MetaMask users are being targeted in a series of phishing attacks where hackers impersonate popular metaverse project websites.
Are you also frustrated by getting fake messages and want to identify that fake message? Then must move down for more detail about fake messages.
Using Avast Secure Browser either as a primary or a secondary browser is easy and will give you a safer, and faster browsing experience across all your devices.
Remember: people are your greatest asset.
The article is intended for white hats, professional pentesters, and heads of information security departments (CISO). Today, I want to share several methods of social engineering that can be used in targeted attacks, that is, in cases where a specific victim (person or company) is selected.
Be careful of the latest engineering technique called "URL Masking", it's quite dangerous.
Just a week ago, Google removed 49 Chrome extensions imitating MEW, Ledger, Trezor, and other popular cryptocurrency wallets. Phishing attempts are on the rise, and in this stressful time, it’s also easy to make an irreversible mistake losing your crypto whether you’re new to crypto or an experienced hodler.
Computer crimes are all those online attacks carried out by a hacker whose purpose is to breach a computer system in order to gain financial gain in some way
A glimpse over Command and Control attacks and frameworks, how they happen, and how they can affect our daily lives.
One way hackers can profit is crypto-jacking: they use social engineering and hacking to put the mining script on the victim's device and exploit its resources.
What is an Extortion Email? An extortion email is one that claims to have access to usually pictures or videos showing users in a compromising situation or looking at something that may be a source of embarrassment.
My hacker best friend decided to open Tinder. I was a bit reluctant about her decision. Unfortunately, she matches with a guy that gives her a phishing link.
When did email become the weakest security link? Email was never intended to transmit sensitive information, but as with all technologies people began using it differently than it was intended to be used and it wasn’t long before hackers learned they could send malicious links and malware directly to a person’s computer via email. These days we know that email can contain malicious links, but we aren’t always trained to spot them, and sometimes we assume the spam filters will take care of it for us. Email has become the weakest link, and it’s costing businesses big time.
Common misconceptions about hacking that makes you vulnerable and how to avoid them.
The US Government might be the latest victim of increasingly sophisticated global cyberattacks, but these breaches have long been a threat across all sectors.
By tricking victims into resetting their Apple ID and obtaining a 2FA one-time verification code, the scammers could access their MetaMask and drain the funds.
Well, if you want to hear something complicated, try to understand the relationship between Beyonce and Jay Z.
A lot of things happened in 2019 that lead people talking and caring more about their privacy online. You might hear a lot of people saying that there isn’t such a thing as privacy online. Our actions online are being monitored, we get personalized ads, that are not just influencing us to buy something, but even influences our political views, influences our values, our actions.
Contrary to what millennial work and communication habits may suggest, email is not dead. It is still an important part of both personal and enterprise communications.
This article will educate you about RaaS groups and protective measures against ransomware attacks.
One of the most significant Twitter hacks of all time has people shook to their core. The attack targeted some of the most influential accounts on Twitter and led some to question the platform's security capabilities.
Subdomain takeover or subdomain hijacking refers to a technique by which "unused" subdomains can be made to point to a location of the attacker's choice.
If you are a current or former Chase customer and familiar with those periodic "a secure message from Chase" email notifications, this one would've better caught your attention, if not your spam filter's. Thankfully for me, it was sent to a Gmail address I had not used with Chase online banking since 2014 or so. This instantly indicated the attackers had prior knowledge of my Gmail address having been used with Chase online banking in the past.
(Image by Reimund Bertrams from Pixabay)
Being steps ahead of cyber attackers matters a lot to companies. As good as this sounds, the required mechanism to deal with the cyber menace appreciates costs.
As the threat landscape encapsulating organizations and companies grows increasingly sophisticated, and harbors a growing number of threats and vulnerabilities- organizations are getting more accustomed to commonplace scams such as phishing.
Phone scams, aka Vishing, is an easy and popular method hackers use to trick people into giving out their personal information. These are a few common scams
While meeting in person with every potential business partner is probably the best way to confirm their identity, it is Impractical in our globalized economy.
In this article, we’re going to take a look at some of the most common ways that companies get hacked as well as some of the most famous examples.
The protection of your computer is becoming very important as more and more hackers learn how to make smarter invasions that would not be noticed at first.
As much as we’d like to think that tech will save us, the rapid advance of hacking capabilities shows that only a human approach is effective.
Emotet, which was once a Banking Trojan and became a full-blown botnet was the most successful and prevalent malware of 2020 by a long way.
It’s all too easy to feel superior to the rest of the world when you work in IT day in and day out. And it’s easy to judge “the common people” for falling victim to cybersecurity scams that your highly trained BS radars would flag in a hot second.
Machine learning is famous for its ability to analyze large data sets and identify patterns. It is basically a subset of artificial intelligence. Machine learning uses algorithms that leverages previous data-sets and statistical analysis to make assumptions and pass on judgments about behavior. The best part, software or computers powered by machine learning algorithms can perform functions that they have not been programmed to perform.
Cloud Computing gives phishers a new playground. This article is about Cloud Phishing — whether using the Cloud to do it or targeting the Cloud.
A Chinese threat group managed to hack into a Southeast Asian government by using disguised files to take advantage of a backdoor in the computer infrastructure
Phishing is a cheap technique for hackers to steal the victim’s data. Now I am telling you because it really happened to me. It took my most online privacy.
One of the most common and increasingly applied types of attacks relying on social engineering is phishing your kucoin account details such as passwords
Blockchain is undeniably useful to businesses, but it also has substantial limitations owing to particular security concerns. Here are the top five with fixes.
How to recognize phishing? Research studies show that users of different levels have a hard time figuring out if a website is real or fake. And how about you?
The CDC (The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention) classified “shopping at crowded stores just before, on or after Thanksgiving” on its list
Whatever the size of your organization, cybersecurity should be at the forefront of your mind. Find out how CFOs can prevent phishing attacks with cybersecurity
Malware protection should act the same way, as a set of shields that protect the entire browser from any type of malware, not just traditional threats.
An exposed and unsecured database from Cloud Application Hosting company Cloud Clusters, Inc. was discovered on October 5, 2020, containing more than 63 million records.This discovery was made by Jeremiah Fowler from Securethoughts. Among the records were username and password credentials for Magento, WordPress, and MySql.
Blockchains are less likely to be hacked than other systems since they are not centralized.
These unprecedented times have pushed us to adapt distinctive lifestyles contrary to what we’ve been used to for a millenia. Industries like finance, law, banking and the public sector where culture has traditionally frowned upon working-from-home, are compelled to succumb to such mandates out of necessity. As much rampant the unfortunate layoffs, hiring freezes, and budget cuts across travel and hospitality industries are, data breaches have been on a steady rise. And this is an important observation that we can’t afford to overlook.
Coronavirus-themed new registered domains showed how domain name registration behaviors can be linked back to the news.
Pegasus is the most sophisticated attack to date.
With increased hacking activity focused on vulnerable businesses and at-home employees, cybersecurity has become a major business priority.
A wise person learns from the mistakes of others. So let’s accumulate some wisdom and go over the biggest failures in the history of software.
Password managers are a convenient way to use strong, unique passwords everywhere. Another good thing about password managers is that they help protect you from malicious websites that attempt to "phish" passwords.
While Israel faces massive cyber attacks, Israel’s Ministry of Communications debates transferring invoices from mail to e-mail.
In this article, you will find the common types of financial fraud and how artificial intelligence is transforming fraud detection in financial services.
Employees know exactly how to act during a fire emergency, but what about a cybersecurity emergency? Here's how and why you should run cybersecurity drills.
A stolen credit card is unlikely to cost you huge monetary loss and will be a major hassle, which is why it’s critical to take precautions in the first place.
Cybersecurity is a high-stakes game. The effects of a data breach can echo for years, as companies become associated with being poor managers of personal data. In spite of the risks, the benefits of enterprise file sync and sharing (EFSS) services remain clear: enterprise organizations and SMBs alike can use cloud-based solutions to easily synchronize and share documents.
Web security is the process of protecting systems, networks, programs, devices, and data from cyber-attacks. It aims to reduce or stop the risk of cyber-attacks and protect against the unauthorized hijacking of systems, networks, and technologies.
With increasing dependency on the web and modernization of the industries moving to the cloud, data security and vulnerability to scams have become a major poin
It is not all just fun and games.
A walkthrough the different types of malware - from viruses to botnets, ransomware and phishing. Learn more and get protected!
A tech story centered around the looming issues of cybersecurity, cyber attacks, and the possible solutions in today's remote working ecosystem.
Never click any links or attachments in suspicious emails. If you receive a suspicious message from an organization and worry the message could be legitimate.
The reality of this situation is, no one can stop phishing completely. For sure, there are multiple steps a company can use anti-phishing protection.
Attackers initiated a phishing campaign with emails that masqueraded as Xerox scan notifications, prompting users to open a malicious HTML attachment.
The latest LinkedIn vulnerability can be exploited by con artists for massive phishing attacks, identity theft, and employment-related scams.
Is your business equipped to take on the escalating security threats of the digital age? If not, then a smart strategy is needed. Recent reports state that half of the businesses in the United States have reported a data breach.
In 2017, James Linton was working as a digital UX (User Experience) designer, with no idea what a few pranks over the next few months would lead to. Now, he wor
“Beware the Ides of March”, they say; and we should for good reason.
So you've been forced by your program director to take a course you didn't want to do. Let's say said course starts with 'A' and ends with 'ED'. Well you think, consoling yourself, at least I will make some new friends...
Making the transition to a work from home arrangement has been a heavy lift for a lot of organizations.
The approach of the new year is always a great time to revisit all the awesome things your SMB has achieved and pat yourself in the back about how great things are running.
David Mahdi gives advice on how identity-first security helps prevent no-click malware attacks from succeeding.
Over the last few days, website owners, specifically those hosting on GoDaddy, have been experiencing strange redirects to various websites.
Source: Pexels
Business is driven by the well-calculated balance between spending and earning, and even the most successful companies are in a constant search for ways to cut costs. But what’s often a “nice to have” for larger companies can be a matter of survival for startups and small family businesses, who are usually only able to spend money on the essentials.
With virtually every non-essential business forced to rely on new technology and embrace different ways of working, the coronavirus pandemic has presented organizations with numerous obstacles. While much attention has been paid to how companies can best navigate these challenges, it’s important that we also recognize another truth emerging from our new normal: enterprise security still leaves much to be desired.
More than 1,700 security breaches were reported in the first six months of 2021. This begs the question, are we actually safe on the internet?
“You’ve got mail,” doesn’t have the same ring as it used to. Today, we receive more electronic mail than ever; however, only a small amount of what’s received is expected to be there. Although securing the inbox has never been the primary purpose of electronic mail, platforms have begun taking initiatives to do so as phishing is on the rise. In the mind of a layman, terms such as “phishing,” “spam,” and “virus” are most likely interchangeable. While the terms are very similar, they are more-so layers of a cake- a domino effect. Today, phishing is on the rise, and at its peak use since its invention. The key to protecting your information from phishing is understanding it. Let’s begin with a few statistics.
There are several reports of threats and attacks on crypto wallets every day. You must be on the lookout to keep your investment safe and secure from hackers.
Despite billions of dollars being invested in cybersecurity technologies, the use of look-alike domains and counterfeit websites to trick people with phishing scams is on the rise. 🤷♂️
New Phishing Techniques and How to Avoid Them
The attack combines a one-on-one phone call with credible-looking phishing sites where the user is required to fill in their credentials and their MFA codes.
Digital transformation cannot be jettisoned for cybersecurity, a delicate balance must be reached by CIOs in their 2022 budgets for the two to co-exist.
The Internet is full of opportunities, useful information, entertainment, and dangers as well. To protect yourself from the latter, you need to follow certain safety rules. Read on to learn how to properly use a home or public Wi-Fi to avoid dangerous malware and protect personal data, and what is the role of nect MODEM in helping you do so.
You receive an email asking for your bank details or credit card information. It's urgent, but read this so that you do not become a victim of phishing.
Do you know what is the most favorite methodology of hackers to break into your security? These are not highly sophisticated zero-days or Advanced Persistent Threats (APTs).
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