Let's learn about Monitoring via these 171 free stories. They are ordered by most time reading created on HackerNoon. Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.
It's important to keep an eye on your software...
The Debugging Writing Contest is sponsored by our good friends at Sentry. Share your debugging stories and win from $1000 monthly prize pool!
A memory error occurs when an operation runs out of memory. It’s most likely because you’re using a 32-bit Python version.
The reason why you should regularly declutter your code is that doing so saves you from having confusing bugs that are caused by unwanted pieces of code.
Software development is a very lengthy process. It includes a lot of research and design, which is necessary for the project's success
A software engineer codes for 18 months and builds a SaaS. He thinks he knows how to improve end-to-end testing.
As a backend developer, I always need to monitor something. State machine in the database, records count, message queue lag, custom application metrics, system performance, progress of my deployment scripts. Tons of stuff!
Let’s look at some most frequent monitoring challenges that engineers face, along with monitoring IT tools and how these can be resolved.
Your prometheus monitoring setup is grinding to a halt? You've thrown too much data at it? Don't worry, there's ways to fix this.
Stop passive learning and hack your growth with a mentor
SMS tracker apps come with a wide range of valuable features, and they are usually quick and easy to install.
AWS just released CloudWatch Synthetic service a few days ago.
Kubernetes or auto scaling can create a bit of mess in your monitoring data. Learn how to monitor your Laravel application by services instead of hostnames.
<em>How, working in the shadows of the internet, researchers developed a passive monitoring system that might soon make Big Tech companies accountable to the public — and even save democracy.</em>
The idea of this post is to outline the most important aspects of accessibility, that’s why please treat it more like a cheat sheet than a compendium.
Cerbos is an open-source decoupled access control for your software making user permissions and authorization simple to implement and manage.
In this article, you will find some tips to streamline and improve your Agile testing strategy.
From preventing negative outcome to streamlining the entire development cycle, risk management play significant role. Read the blog to learn more.
Learn how to make Java classes more consistent with a minimal effort.
Reviewing pull requests can and should be easy. But are your pull requests reviewed properly?
Apache Flink monitoring support is now available in the open source OpenTelemetry collector.
Continuous monitoring gives organizations near-instantaneous feedback and insights into performance, environments, and interactions across the DevOps pipeline.
Part One: ClickHouse Failures, by Marcel Birkner
Write about a time when you struggled (and later, triumphed!) to identify a bug or performance issue.
Today I would like to talk about how you can optimize work with JPA repositories and improve performance by avoiding native SQL queries in the code.
In Vue, we sometimes want to watch for changes of properties within properties. In this guide, let's look at how to watch for nested changes in Vue.
If you use Windows, you want to monitor Windows Events. I'll show you how to easily monitor Windows Events with OpenTelemetry.
Sidekick is a live application debugger that lets you troubleshoot your applications while they keep on running. Here is how you can start using it in 5 minutes
There are many benchmarks that compare the performance and rendering speed of XML and compose.
Scrum is a set of rules for organizing a flexible workflow, which consists of a team approach, working in iterations, focusing on the goal of each iteration.
Not so long ago, a job requirement pushed me into the world of FaaS, and I was thrilled. I had dreams of abstraction — eliminating all that tedious work no developer likes doing. “We are not operations engineers!” I exclaimed proudly. “We should not need to dabble in the dark arts of the Linux Shell.”
Debugging is a means to tackle problems but what if it is possible to solve debugging itself?
Due to their asynchronous nature and production complexities debugging messaging systems is remarkably hard... WAS remarkably hard...
If you have a team of programmers, but there is still no QA specialist, read the article to learn about why building a successful startup needs a QA specialist.
An article focused on deep diving into observability and its significance in software. Its history, goals, the importance of observability, and the issues that
This is a write up for solving the picoCTF challenge 'ropfu' in binary exploitation category.
Here's why you need to know TDD craft.
Monitoring your HTTP APIs can transform your decision process with actionable information instead of guessing around user complaints and high bills.
When building a WLAN infrastructure, you need to make a precise analysis of the bandwidth requirements to balance performance and cost correctly. Bandwidth plays a fundamental role in the design and maintenance of a functional network.
Hey Hackers! Do you have a kick-ass software performance story to share? Here’s your chance to win money from a $1000 monthly prize pool.
Monitoring has been a basic system to track the health of servers for years. Now it is not enough.
Parsing is a major source of production failures. Some are easy to track but some are insidious. Here's how you can debug them on the fly!
I've reviewed how to deploy KubeCF on EKS, which gives you a nice, stable deployment of KubeCF, for cost. Now let's run KubeCF on your Mac for free(ish)!
Learn what and how to monitor AWS AppSync to manage your APIs for GraphQL, effectively log changes made in your apps and other essential features for devs.
Web automation is one of the best ways companies can test a product in development, especially the app's functionalities, such as clicking, scrolling...
You are reading this content, which means that you are not novice to the microservices field. So let me just scratch the surface of it before moving to Observable Microservices. Once upon a time Monolith Application was now transformed into Microservices based application.
Observability vs. monitoring, what is the difference? Monitoring is the what to observability’s why. Here we dig into the differences.
RAM profiling has its strengths and weaknesses. The debugger is the perfect complementary tool that translates obtuse statistics to actionable changes
Michael Bargury spent years working on cloud security at Microsoft, bootstrapping security products that tackle emerging threats like IoT, APIs and IaC.
Microservices exponentially increase the number of connections and remote work is the norm - how do we ensure tightly integrated components play well together?
Monitoring is a crucial part of observability. Learn how monitoring can specifically improve security, performance, and reliability.
Did you ever find a test where the mock data was a bunch of meaningless "test" strings and 123 integer values? Yeah, me too — and it sucks.
Simple steps to create an Analogue Clock project with HTML, CSS, and JS and what the project can teach you about the development process and documentation.
This post will introduce the idea of Lua-land CPU flame graphs and use OpenResty XRay to produce real flame graphs for several small and standalone Lua examples
We trust our metrics to show us the status of our system and where it misbehaves. But do our metrics show us what really happened?
Outside of the language itself, collections are the most basic building block for Java applications. How do we expose them for debugging?
In this article, you'll learn how to utilize git reflog to re-organize and rewrite your Git commit history effectively and easily.
API (an abbreviation of Application Programming Interface) is a special interface (a set of commands/controls) that is designed for the interaction of different
The first ML Value Chain Landscape shaped by ML practitioners
Enums, short for Enumerations, are preset constants that can be defined by a developer for use elsewhere in the code.
Hi, I'm Valerio, software engineer from Italy.
April's winners of the Debugging Writing Contest, held by HackerNoon and Sentry! Take part to win money from a US$1000 prize pool with 4 winners each month!
Exceptions and wordforms are two useful tools built into Manticore Search, which you can use to improve search recall and precision.
The wait is over. The Round 2 results for Debugging Writing Contest held with Sentry are here!!
If you ever find yourself deciding for or against serverless the following tries to make the decision easier for you.
Logging and Monitoring… this I tell you, brother. You can't have one without the other.
Creating purpose-driven microservices should always be a goal. Find out how Render Blueprints can offer a reproducible microservices strategy.
In this article, I will show you how to build such a pipeline for processing and storing Kubernetes cluster events.
Chrome dev tools are a must have tools for modern day developers. Take your first step learning chrome dev tools by learning source debugger.
Which application metrics should you collect for your microservices?
Check out top factors you need to consider when choosing IT monitoring tool. Learn how to pick the best solution for your business.
Round 3, here we go!! Let’s see the June winners of the Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry!
Connect to remote processes to solve bugs using remote debugging and observability. Learn how you can securely scale your debugging to match growth.
The last thing a business wants is to be known as an unreliable and poorly performing service, especially if there are similar solutions a few clicks away.
In order to leverage observability we need a significant shift in our corporate culture that encapsulates the entire company & goes beyond the tools.
Cloud computing is becoming more and more of a household name, with even the most conservative fields of business figuring out how to make the best use of it. Cloud computing usually starts with running a private cloud solution on premises before venturing onto the public cloud. Of course, the cloud is not a single uniform being. It may come from different providers, Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, and Microsoft Azure being the biggest players here. Or it may come with different visibility and hosting, that is, public (resides with the provider), private (self-hosted), or hybrid (which uses a bit of both). And the cloud can use different tools and APIs for management as well.
Heyo! Here we are with the Round 4 of the Debugging Writing Contest powered by Sentry and HackerNoon!
An easy tutorial showcasing the power of puppeteer and browserless. Scrape Google Shopping to gather prices of specific items automatically!
Writing code that works when everything works as expected can be termed as Happy Path coding. It is a very good start. An experienced developer actually thinks all possible use cases and corner cases and make sure his code informs the users of the application even when an unexpected error happens. This level of coding is brilliant and the most wanted way to operate in Software Engineering.
Learn how to improve the performance of a Spring application and diagnose problems in production. Lessons from our live workshop covering JPA!
Learn a new codebase by diving into it with debuggers to understand the full extent of internal semantics & interactions within the project.
Grafana Loki logging system architecture and components, its setup in Kubernetes from the Helm chart with AWS S3 as Single Store and boltdb-shipper for indexes.
Common testing pitfalls and how to solve them.
Why does our metric data volume and our bill get out of control? How is it related to cardinality? And how can DevOps and SRE proactively manage it?
Hey Hackers! Sentry & HackerNoon are super excited to host a Debugging Writing Contest! Here’s your chance to win money from a $1000 monthly prize pool.
In my previous article, I talked about the importance of logs and the differences between structured and unstructured logging. Logs are easy to integrate into your application and provide the ability to represent any type of data in the form of strings.
Logging and Monitoring… this I tell you, brother. You can't have one without the other.
The best way to implement the observer pattern - using transaction logs of databases.
In this article, I’ll show you a simplified way to configure a critical open-source component, Zookeeper.
Inspecting the data in the watch quickly is key to a fast and effective debugging session. Here's how you can see the data that's important instantly!
Bugs, like code, can be baffling and intricate. Why is there a random part of the screen glitching for no apparent reason? Is it the Matrix, your code, both?
Hi I'm Valerio, software engineer from Italy and CTO at Inspector.
“Beware the Ides of March”, they say; and we should for good reason.
Monitor Key Nginx Metrics with Grafana
Node.js monitoring is a tricky task. There are certain challenges to look out for. Because Node.js is a dynamically typed programming language and single-threaded you give the interpreter and runtime a lot of freedom to make decisions. This can easily result in memory leaks and high CPU loads. Parallel execution is simulated in Node.js by using asynchronous execution of functions. But, if a single function blocks the thread or event queue, the application performance will take a huge hit.
In this article I would show you how to turn on analytics in the dark side of your application: "background Jobs and scheduled Artisan commands execution".
Running any application in production assumes reliable monitoring to be in place and serverless applications are no exception.
Debugging in practice means getting lost on tangents, trying to look good in front of your subordinates and doing just a little bit of debugging on the side.
Here are the nominees and winners for the 5th Round (August 2022) of Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry and HackerNoon.
In the common paradigm, dedicated QA teams solely focus on product quality. QAOps enables an efficient quality assurance process.
Ten years ago NewRelic, DataDog, Splunk, Dynatrace and SolarWinds built tools we loved to use. They were easy to implement and solved problems quickly and efficiently. Each company was known primarily for a single, well-conceived product. NewRelic’s APM. Splunk’s log file analyzer. DataDog’s server monitor. SolarWinds’ network performance monitor. These companies were beloved by users during the 2000s.
Many companies today install various tracking apps on their employees’ computers and check if their team members are productive during the working day. Such an extreme approach to monitoring what the staff is doing is due to the lack of employees’ efficiency at the workplace and to the employer’s desire to prevent data leakage and other unwanted actions. Before we go through the list of the most popular and effective programs to monitor employees’ activities at the workplace, let’s take a look at the most efficient ways to find out if your company is monitoring you.
When I started working on a start-up nine months ago, this statement didn’t satisfy me or my co-founders:
How to Fix iOS 16 Problems, Bugs and Issues - A Simple Guide.
Don’t you just hate it when APIs are failing and you have absolutely no clue why? Now imagine you don’t have access to the VM, cluster or container where your software is running. Want me to continue with this nightmare?
Monitoring vs Observability: in this article, we're explaining what is observability exactly and how does it differ from monitoring.
Technology touches almost every corner of the world economy. Even when it’s an indirect relation, in many cases tech is an essential, vital part of our societies. It just can’t fail without causing too much distress and losses. Not only financially, but especially to the human aspect.
In this article we will review some best practices and must-have libraries which will get your unit tests to the next level.
please delete this
At Bearer, we are a polyglot engineering team. Both in spoken languages and programming languages. Our stack is made up of services written in Node.js, Ruby, Elixir, and a handful of others in addition to all the languages our agent library supports. Like most teams, we balance using the right tool for the job with using the right tool for the time.
As we look forward to 2021, Synthetic Monitoring continues to be as important as ever in understanding the performance of your app or website. But your synthetic monitoring is only as good as the tool you're using and there are a lot of product choices. Since selecting the best one for you is critical, the choice can be overwhelming. Price, setup ease, accuracy, and more play a part in the best solution.
Production is failing and everything is lost? That used to be the case. Fail whale, hysteria and panic. Developer observability fixes this!
Just because we do something one way, doesn’t always mean it is the right way … or even the best way.
Tired of debugging your application to find out its database dependencies? There is a smarter way to track them with OpenTelemetry.
Many clients have asked me “how do I record custom metrics from Lambda?”.
A step-by-step description of how to create an AWS Lambda to convert Cloudwatch LogInsights into metrics
Dealing with real-life problems has always been challenging, but now, you must know how to deal with digital negative consequences, or your kids can interact with digital dangers. Parents often do not take the internet dangers seriously, and their children have to face such issues later. You can also make many things possible using technology, but if you know how to make everything possible.
A good app is one that can perform better and these performances are tested through some performance matrices which are highlighted here.
This post describes how to use ShardingSphere-Proxy and what's its differences with ShardingSphere-JDBC.
Observability is a best practice implemented by AIOps, enabling automation and expanding visibility into the entire organizational ecosystem.
Learm how a serverless monitoring solution can catch problems for you without the painful learning curve connected to serverless failure detection.
If you use Microsoft Hyper-V every day, you may want to spend some time producing and analyzing reports. Monitoring and reporting can help optimize VMs.
Cloud rose to fame on the banner of cutting costs but with its tremendous growth the spend is rocketing. Learn how you can cut down overspend.
Monitor your application in production or locally. Understand what's going on under the hood while debugging & change application settings on the fly.
Software testing is a tech job that doesn’t get as much attention as it deserves.
There are a lot of dangerous things your child might be getting into. Digitalization has been a boon for industries, but some teenagers use the same technology that can lead them to dire consequences. Your teen uses different social media platforms and messaging apps to stay connected with their friends. They share photos on Instagram, message friends through WhatsApp, always share their current location on Facebook. But teens don’t always make the wisest decision. This is when parental control apps like FamiSafe comes into play.
New York City (NYC) taxi rides are probably the most commonly used benchmark in the area of data analytics.
As many of you are no doubt aware, it’s not easy to find a modern consumer-grade computer today that would have a classic serial port. However, just because laptop makers stopped adding them doesn’t mean the legacy ports are no longer used nowadays. Being an essential part of medical and networking equipment, serial ports can still be found on a large number of old and new useful devices.
The similarities and differences between monitoring and observability and how to pair the two strategies
Lambda debugging can take hours to resolve. Learn these time-saving methods to quickly scan logs and errors in your Lambda functions
Have you ever desired to watch your code running, instead of just imagining it?
The famous story about Quake, kiełbasa, pierogi, debugging and the birth of a new career in a small city in the middle of Poland that you were looking for
Before you start reading this article, hit ALT+CONTROL+DELETE, then click on your task manager, and make a note of the CPU and Memory usage of Google Chrome.
We heard of Prometheus being an open-source solution for system monitoring, thanks to SoundCloud. But what are its other use cases? How is it being leveraged?
Check out these two NEW writing contests ON NOW!
Smart Contracts Monitoring Platform Tenderly has added support for RSK. Developers working with RSK can now make use of Tenderly’s seamless tools.
How to set up a repository with Docker 'from scratch' to develop PHP 8.1 applications in 2022.
Should you increase Lambda memory? It might sound crazy, but increasing your AWS Lambda memory could actually lower your bills. Find out how.
For engineers that are used to imperative languages like Javascript or Python, Rego can look a bit foreign. Here's a few tips for getting started.
In machine learning, it is crucial to have a large amount of data in order to achieve strong model performance. Using a method known as data augmentation, you can create more data for your machine learning project. Data augmentation is a collection of techniques that manage the process of automatically generating high-quality data on top of existing data.
With the global tech giants like Google, Amazon, and Netflix pioneering the adoption of DevOps and SRE, their ROI has grown in leaps and bounds.
we will discuss a few methods to get rid of (to disable) the “Google’s Search activity, Search settings, disable Your data on Search”.
Over-viewing common coding pitfalls we've encountered when we started to use GoLang for production systems
Did you know roughly half of the users that visit your website leave if it takes more than 3 seconds to load? Optimizing your website or webapp for stellar performance is always a crucial goal for any software-based business.
Heartbeat.sh provides one of the simplest ways to monitor your servers and processes for free. If I want to monitor a service, I can monitor it by simply sending an HTTP POST request to my heartbeat.sh server, and voila, my service is being monitored! I will show you how to do this in three easy steps.
Piece by piece, legacy monolith applications are being broken down and replaced by microservices.
Explaining how property-based testing libraries like hypothesis shrink random values to make them easier to understand and debug.
Website speed testing is important. There’s no one-size-fits-all solution when it comes to website speed, but here are some common issues people face.
There is nothing new in saying that startups leverage Big Data and AI to develop more innovative business models.
This post was written by Dean Record, Engineer at Goji Investments.
How to set up automated alerts and always be aware of your platform's performance.
Heroku differentiates itself from other cloud providers, by offering a complete, cohesive environment. Where AWS and GCP present a decoupled toolkit, Heroku strives for a seamless, UI-driven experience for the user. This philosophy is clearly embodied in its metrics functionality, which is often a single click or basic configuration file away.
Ever wondered how to debug inside a Docker Container? Learn how to use remote debugging to debug remotely in a docker container.
The concept of instrumentation often refers to tracing where events happen in an application. Many application performance monitoring (APM) tools use it to provide metrics on the inner workings of your application. But sometimes, all you really need are details about API calls.
In the past few months, I have been playing around with different kinds of IoT devices and sensors. I quite enjoy how these can be used to monitor different things like humidity, temperature, pressure among other things in the house. In this tutorial, I want to show you how you can monitor sensor readings in a database and send alerts when it crosses a threshold value using n8n workflows.
Delight is an open-source an cross-platform monitoring dashboard for Apache Spark with memory & CPU metrics complementing the Spark UI and Spark History Server.
In this article, you will learn how to set up a Heroku Postgres database with Librato for automated monitoring.
All engineering teams strive to build the best product they can as quickly as possible. Some, though, stumble into a false dichotomy of choosing between speed and quality. While that choice may have been necessary in the past, it’s not the case today.
Create immutable object java. The best way to create Immutable object. Reliable Objects Java
Covering the basics
In this article, I’ll show you how to create Assets Monitor with Python3.7 + Serverless lambda
Monitoring microservices and cloud-native systems is challenging. In this article: which open source is best suited in Kubernetes environments?
Learn about the best practices for AWS Cloudwatch Alerts and Dashbird Alarms, to not miss out on critical info about your serverless app.
YAAAASSSSS, it’s the Finale! Welcome to the final round results of the Debugging Writing Contest by Sentry!
The Challenge
Learn to use OpenTelemetry to monitor and identify the database issues in your application and remediate them to optimise your database operations quickly.
In previous episodes, we showed some heuristics to find not-so-good code.
A guide to help you set up Google Analytics 4 on your Next.js website.
There’s a short answer, and a long answer. The short answer, that will satisfy your needs in the vast majority of cases, is:
Arthur Tkachenko is releasing a React component-based design system for email templates.
In this article, we first explain the requirements for monitoring your big data analytics pipeline and then we go into the key aspects that you need to consider to build a system that provides holistic observability.
Thank you for checking out the 171 most read stories about Monitoring on HackerNoon.
Visit the /Learn Repo to find the most read stories about any technology.