2. Related Works
2.1. 2D Diffusion Models for 3D Generation
2.2. 3D Generative Models and 2.3. Multi-view Diffusion Models
3. Problem Formulation
3.2. The Distribution of 3D Assets
4. Method and 4.1. Consistent Multi-view Generation
5. Experiments
5.4. Single View Reconstruction
5.5. Novel View Synthesis and 5.6. Discussions
6. Conclusions and Future Works, Acknowledgements and References
Diffusion models [22, 52] are first proposed to gradually recover images from a specifically designed degradation process, where a forward Markov chain and a Reverse Markov chain are adopted.
Given a sample z0 drawn from the data distribution p(z), the forward process of denoising diffusion models yields a sequence of noised data {zt | t ∈ (0, T)} with zt = αtz0 + σtϵ, where ϵ is random noise drawn from distribution N (0, 1), and αt, σt are fixed sequence of the noise schedule. The forward process will be iteratively applied to the target image until the image becomes complete Gaussian noise at the end.
On the contrary, the reverse chain then is employed to iteratively denoise the corrupted image, i.e., recovering zt−1 from zt by predicting the added random noise ϵ. The readers can refer to [22, 52] for more details about image diffusion models.
This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 DEED license.
(1) Xiaoxiao Long, The University of Hong Kong, VAST, MPI Informatik and Equal Contributions;
(2) Yuan-Chen Guo, Tsinghua University, VAST and Equal Contributions;
(3) Cheng Lin, The University of Hong Kong with Corresponding authors;
(4) Yuan Liu, The University of Hong Kong;
(5) Zhiyang Dou, The University of Hong Kong;
(6) Lingjie Liu, University of Pennsylvania;
(7) Yuexin Ma, Shanghai Tech University;
(8) Song-Hai Zhang, The University of Hong Kong;
(9) Marc Habermann, MPI Informatik;
(10) Christian Theobalt, MPI Informatik;
(11) Wenping Wang, Texas A&M University with Corresponding authors.