We have all been down the same train of thought regarding artificial intelligence, thanks to sci-fi films peppered throughout the history of Hollywood: Artificial intelligence is too dangerous.
However, as time has proven over and over again, humankind is unable to duplicate the same kind of AI that we see in the movies..yet. Any attempt at creating artificial intelligence is garnered towards machine learning and semantic similarity. We’re still a long way from sentient A.I, but here’s what’s going on in the industry and what we can expect moving forward.
The prestigious business magazine recognizes the fact that we already utilize A.I. in our day to day, and is playing an important role in automation.
They interviewed nine professionals from the Young Entrepreneur Council to predict what the near future would look like.
Google has become synonymous with “search engine” and has replaced the word “search” when it comes to online search. How many times have you heard someone say, “Let me Google this” or “Ask Google”?
The search function that Alphabet Inc has created has ensured accurate results for searchers, and also provides better guidelines for websites that strive to live up to Google’s standards, which means that search engine optimization will play an even bigger role moving forward and those that refuse to hop on the bandwagon will eventually be left behind.
Automation will also play a bigger role in customer support, freeing up the human support team to deal with more complicated issues that arise from their customer base.
As mentioned above, automated customer service is getting an upgrade.
Current expectations for quick and effective resolution is something that pushes customer service to do better and better. The early days of automated customer support was not received well due to its inefficiency and inability to offer viable solutions that customers were looking for.
Customers like personalization and expect systems to calibrate to their needs. Recent advancements in A.I technology has given birth to the potential for customized suggestions and better understanding of the user’s history, which will enable the system to provide them with better solutions or responses that can increase customer satisfaction and meet their expectations.
Personalization is just another step forward into the world of artificial intelligence. By utilizing the same systems used to govern targeted marketing and how social media algorithms can predict what kind of content their users want to see, user experience is bound to improve in leaps and bounds.
We’re not just talking about e-commerce, but of course, it would make up a large part of the new an enhanced user experience. Online ads will become much more specific and there is likely to be an increase in user reception.
Where are they taking all this information from? It will be drawn from our online activity and also social media. Everything is becoming much more interconnected and we will begin to see the effects of that soon after.
Optimizing personalized experience does raise concerns about personal privacy, and the truth is that privacy is no longer going to be the same as what we once believed it to be.
We are steeped in technology, and our devices such as smartphones and tablets, even the smart home devices that we have installed in our homes will interact with each other in an unprecedented way, picking up on keywords that have been searched for on various devices in order to provide a seamless user experience.
Personal privacy is no longer a liberty for those of us who wish to have ease of access and personalization, and that is the cold hard truth regarding the future.
There are a million ways that this can happen, whether via a virtual army or automated systems, or AR/VR environments, but since the implementation of a global lockdown, the world has shifted the way that they view workers and jobs.
Employees now enjoy the flexibility that working from home or freelancing can give them and not many are willing to head back into the office for fear of coming in contact with the Covid-19 virus, or allowing themselves to be locked back into the same old routine. Inventors have begun exploring the idea of virtual workplaces in order to provide a sense of community, but with all the comfort of home.
There is also talk of creating a symbiotic relationship with the human brain and A.I - which is something that we do on a very basic level, by automating basic tasks and allowing the human team to deal with more complicated affairs that require a human touch - in order to create something new.
It sounds very much like a Hollywood movie, in fact, one has been made about the same concept, starring Johnny Depp in Transcendence, but scientists think that it is something worth exploring because humans are limited by our technology and innovation, and will need a greater understanding of how to create a thinking consciousness in order to build a truly independent A.I. software.