I just got back from a Blockchain meetup. And boy am I pumped. Its 9:15 today, and I’ve been basically working from 7:00A.M. but I REALLY need to get these thoughts out of my head, before I lose my stoke. So here. we. go.
Chatting before the meetup starts.
Close your eyes. Breathe. Imagine the world 10 years from now. What does it look like, in terms of blockchain? This was what the panelist asked.
No caption needed.
I imagine a world where there is a GLOBAL PUBLIC DASHBOARD that everyone sees in real time, where people can instantly donate to the charity of their choice, and see their contribution on the scoreboard. Furthermore, people can provide disaster relief instantaneously, and see their contribution on the global scoreboard. — Connie Gallippi, the CEO and Founder of BitGive foundation
Wow. That really struck home for me. How cool would that be? It would literally gameify giving money. (P.S. Gameify means to make into a game.) I mean, that’s pretty cool to me, I don’t know about you. Connie is working on a donation platform which enables nonprofits to provide transparency to donors by sharing financial information and results in real time.
Photo by Allef Vinicius on Unsplash
Another interesting use case that came up at the meet up is from Adeoye Ojo, within the market of remittance. Imagine your father is overseas, in a foreign country, and he has a large medical bill he needs to pay, and he needs your help. What do you do? The fees to transfer money are usually around 7–10% of the total value. Are you kidding me? You mean that if I send $10,000, I’m going to lose $1,000 of it? Yup. Not only that, the payment can take up to 48 hours to actually go through. This is where SureRemit comes in. This company uses the RMT token to enable users to send e-vouchers that are used to purchase goods and services at certain merchants. The top things to know about SureRemit:
Photo by Arnaud Jaegers on Unsplash
How to get blockchain to the next level.
Food for Thought: What if you get crypto tokens from attending a FREE meetup?
Again, thanks for reading. I’m tired, and I want to play some Call of Duty. Horea Blockchain out.