Working on, co-founded Scout Server Monitoring (acq. 2017) & ScoutAPM (acq. 2018).
Like an invading army, the popular kids at my middle school would spread across the halls in the morning wearing Starter jackets like this:
Things changed in high school when Ted from Oregon arrived. He was so exotic to us midwestern kids: rather than an expensive jacket, he wore faded t-shirts. He wore flip flops vs. expensive Nike Airs. Sometimes his hair was a mess. Ted became popular because he was a nice, smart, fun guy — not for expensive clothes.
It’s intimidating to start a self-funded business, show up at a cool startup office for a meetup, and think: “My God, they have a Sub-Zero fridge full of La Croix. How can I compete with that?”
What follows are some suggestions for perks based on what works at Scout. Anyone can implement these: they don’t cost any money. They are soft on the surface, but universally embraced. I like to think Ted from Oregon might like these.
The superficial startup perks offered today are a bit like showing up with a Starter jacket 5 years late: everyone, even the company offering them, knows they are following the crowd. Don’t be afraid to be authentic: great folks will appreciate it.
What are your favorite cheap perks?