25 Products Google Sent To Their Graveyard: A Brief Historyby@bawa
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25 Products Google Sent To Their Graveyard: A Brief History

by Kunal May 6th, 2020
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Google is generally at innovation’s forefront, and a large number of its items and administrations have become industry pioneers. The tech goliath has created a couple of clunkers, yet Google doesn’t stop for a second to cut its misfortunes. Google Video was a free video facilitating administration that contended with YouTube. iGoogle was a customized, adjustable dispatch entry that bolstered intuitive “contraptions,” smaller than normal applications with custom news, schedules, games, statements, and that's just the beginning.

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Google is generally at innovation’s forefront, and a large number of its items and administrations have become industry pioneers. Be that as it may, not all things google conjures up goes to gold. The tech goliath has created a couple of clunkers, yet Google doesn’t stop for a second to cut its misfortunes. Here’s a voyage through the Google Graveyard, with a glance at certain items and administrations Google has executed off as the years progressed.

Google Clips Camera

The Google Clips smaller than normal clasp on camera was presented in 2017. The $249 {15,800 INR} gadget was an intriguing thought, consolidating man-made consciousness into a small, wide-edge camera whose reason for existing was to consequently catch real to life minutes, for example, with children and pets.

Too bad, Google Clips was a specialty item that never discovered its specialty. The gadget is being stopped and is not, at this point sold in Google’s online store. However, on the off chance that you are a Clips fan, cheer up. Google says it will bolster the gadget until December 2021.

Google Clips didn’t bite the dust futile. Clasps innovation will live on, joined into the Photobooth highlight of Pixel 3 cell phones.

Google PowerMeter

Google PowerMeter was a green innovation exertion that originated from Google’s magnanimous side, The product item, propelled in October of 2009, was intended to assist buyers with following their vitality use and even secretly rival neighbors for vitality reserve funds. A definitive objective was to help in a snappier rollout of shrewd networks.

The thought was extraordinary, however it might have shown up before now is the right time. Google PowerMeter didn’t scale as trusted and didn’t help keen lattice endeavors, so Google at last chose to concentrate on different tasks. Google PowerMeter was let go on September 16, 2011.


This item, presented in 2005, was initially called Google’s Personal Homepage. The name was changed to iGoogle in 2007. iGoogle was a customized, adjustable dispatch entry that bolstered intuitive “contraptions,” smaller than normal applications with custom news, schedules, games, statements, and that’s just the beginning.

Tragically, iGoogle was another contribution that was relatively revolutionary. As portable applications and other innovation burst onto the scene, clients had customized, ongoing data immediately accessible. The requirement for iGoogle disintegrated, and Google quit in 2013.

 Google Video

Google Video was a free video facilitating administration that contended with YouTube. Clients could transfer recordings and offer them for nothing or charge different clients to see them. To see a video you bought, you needed to download the Google Video Player.

The administration was not a success. Google wound up purchasing YouTube, and the Google Video administration inevitably shut off the capacity to charge for recordings. In 2011, Google additionally disassembled Google Video, expelling all recordings from the administration. In 2012, Google Video was gone; in its place is Google Videos, which is basically a web crawler for video records as opposed to a spot to convey them.

Helpouts by Google

Google Helpouts was a structure Google made for paid (and unpaid) Google Hangout discussions. This online coordinated effort administration highlighted clients sharing their aptitude by means of live video. Merchants would list their contributions (yoga, carpentry), and purchasers could scan for general subjects or explicit inquiries.

The administration essentially wasn’t sufficiently famous to legitimize its reality, and Google reassessed it in mid 2015.


SearchMash was a sandbox for Google search tests. Beginning in 2006, Google utilized it to test interfaces and search encounters. It wasn’t obvious why Google suspended the administration, yet it discreetly finished in 2008.

The main message clients got when attempting to visit the old site was that SearchMash has “gone the method for the dinosaurs.”

Google Reader 

This one hurt. Google Reader was a channel peruser that accumulated RSS and Atom channels. You could oversee takes care of, mark them, and search through them. It worked better than contending items from various perspectives, however the web developed away from feeds and more toward social sharing. Google reassessed the item in 2013.


In 2005, Google bought the long range informal communication telephone application Dodgeball. The area based help permitted clients to discover companions of companions, find companions inside a 10-square sweep, get cautions when “pulverizes” were close by, and find cafés.

While Dodgeball was imaginative for the time, Google didn’t appear to commit a ton of assets toward growing inclusion zones or highlights. It was accessible just in select urban communities. In the mean time, its rival Twitter developed in ubiquity and was accessible all over the place.

The first Dodgeball authors left the organization in 2007, and in 2009 Google reported the administration would be closed down.

Google Deskbar

Google Deskbar was a Windows application that let you dispatch a Google search straightforwardly from your work area taskbar. Google likely ended the product in light of the fact that another item, Google Desktop, did that and that’s just the beginning. Oh dear, Google Desktop additionally went to the Google Graveyard in 2001.

Nowadays most clients presumably have their programs open in any case, and Google is only a tick away.

Google Answers

Google Answers was a fascinating help that presented an online information showcase. The thought was to pay another person to discover the solution to your inquiry. You named the value you were eager to pay, and “analysts” found the response for the predetermined sum. At that point, both the inquiry and answer were posted on Google Answers.

The Google Answers paid methodology never took off. Google finished the capacity to pose inquiries in 2006 however kept the appropriate responses on the web. You can in any case peruse through them today.

Google Browser Sync

Google Browser Sync was a Firefox expansion that let you sync every one of your bookmarks, passwords, and settings between various programs on various PCs. It would even spare a similar open tabs, so utilizing another PC would be much the same as utilizing your last PC.

Google never refreshed Browser Sync for Firefox 3, and backing for Firefox 2 formally finished in 2008. Google chose to concentrate on different expansions, for example, Google Gears and Google Toolbar. Backing for Google Toolbar in the end finished as Google changed its concentration to Chrome.

Google X

Google X was a very brief Google Labs venture. It showed up in Google Labs and was brought down very quickly, without any remarks from Google.

Google X made the Google web index take after the Mac OS X dock interface. At the point when you moused over the distinctive Google devices, the image developed. The base content even stated, “Roses are red. Violets are blue. Operating system X rocks. Tribute to you.” Judging from the speedy and quiet expulsion of the administration, Apple might not have been complimented by this impersonation.

Picasa Hello

Hi was a texting administration from the group behind Picasa. It let you send pictures, which was not a normal IM work. Despite the fact that the thought was savvy, there wasn’t quite a bit of an interest for texting exclusively for sharing photographs.

Google authoritatively reassessed Hello in May of 2008.

Google Lively

From the earliest starting point, Lively appeared to be an odd fit for Google. This administration gave 3D talk rooms animation symbols and client created content. It was rarely a success, nor was it clear how Google could ever bring in cash from it. Include the expense of keeping up servers and designing help, and obviously Google Lively needed to go.

Google Page Creator

Google Page Creator was an online instrument for making and facilitating individual sites. It was anything but difficult to utilize and individuals appeared to like it. Be that as it may, after Google bought the wiki apparatus JotSpot, it was confronted with two comparative applications and a developing need to concentrate on gainfulness and web security.

JotSpot transformed into the Google Sites site building stage, and Page Creator got the hatchet in 2008; existing records moved to Google Sites.

 Google Catalogs

Google Catalogs began in 2001 as an inventory search instrument fittingly called Catalog Search. (The innovation behind Catalog Search in the long run prompted Google Book Search.)

List Search finished in 2009, and in 2011 Google Catalogs appeared, bringing the virtual inventories of significant retailers to clients.

Tsk-tsk, Google Catalogs became repetitive as retailers made their own online stores, and Google shut down the administration in 2015.

google share stuff   

Google Shared Stuff was a trial social-sharing instrument presented in September 2007. It let you bookmark pages you preferred and share those bookmarks with different clients. It spared a bookmark alongside a consequently created page rundown and a realistic from the page as a viewable sign.

You could likewise email connects or present your pick to other social bookmarking and social news locales simultaneously, including Digg,, and Facebook.

The administration was certifiably not a poorly conceived notion, yet there were at that point many comparative administrations previously settled in the commercial center when it propelled. It was likewise confusing why Shared Stuff didn’t connect to Google Bookmarks, a current component in Google Toolbar.

Whatever the purpose behind its downfall, Google Shared Stuff kicked the bucket on March 30, 2009, and Google Toolbar in the long run followed.

Google Wave

Google Wave was an imaginative new stage that Google presented at its I/O engineer gathering in 2009. The online correspondence and community altering apparatus even got an overwhelming applause from the participants.

While Google had wanted to change email and gathering coordinated effort with the device, most clients didn’t get it and barely any clients accomplished more than make a record. It didn’t assist that With googling presented the instrument with a fresh out of the box new jargon, for example, “blips” and “wavelets.”

Instead of proceed with advancement on Google Wave, Google chose to utilize a portion of its usefulness in existing devices and leave different segments accessible for conceivable improvement by the open-source network.

Google Nexus One

The Nexus One telephone was the first Google Phone, appearing in January of 2010 in the midst of much ballyhoo. Google planned to change the telephone business. It utilized Google’s Android OS and the most recent HTC equipment, including an excellent touchscreen and a five-megapixel camera with streak.

What turned out badly? It might have been the business model. Google sold the telephone solely from its site in the United States. The organization urged clients to purchase the telephone at the maximum and buy a different information plan. Be that as it may, U.S. purchasers liked to get a transporter sponsored telephone with a two-year contract. There were likewise issues with client service, as Google at first needed to deal with it through email and gatherings as opposed to giving a client care telephone line.

The Nexus One was not an immense deals achievement. When Google could have changed to customary retail deals, there were better Android telephones available. Google said it achieved its objectives with the Nexus One and in this way didn’t have to present a Nexus Two.

Google finished web deals of the telephone in July of 2010.

Google Health

Google Health was propelled in 2008 when Google got together with the Cleveland Clinic to permit patients to move their information into Google’s electronic wellbeing data stockpiling administration. It wasn’t without debate, as pundits rushed to bring up that Google was not liable to HIPPA guidelines. Google demanded that its current security guidelines were adequate, however the normal American couldn’t consider for what reason they’d need something like this. It didn’t help that there were just constrained suppliers who might naturally move wellbeing data into the administration.

Google added the capacity to track and chart pretty much anything, for example, weight, circulatory strain, and rest, yet it wasn’t sufficient. The administration didn’t get on, and Google chose to nix it in 2011. The administration finished officially in 2012.


GOOG-411 was a creative telephone index administration propelled in 2007. You could call 1-800-GOOG-411 from U.S. what’s more, Canadian telephones to get mechanized professional listing administration. You could likewise request that the administration send you a guide or instant message or interface you to a business by telephone.

Ok, yet there was a trick. The administration was furnished for nothing without any advertisements or some other income source since Google just needed guests for their phonemes. The administration was an approach to namelessly gather vocal examples from an enormous populace of North American guests and train Google’s discourse acknowledgment apparatuses.

By 2010, Google had created refined discourse acknowledgment apparatuses that could interpret YouTube recordings and Google Voice calls and perceive voice orders on telephones. The cash losing index administration was not, at this point essential.

In October 2010, Google declared that GOOG-411 would end in November of that year.

Google Gears

Google Gears was an internet browser expansion that permitted disconnected access to some online applications by downloading information to your hard drive. Google Gears didn’t simply make online instruments work disconnected, it likewise took into consideration improved online usefulness.

In any case, with extended HTML5 abilities in Chrome, Google chose to bid farewell to Gears in 2011. Its strategic to empower all the more remarkable web applications, and the organization felt the undertaking was at last a triumph.


Postini was an independent cloud-based item that gave email security, spam separating, texting security, and email-chronicling administrations. In 2007, Google gained Postini for $625 million in real money, and in May of 2015, Google finished the administration as an independently marked item. Every single existing client were coordinated to Google for Work, which is presently known as G Suite.

Google Pack

Google Pack was packaged up, so you could download a lot of valuable applications at the same time. It likewise frequently included applications with the expectation of complimentary that regularly cost cash. At a certain point, Google Pack included Star Office, which was a business adaptation of Open Office. Counting it for nothing was an immediate shot at Microsoft and the huge piece of cash the organization makes from selling Microsoft Office.

The arrangement with Star Office was impermanent, however Star Office was inevitably suspended. Google’s relationship with Oracle further weakened when Oracle sued Google over the Java utilized in Android. In the mean time, Google currently stresses its online word processor, Google Docs, and the organization trusts that it and the remainder of Google Apps in the long run supplant Star Office in the hearts and psyches of clients.


Quickoffice used to be the most helpful versatile office application you could download. Things change, and Google has quit supporting it. Quickoffice started in 1997 and was purchased and sold a few times throughout the years, at long last arriving at Google in 2012. Quickoffice offered Microsoft Office and Excel similarity for Palm OS, HP webOS, Symbian, Blackberry, Android, iOS, and pretty much every other portable stage discharged since the first Palm Pilot PDA.

Nowadays, the versatile variant of Google Drive offers Office similarity and altering highlights that make Quickoffice superfluous. QuickOffice isn’t totally gone (yet). It’s simply unsupported, inaccessible for download, and won’t get further updates.