The Significance of Using a Standardized QA Procedureby@rshar
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The Significance of Using a Standardized QA Procedure

by Rashmi SharmaAugust 14th, 2021
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The significance of standardization of the quality assurance procedure cannot be overlooked. Many companies still believe that implementing standardization is a tedious task. The companies that are reluctant to implement this process end up wasting their money and time. However, bringing standardization into your quality assurance process is both positive and fruitful. It is evident that standardization enhances the efficiency of the QA process. It is important to standardize data management and code standards that pin-points and resolve issues created by inefficiencies. It makes it easier to transfer test results from engineering to the production department.

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The significance of standardization of the quality assurance procedure cannot be overlooked. However, many companies still believe that implementing standardization in the quality assurance procedure is a tedious task.

Few common reasons are:

  • Not getting consensus from employees
  • Conflicts in the company
  • Push-back from employees

By standardization, we do not expect you to do expensive changes in your complete quality assurance procedure. In fact, as per research, it has been observed that you should implement manageable and smaller standards. This incorporates data management and code standards that pin-points and resolve issues created by inefficiencies.

It is a common misperception among companies that standardization is a complicated task. Therefore, companies that are reluctant to implement this process end up wasting their money and time. In fact, without this, effective testing system solutions cannot be shared and reused by the departments.

Production and engineering teams probably have different testing requirements. However, bringing standardization into your quality assurance process is both positive and fruitful.

Here are four reasons highlighting the importance of QA standardization.

It Makes Easier To Transfer Test Results

It becomes easier for the companies to transfer test results from engineering to the production department.

Sharing valuable and important results from testing data becomes extremely difficult if there is no standardized format for test data. By implementing this, there will be easy inter-department communication.

The easiest way to attain this is by standardizing the data formats and saving data in their desired formats like spreadsheets and text files. It is advised to create a data abstraction layer to attain standardization and share the test data amongst the concerned departments.

Creating Data Reusability

Reusing testing solutions can enable your company to build reworks for team members developing the latest test systems. If you don’t reuse testing solutions, every time your engineering or production test departments are required to swap an old test system. Valuable resources and time is allocated to developing new solutions.

By implementing a standardized process, transferring to the new test system is streamlined. This is because; databases, hardware, and software can be used again in the database, hardware, and software. This is reused in the later stages of deployment and design.

Save Time and Costs

It is evident that via the standardization process, simplification occurs, which leads to saving costs and time. Standardized quality assurance procedure enables the companies to reduce downtime events and operation costs. This is because they are progressively and efficiently resolving testing issues via standardization.

Standardizing the quality assurance procedure enables you to amalgamate the time to introduce your product to the market. This is because the testing team is not drained by designing a whole new QA procedure. You already have processes and standards to make development and deployment easier and faster.

It Guarantees Quality

By manufacturing testing, you can bring quality to your end-users. However, in the absence of a standardized quality assurance procedure, product quality cannot be guaranteed. Implementing standardization will enable you to start testing every part or product in the same manner- irrespective of which production plant or line the part or product is made at.


The main aim of putting up this article on the blog of software testing lead is to bring in the knowledge, the significance of standardization of quality assurance procedure for the software testing companies.

It is evident that standardization enhances the efficiency of the QA process. The companies that are still reluctant to implement it must consider these points.