Why Bitcoin fears Quantum Computers — and IOTA doesn’tby@iotasuppoter
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Why Bitcoin fears Quantum Computers — and IOTA doesn’t

by Chris Mueller (aka IOTASUPPORTER)7mJanuary 10th, 2018
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If there is one thing which can cause real trouble to the whole Blockchain sphere it certainly is Quantum Computing. The new technology gives access to a lot more computing power than we have ever had before which could also be used for cracking the security systems of Bitcoin and the likes: At the CES 2018 it could be seen that this new kind of processor is not a thing of the future anymore, but its development is <strong>rapidly making progress</strong> (<a href="" target="_blank">Intel</a> has just announced a ‘<a href="" target="_blank">major breakthrough</a>’). IOTA is striving to be the new base layer for the whole Internet of Things (IoT), a whole new ecosystem with millions and billions of connected devices and transactions — of course, such a network must be safe from attacks, also from attacks from Quantum Computers. I shall argue that IOTA — in contrast to Bitcoin and the likes- is using an underlying architecture which makes it safe from malicious attacks carried out by Quantum computers.

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Chris Mueller (aka IOTASUPPORTER)

Chris Mueller (aka IOTASUPPORTER)


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Chris Mueller (aka IOTASUPPORTER)@iotasuppoter



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