even vehicles we drive; they can also be found in some of the domestic devices we use daily at home (e.g washing machines).
A Self-driving vehicle is an example of AI-powered innovation. Some cars can move from one point to another, ignoring all forms of obstacles on their way without having humans drive them. The programmed Artificial Intelligence in each of these vehicles helps the owner control the automobile without holding the steering wheel.
The voice assistants & assistant-enabled devices are also examples of Artificial Intelligence. The
The emergence of modern technology has reformed the traditional methods of executing tasks. A considerable number of human tasks are now being executed faster than usual with the aid of technology. With the invention of AI, small businesses, companies, and startups now have the opportunity to thrive amidst a shortage of workers.
AI's unique ability to absorb the workload of dozens of workers and produce swift outcomes is what has boosted the popularity of the technology, and the reason many growing businesses & companies incorporate it into their activities.
Some other institutions make use of AI because of its speed, effectiveness, and precision. In finance, for example, AI is used to identify transactions deemed to be fraudulent. In health, AI was
A notable factor behind the increasing adoption of AI in the world is the efficiency of the technology to maximize productivity. AI helps to augment productivity, and that is what many institutions, companies, businesses, and startups are looking for.
A company or business that seeks to grow its visibility, and maximize its productivity to gain more profits, needs the assistance of Artificial Intelligence in its branding more than before. Getting noticed by your audience demands good marketing of your products and services via every possible channel. This can be a heck of a job for a company/business that's just brewing and finding potential customers. But the solution is what the incorporation of AI can provide. You can use Artificial Intelligence to connect your consumers with your products by incorporating it into your content marketing plan. How can you do this?
Let's look at (a) goal of content marketing and then see (b) how AI can help maximize the purpose of your content marketing.
According to Oxford Dictionary, Content marketing involves the creation and sharing of online material (such as videos, blogs, and social media posts) that does not explicitly promote a brand but is intended to stimulate interest in its products or services.
As an entrepreneur, business owner, or vendor, your ultimate goal is to ensure your products/services reach the targeted audience who will purchase/make use of them, and in return, you make a profit. Your goal is to make sales, and that can only happen when there is awareness.
The creation of content — videos, blogs, social media posts — that talks about your products/services and gives your consumers cogent reasons to patronize you is what is known as content marketing. The goal of content marketing is to stir the interest of a targeted audience towards a product or service.
As a business manager, one of your focuses is to keep in touch with your customers - the consumers of your products or users of your services. The effective way of doing this is by sending out content time-to-time about your products & services. Marketing your products frequently in content can convince your audience to start patronizing your products, and also keep your customers from going after your competitors.
Making content like videos, blog posts, and social media posts about your brands is the main information your consumers need to start patronizing you. Nobody gets to know the solution you have at your disposal without publicizing it. Content marketing shows your audience what you have to offer. It publicizes your company/business so your audience can locate you. For example, making blog posts about your products/services can make your business rank well on the SERP (search engine results page) which is the dream of every company/business.
Content marketing will build trust between your products & your consumers. It will make your consumers believe in the efficiency and quality of your products. The trust can make your consumers recommend your products & services to other people. How frequently your targeted audience relates to your product & services determines your chances of being patronized by them. It is normal for people to be skeptical about your products when they first hear about them, but trust can be built with frequent, persistent marketing.
The main purpose of the content you posted on social media, released on youtube, or published on a blog is to attract potential customers to patronize what you have. Content marketing serves as the chain that draws your audience to your business. A prepared content for social media that strikes a targeted audience at their pain point can rake in more consumers/customers for your products. Most social media content has directives, links, or information on how potential customers can reach you.
Content marketing serves as an opportunity any business/company can leverage to make a lot of sales and build a community of faithful customers who will keep using your products & services. It should also be a priority for any company/business in fierce competition with other brands/companies that produce/render similar services. Content marketing can be used to defeat your competitors and generate more patronage.
While content marketing is very essential to the growth of any company or business, there are also side effects of poor content marketing on businesses & companies. Problems in content marketing mostly emerge from the incompetency of the marketer(s) to deliver good marketable content.
As humans, mistakes cannot always be avoided, there are times we do things below expectations. Marketers sometimes make poor, unmarketable content. Issues like poor incorporation of SEO, erratic publication/posting of content, lack of strategy for content creation, plagiarism of copy from competitors, ignorance of the wants of customers, weak content creation, and so on always surface from time to time in the past.
Thankfully, the emergence and integration of artificial intelligence into content marketing have helped content marketers salvage the majority of problems affecting their competency. AI has now introduced new, unique, simple ways for content marketing. Artificial Intelligence in content marketing focuses more on helping marketers collect and process data about targeted prospects, and in return tailors content that will interest the audience.
AI is being used to analyze, observe economic trends, and observe the impact of content marketing on the audience/customers. Having AI in content marketing also enhances the creativity, credibility, and productivity of content marketers in helping a company/business grow.
Persado is an AI content marketing tool that helps companies/businesses generate more leads and conversions. Persado is good at processing the language and data of your potential audiences which would give your company an edge in drafting content that accurately addresses the problems of your audience.
Internally, Paperflite distributes and circulates content like announcements, task notifications, and other information each worker within a company needs to know about.
Externally, which is to the customers or targeted audience, Paperflite assists marketers to manage the distribution of content automatically. This AI tool can discover content, organize it, and share it with your target. Aside from that, Paperflite can track each content and give a report on which content is generating more leads and conversion and how the targeted audience is engaging it. This will provide a marketer with ideas on how to improve other con
Companies and businesses need to acknowledge the enormous importance and advantages of Artificial Intelligence for their brands/services promotion. Though there are still some of these companies that are still hesitant of incorporating AI in their content marketing due to a lack of faith in the technology. According to