Why I am leaving Google for blockchain endeavorsby@alexfeinberg
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Why I am leaving Google for blockchain endeavors

by Alex Feinberg5mJanuary 23rd, 2018
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A crazy thing happened over winter break. A fintech company that, at Thanksgiving, held the valuation of a regional bank, grew to nearly attain the valuation of Goldman Sachs by New Year’s Day. It took Goldman Sachs nearly 150 years to attain the valuation that Ripple achieved in one month through the opportunistic marketing of their XRP token. Is this sustainable? Absolutely not in the medium term. But what it means is that every fintech company looking for an exit will look to offer their version of XRP and billions more in capital will flood into San Francisco and other cryptocurrency heavy cities. It’s as inevitable as gambling is addictive. Bay Area locals are familiar with the explosive growth of real estate prices and the general cost of living following the IPOs of Facebook, Twitter, and Square, as well as the growth of unicorns like Uber and Lyft. It’s very conceivable that a similar amount of capital will chase upcoming token sales and cause a subsequently similar lift in real estate and general consumer prices.

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Alex Feinberg


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