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By @botbeat [ 5 Min read ] Explore how parrot training enhances black-box audio adversarial attacks on speaker recognition systems with minimal knowledge and no probing required. Read More.
By @viceasytiger [ 9 Min read ] The article delves into the details of the recent Google search API docs leak and its implications for content creators, website owners, and digital marketers. Read More.
By @pmukherjee [ 3 Min read ] User Reported Metrics, while important for assessing user perception, are difficult to operationalize due to their unstructured nature. Read More.
By @pixelperfectionist [ 13 Min read ] How can one improve the dataloader efficiency of torchs custom dataloader by using torch.multiprocessing in the case of 3D medical images. Read More.
By @karinakupp [ 6 Min read ]
How I launched my project Chill Subs spending only $6 on a domain and gaining 3000 followers on my brand new Twitter/X account in the first 3 days. Read More.
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