9 June, at 0100 UTC, the EOS Mainnet Launch Group voted “Go” to start EOS Mainnet Launch.
EOS is young, and most of the environments are just developing, but some necessary things are available and … work!
If you have actual EOS account, kindly skip this article.
We oriented on education session step by step 15 minutes instructions.
1. Develop blockchain “Trusted Diploma” verification system in 15 minutes. Step by step instruction
2. Developing pirates “Black Label” voting system. Blockchain Smart Contract on Solidity.
Important. Its education guide don’t use it for real money transfers!
We will create a key pair without a wallet.
The most common solution is the command line tool. But we are lazy.
EOS Key Generation_Edit
Please back up the private key displayed below in multiple safe locations before continuing.
You should make more than one copy (including for external storage device such as a USB stick) and keep all copies in separate secure locations.
My example :
Public keyEOS7epiMwQShVAYS6py3SrrJJbuCnbmhN9C6USYnMKBxJPYkydBcZ
Private key5Jqnrmm9qmRMx6yMXTEgQ4N5WZsqGgEP5mi8VjS1hD7sFzTMoZt
There is no way to recover your private key. You must save it right now, or you will be unable to access your EOS tokens
Jungle EOS Network Monitor ( Network Monitor. By
You have to create the account on an EOS Blockchain:
Follow the instructions:
executed transaction: a24e939de87fc041e5dbdab87a94058749b2a87ac7a8d75a0b8f2152528f7ee5 344 bytes 5633 us 2018–08–28T22:19:34.612 thread-0 main.cpp:455 print_result ] warning: transaction executed locally, but may not be confirmed by the network yet
# eosio <= eosio::newaccount {“creator”:”eosio”,”name”:”detonator212",”owner”:{“threshold”:1,”keys”:[{“key”:”EOS7epiMwQShVAYS6py3… # eosio <= eosio::buyram {“payer”:”eosio”,”receiver”:”detonator212",”quant”:”10.0000 EOS”} # eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ram”,”quantity”:”9.9500 EOS”,”memo”:”buy ram”} # eosio <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ram”,”quantity”:”9.9500 EOS”,”memo”:”buy ram”} # eosio.ram <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ram”,”quantity”:”9.9500 EOS”,”memo”:”buy ram”} # eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ramfee”,”quantity”:”0.0500 EOS”,”memo”:”ram fee”} # eosio <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ramfee”,”quantity”:”0.0500 EOS”,”memo”:”ram fee”} # eosio.ramfee <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.ramfee”,”quantity”:”0.0500 EOS”,”memo”:”ram fee”} # eosio <= eosio::delegatebw {“from”:”eosio”,”receiver”:”detonator212",”stake_net_quantity”:”100.0000 EOS”,”stake_cpu_quantity”:”… # eosio.token <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.stake”,”quantity”:”200.0000 EOS”,”memo”:”stake bandwidth”} # eosio <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.stake”,”quantity”:”200.0000 EOS”,”memo”:”stake bandwidth”} # eosio.stake <= eosio.token::transfer {“from”:”eosio”,”to”:”eosio.stake”,”quantity”:”200.0000 EOS”,”memo”:”stake bandwidth”}
Jungle EOS Network Monitor ( Network Monitor. By
My name example is detonator212
Check information with a screenshot:
Check account status
Balance:10000.0000 EOS10000.0000 JUNGLE
Account Info:Created: 2018–08–29 01:19:35Last code Update: —
Active Key: EOS7epiMwQShVAYS6py3SrrJJbuCnbmhN9C6USYnMKBxJPYkydBcZOwner Key: EOS7epiMwQShVAYS6py3SrrJJbuCnbmhN9C6USYnMKBxJPYkydBcZ
RAM used 3446 bytes / quota: 85736 bytes
NET bandwidth:staked: -1delegated: 100.0000 EOScurrent: 0 / available: 19313814 bytesmax: 19313814 bytes
CPU bandwidth:staked: -1delegated: 100.0000 EOScurrent: 0 / available: 3685015 timemax: 3685015 time
Voter Info:Proxy:Producers:staked: 2000000last vote weight: 0.00000000000000000proxie vote weight: 0.00000000000000000is proxy: 0deferred trx id: undefinedlast unstake time: NaN-aN-aN aN:aN:aNunstaking: undefined
Scatter is a browser extension that allows you to sign transactions for multiple blockchains and provide personal information to web applications without ever exposing your keys or filling out forms.
From web link
From Chrome Store
From The Repository
npm install --global --production windows-build-tools
npm install
to get dependencies.env.example
file to .env
npm start
to compile a build
into the url barLoad unpacked extension...
button and point it at the folder you just created/built (the folder should have a manifest.json inside of it).If you are a real geek you can read manuals
Go to
2. Go to
or input your actual IP and port
Check results and copy your chain ID
Select: http
Port 18888
Chain code ID: 038f4b0fc8ff18a4f0842a8f0564611f6e96e8535901dd45e43ac8691a1c4dca
Enjoy using Scatter.
Go to Scatter plugin.
Check your balance of EOS and Jungle tokens
Optionally restart your browser — you are ready for transactions
Go to, enter the IP for the Jungle Testweb, fixing it 3 hours and then find that:
scattellet is not supported for Jungle Network.
Go to alternative: | All in one EOS web wallet_EOSToolkit is the premier free, open source interface for managing EOS accounts. Create, transfer, stake, vote and more…
At the same section check that your account is connected or push it
From copy any user name or use my account for Recipient name:
Quantity: 100.01
Wait for Scatter popup windows
If you are lucky you will see the message with success
Block: # 12110731TXid: 4140225362cdab05d2be90e6ca6377c8b5c957ea3d63e2ad33fe9c7b24ec3269Date: 2018–08–29T11:25:45Action: eosio.token::transferFrom: detonator212Info: detonator212>lioninjungle100.0100 EOSHello, kindly follow me at
Congratulation, you are primary EOS blockchain user ❤
I can say that EOS design is more user-friendly than Ethereum:
The environment is very young and will be developed. But you can run all basic functionality without geek command line.
If you require instructions for EOS main net, please comment article
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