Ghostboard by David Burgos (@daburix) from Spain
When I moved my blog from WordPress to Ghost I missed some stats I think are important when blogging, so I started to build something for myself and then I turn it into a product for everyone else
– Instant setup: just paste a line in your Ghost admin and it’s done
– GDPR compliant and cookie-free, out-the-box
– Don’t need Google Analytics or whatever, it just work and you get all their analytics like Live or Content reports.
– Also exclusive blog-focused analytics for Posts, Pages, Tags, post per month, best time to post, much more and more incoming!
– 110 upvotes on Product Hunt
– Frontpage on Hacker News on 10th August, at 11:16 AM ES Position #16
– Almost 6K visits
– 20 signups
– 8 blogs setup it
– Then 3 customers, $15 MRR
It’s funny because some days ago I launched the 2.0 version and get shitty metrics
– The more you launch, the better your launch is
– Don’t worry about metrics in general platforms, unless your target audience is there.
– Neither don’t worry if don’t get noise in the press and social media. At all. I also got some likes and mentions but no signups. In the end, I prefer silence and signups.
– Only worry about what your customers say and especially, what they do (pay, cancel, retention, come back, etc.)
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