ADB: What Developers Need to Knowby@malinskiy
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ADB: What Developers Need to Know

by Anton MalinskiyAugust 31st, 2023
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In this article, I will explain what adb is, what you can do with it and how it works.
featured image - ADB: What Developers Need to Know
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Many Android developers use adb on a daily basis, sometimes even without knowing. In this article, I will explain what adb is, what you can do with it and how it works.

This article is based on my experience developing and roughly follows the talk on How to work with adb at Podlodka Droidcrew.

What exactly is adb?

Many Android developers used Android Debug Bridge (or adb as it’s more commonly known) in the following way:

Simple adb cli demo

However, it’s not just a terminal utility.

adb is a contract between Android devices and developer tooling

What are the jobs of adb?

The general problem that adb is trying to solve is remote access to compute. To solve this problem, adb has first to manage devices, that is:

  • Provide CRUD-like API for devices
  • Abstract transport layer
  • Version the contract between dev tooling and Android devices

Besides managing devices, adb has to provide terminal access to remote devices as well as general-purpose input/output including files, networking and the device’s screen frame buffer.

Managing devices


adb allows us to list available devices, connect new ones and disconnect those no longer needed. While adb connects USB devices automatically, we might want to explicitly connect a remote Android device via TCP/IP (or simply pair over WiFi on Android 11+).

adb connect/disconnect demo

Besides listing devices once, we also might need to continually monitor devices and receive notifications on status changes of devices (e.g. connected, disconnected). This simplifies the tooling code a lot since you receive real-time notifications instead of resorting to polling.

Abstract transport layer

adb supports 2 transport layers: USB and TCP/IP. While USB is used for real devices, TCP/IP is used for emulators and can be used for connecting to real devices as well.

adb devices-l demo showcasing different transports

This feature of adb cannot be underestimated: whatever works locally via a USB cable will also work via TCP/IP whether the device is in the same room as you or in a remote datacenter location thousands of kilometres away. The device in this case can be connected via WiFi or Ethernet for example.

Contract versioning

As with most of the contracts, there are hard requirements for communication and soft ones. With adb, the hard requirement is represented by a single integer that you can always request from the server.

The soft or optional part of the contract is represented using features.

Contract Versioning

Terminal access

While it can seem trivial to provide terminal access to a remote device, the truth is it’s not a simple task.

Shell is about a process

adb went through several iterations of terminal access. The very basic one only provides an interleaved stdout/stderr output without even notifying you of the process's exit code. Here is a simple demonstration of the problem:

adb demo of exit code propagation depending on the device features

Suppose we have two devices: one with a relatively new version of the Android OS and one with an old version. Suppose we want to execute some script that returns an exit code (in this case, 3). While the new device behaves as expected, the old one doesn’t propagate the exit code because it doesn’t support an optional feature.
Such behaviours are hidden from the user of adb but can become quite a pain if you’re writing automation around Android devices using adb.

Let’s go over the different iterations of terminal access on Android.


This version is supported all the way back to the HTC Dream. This implementation is exhibiting some problems, namely:

  • Interleaved stdout/stderr. Good luck trying to parse them into separate outputs
  • Do you want to provide input to a remote terminal process? No luck
  • The protocol doesn’t expose an exit code. Hence, the behaviour demonstrated above
  • If the output of the remote process is binary (e.g. file), then have fun unmangling line feeds since they go through PTY


After some time, the exec service was added that did not allocate a PTY device and attach directly to the stream.

This version supported the use-case where the remote Android process returned a file (e.g. as a screenshot using adb exec-out screencap -p > screen.png) and also provided a file using the stdin stream.

This did come at a cost, though: you have to choose between providing the stdin or reading the stdout because, in this implementation, you can’t have both. Same as v1, you still don’t have the exit code of the remote process.


Addressing almost all the problems of the previous version, v2 provides separated stdout and stderr output streams. It also returns exit code value and supports real-time stdin stream.

This version also had a cost: the adb code on the Android device had to be changed. Since it’s a soft requirement for a contract, this functionality is behind a feature shell_v2 and works roughly starting from Oct 2015.

PTY's problem with mangling is still present in the v2 also.

One particular use case with developer tooling in Android that deserves its own feature is communication with SystemServices, e.g. package management and activity management. An example of this interaction is listing installed packages with adb shell pm list package :

  1. Spawn a process with CLI wrapper
  2. Inside the process call ServiceManager.getService("package")
  3. Pass the result to stdout

This is a very slow way of communicating with a long-lived service and not very efficient in terms of coding. That’s why cmd was created: instead of a separate entry point for system services, a generic CLI is able to talk to all of them. If a system service wants to expose itself, it implements the handleShellCommand method where file descriptors for the process are being passed. This change saves the trouble for AOSP developers of writing yet another CLI for each system service.

In order to solve the overhead of running such terminal commands and allocating device resources for spawning a new process for a small request, Android Binder Bridge was introduced.

Using abb, the same use-case for listing packages is achieved using adb abb package list . According to the commit introducing this feature, the latency was reduced six times.

Emulator terminal

Every official emulator exposes a TCP port that you can use to issue emulator-specific commands.

As of today, this functionality can also be considered terminal access and is usually achieved using adb emu $CMD , e.g.:

adb emu demo sending an SMS message

What’s possible using the emulator’s terminal? There is no fixed contract here, but you can usually find using emu help:

  1. Calls and SMS
  2. Screen rotation
  3. Fingerprint sensor input
  4. Physics input (gyro, accel, etc)
  5. Mobile network conditions simulation
  6. GPS

This functionality is really powerful: for example, it allows you to test an application that behaves differently if you’re running or walking, e.g. fitness trackers, mock location for GoogleMaps fragment and much more.

To be frank, this terminal access is unrelated to adb, but for ease of use, it’s there in the adb CLI. You can also use any TCP client, e.g. telnet for executing commands. The port is the last part of the emulator serial, e.g. for emulator-5554 the console port is 5554.

Since this connection is not encrypted, the emulator asks for a secret key that is stored in the $HOME/.emulator_console_auth-token on the system that started the emulator. This key is asked whenever a new connection is established to the console port.


File v1

Initial implementation of file transfer on android (sync service) models the files using:

  1. name
  2. mode (access permissions)
  3. size
  4. mtime (timestamp of last file content change)

In terms of what you can do with files, there are four requests:

  1. List
  2. Stat
  3. Pull a single file
  4. Push a single file

The directory sync is not a concern from the point of adb, so all those directory structures are the responsibility of the tooling that is built on top of adb.

File v2

The newer implementation supports everything v1 does as well as:

  1. uid (owner user id)
  2. gid (owner group id)
  3. atime (last access timestamp)
  4. ctime (change timestamp)
  5. nlink (number of hard links)
  6. ino (inode)

In terms of requests, this new implementation requires feature flags:

  1. List (feature ls_v2)
  2. Stat (feature stat_v2)
  3. Pull a single file (feature sendrecv_v2)
  4. Push a single file (feature sendrecv_v2)

On top of additional properties, file v2 protocol supports on-the-fly compression and decompression using brotli, lz4 and zstd to speed up those chunky adb transfers, including application installation. No compression is also an option here.

Network input/output

adb allows you to do port forwarding (request to developer machine is forwarded to device) and reverse port forwarding (the other way).

You can use a TCP or a Unix socket on the developer's machine. On the Android side, you can specify the TCP/Unix socket or PID of a thread for using a JDWP debugger or device files and more.

In terms of requests, it’s list rules, add a rule, remove a rule and remove all rules.


adb support capturing the current frame of the Android’s screen. There are 3 versions that adb used historically:

  1. v16: uses format RGB565 (16 bits per pixel)
  2. v1: variable bits per pixel specified each time, but most commonly is ARGB8888
  3. v2: also variable as v1, but usually ARGB8888 and supports non-sRGB color spaces such as DCI-P3

Each time you use this request, you must interpret the data differently, so adb doesn’t provide any common mapping layer.

Other bits

Besides the above functionality, adb supports switching the adbd daemon running on the Android device into different modes (e.g. USB transport switch to TCP and back), remounting Android partitions, graceful shutdown of adb server and sideloading commonly used to flash custom firmware.

How does adb work?

Now that you know what adb can do, let’s dive into the how bit.

adb architecture by

This diagram has three key components at play:

  1. adbd installed on real or emulated devices (left & right)
  2. adb clients that communicate with Android devices
  3. adb server in the centre being the middleman

adb server is exposing a TCP port for client connections

adb server TCP connection demo using telnet

The telnet connection example above first selects any device for communication and then executes a shell command echo HelloADB .

This example is trying to illustrate that the adb client -> server protocol is not encrypted and is somewhat human-readable.

adb server

adb server is the middleman between clients and Android devices. It is commonly a background process that acts as a set of multiplexers for a single connection to the device (remember the serial part in the USB?).

By default, the adb server attaches to the loopback interface on port 5037 because the communication is not encrypted and using a public interface exposes you to security risks (although you can do that if you want to).


adbd is also a background process like an adb server, but this process is on the Android device. Usually found at /system/bin/adbd , and is installed using APEX module on Android 11+. adbd is the one doing the process spawn and all the actual execution of the requests.

adb client

Anything can communicate with an adb server if it can open TCP connections. The most common adb client is the adb CLI that is bundled together with the adb server into a single binary (hopefully not just for lulz).

Typical adb client to adb server communication

Typical adb client to adb server communication

Every interaction of the client with the server starts with opening a TCP socket. Verifying the hard requirements of adb protocol is done using the host:version command, the response is ACKd with OKAY and then the version 29 is returned. If this is a compatible version the client proceeds to select a device to communicate with, in this case, a device with a serial number SERIAL using command host:transport:SERIAL . This selection is also ACKd with OKAY by the server.

After this part of the dance is out of the way, the client specifies the actual request that needs to be executed, the shell:echo Hello means that we want to execute a command echo Hello using the v1 shell implementation. This request is ACKd with yet another OKAY and the stdout/stderr response is returned with a close of the underlying TCP.

Since this part of the communication is not encrypted, it’s easy to debug the flow of traffic using something like tcpdump or Wireshark:

Wireshark example of adb client-server communication

Transport target

Since adb is essentially a huge set of multiplexers, the selection of a target device can be done in a number of ways:

  • host = any single device or the host of the adb server
  • host-serial = specific device by serial number
  • host-transport-id = specific device by transport identifier (internal adb id for underlying connection to adbd)
  • host-usb = any single device connected via USB
  • host-local = any single local(=emulator) device

Request steps

Every interaction of the adb client with the server usually follows the following plan:

  1. Open TCP socket
  2. Check versions (hard version of the contract as well as features)
  3. Select transport target
  4. Execute the actual command
  5. Close TCP socket

adb server -> adbd request flow

Communication between the adb server and adbd is done on top of a secure transport layer, so debugging what’s going on here is a bit harder.

The protocol itself is a bit more structured with clear framing:

struct amessage {
    uint32_t command;     /* command identifier constant      */
    uint32_t arg0;        /* first argument                   */
    uint32_t arg1;        /* second argument                  */
    uint32_t data_length; /* length of payload (0 is allowed) */
    uint32_t data_check;  /* checksum of data payload         */
    uint32_t magic;       /* command ^ 0xffffffff             */

struct apacket {
    using payload_type = Block;
    amessage msg;
    payload_type payload;

Each packet consists of amessage header that contains the command to execute, a pair of arguments for the command and the payload length with a checksum. The command is also verified using the magic checksum.

adbd request flow

Each communication between adb server and adbd starts with establishing a secure transport, e.g. in case of pair over WiFi TLS is used.

Any packets before this handshake are discarded.

CNXN is the identifier of connect command that has protocol version and max payload size as arguments. During this connect command host is also sending the identifier for the adb server.

adbd also establishes connection back to the server the same way indicating the metainformation about the device such as the serial number.

Server to adbd packet types

  1. A_CNXN(version,maxdata,systemtype:serialno:banner) is the connection packet

  2. A_STLS(type,version,) establishes the secure connection using TLS

  3. A_AUTH(type,0,”data”) establishes the secure connection using asymmetric RSA encryption.

    Establishing the connection involves generating a random secret and sending it to the adb server using type=TOKEN. adb server then encrypts this random secret using a private RSA key and sends it over to the adbd using type=SIGNATURE. adbd then uses locally stored keys and verifies if one of the public keys gives back the original random secret. If a match is found, the connection is established. If there is no match found, then this cycle repeats until a proper key is used by the adb server or the adb server responds with a type=RSA packet containing the public RSA key of the adb server. This is when you see the trust connection dialogue on Android and have to accept or deny the adb connection.

  4. A_OPEN(local-id,0,dst) opens a communication from some client interaction identified by local-id to some destination on the device, e.g. shell process

  5. A_OKAY(local-id,remote-id,) is basically an ACK packet

  6. A_WRTE(local-id,remote-id,”data”) is the meat of the communication sending the chunks of data from and to the device. Keep in mind that there is no read operation: A_OKAY on the A_WRITE == A_READ

  7. A_CLSE(local-id,remote-id,) closes the communication. Usually, the connection is opened and closed both ways with confirmation using A_OKAY

    server, adbd request flow

    As an example, let’s see the traffic flow when executing ls command using adb.

    First, secure transport has to be established, and connections should succeed both ways.

    Next, we need to open a destination shell:ls with some local identifier for this interaction using id . If that's easier for you, you can think of local-id and remote-id as ports in TCP connections.

    When the adb server opens the connection, it doesn’t yet know the remote-id, so it uses 0. When adbd confirms the connection using A_OKAY , it responds back with remote id id2 . These identifiers are the key components to having parallel execution of multiple requests since, otherwise, we wouldn't be able to route the packets properly.

    Imagine the response of ls is so large (>256K) that the response is fragmented into two chunks. Upon receiving the first one, the adb server has to confirm the delivery. Only after the confirmation will the adbd send the second chunk and close this session. Remember that this interaction doesn’t close the underlying connection as opposed to the adb client -> adb server communication.

Real-world examples

In Java, there is a commonly used adb client called ddmlib (maven$VERSION )

Let’s see some examples of its usage:

IntelliJ IDEA

When you press the green triangle to run your application using a device, you might see a selector for which device to use. Here is the selection code:

IntelliJ android plugin snippet using ddmlib

Android Gradle Plugin

When using installXXX task in Gradle for installing your application, the following code using adb is used:

agp snippet using ddmlib

Spoon test runner

When you execute your tests, the test runner has to determine where the output of the execution (e.g. screenshots/code coverage) is located:

spoon snippet using ddmlib


Although a bit dated, appium takes a screenshot during the execution using adb framebuffer request:

appium snippet using ddmlib

The good thing about ddmlib is that many developer tools already use it, and it’s a commonly shared dependency.

On the negative side, the codebase is a bit old, utilises threads too much, doesn’t provide proper timeouts and has close to zero documentation.

ddmlib doesn’t handle all the things possible with adb, e.g. sideload requests, but there is also stuff that ddmlib does that is not adb-related:

  1. JDWP support if you need to implement a debugger
  2. Logcat parsing (but only -v long )
  3. Test runner support, i.e. am instrument command wrapper and parser of the results (both string and proto-based)

adb cli

The second most commonly used client is adb cli bundled with the adb server. Its advantage is speed: it can be multiple times faster than the ddmlib. For that, you trade off the Android-specific parts (adb cli doesn’t know the format of pm list for example, so you’ll have to parse it yourself)

Apart from the numerous bash scripts, adb cli can be found in Genymotion/scrcpy for port forwarding the connection and some testing tools, including KasperskyLab/Kaspresso.

Application usage of adb

Although not part of the adb protocol, it facilitates a lot of developer usage of Android devices:

  • Debugging code execution (JDWP)
  • Application installation (push apk, execute install cmd, streaming/split/atomic installs)
  • Running tests (execute command, return the output)
  • Mock-server networking (port-forward the mock server)
  • Record video (execute a command, pull the file)
  • Logcat
  • Explore device (e.g. getprop)
  • Simulate events (emu commands on emulator, input on all Android devices)

I’d like to highlight the difference between using native adb functions and using adb for using Android device functions with the following example of taking a screenshot:

  1. adb framebuffer: the request is made using adb only
  2. adb shell screencap -p is a terminal command on an Android device that is triggered via adb. If the command fails, it’s not adb’s fault
  3. androidx.test.uiautomator.UiDevice#takeScreenshot is a framework method that doesn’t use adb at all

adb caveats

  • While device state device means the Android device is online, adb doesn’t have any idea if the device is booted or not. Usually, devices will setup sys.boot_completed property to 1 when init finishes
  • While the adb server usually forks to the background, it might be desirable to start in the foreground to control the lifecycle properly. To do that, you need to kill the existing server and then start a new one adb nodaemon server
  • Working with legacy devices using shell v1, you can still get the value of the exit code if you change the command a bit cmd; echo x$? . When parsing the result, you will have to strip the suffix and extract the value of the exit code
  • If emulator functionality for mocking calls and fingerprints is something you desire, try using the emulator_controller.proto for doing the same thing but with a contract and autogenerated client libs
  • Most physical devices have a stable serial number. Emulators, on the other hand, do not and the same emulator booted twice might have a different serial

Thanks for checking this article out! All this knowledge came from developing an alternative adb client written in Kotlin called adm. If you work with adb server using Kotlin — feel free to try it.

Also published here.