The Duty of American Women to Their Country by Catharine Esther Beecher, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. The following is from E. C. Delavan, Esq., who has devoted so much of his time for several years to the cause of Temperance.
The importance of the question of national education cannot be overrated. In a selfish point of view, the old states could well afford to be taxed a million a year to enlighten the new, but they will not see it or feel it, I fear, until it is too late; yet much can be done. When leading minds are suitably impressed, the mass will be. Under God, the press is the great instrument that must be used, and a long time before the mass will move. It appears to me that the first step to be taken is to interest men in all parts of the Union to feed the political and religious press. Then, when the public mind is aroused, talents and means will be found to take hold practically.
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This book is part of the public domain. Catharine Esther Beecher (2016). The Duty of American Women to Their Country. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved
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