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A seasoned blockchain journalist & consultant keenly interested in crypto stories and interviews.
Howdy Hackers!
I’m Olayimika Oyebanj and I’m a seasoned crypto writer and DAO consultant.
First off, I’d like to express my gratitude to the staff, and all other beautiful humans of HackerNoon, for nominating me for a 2022 Noonies award!
I’ve been nominated for the following categories and if you think my writing offers good value, please take some time to check out these award pages and vote for me:
As a writer in the tech industry, I believe that blockchain is the most exciting technology of the present because it has a lot of potential for transforming the world. Learn more about my views on blockchain technology and my journey in the tech industry via the interview below.
I’m a web3 tech writer with a keen interest in DAO, NFT, Defi and blockchain education. In addition to writing web3-based contents, I spend quality time learning about a slew of other emerging technologies such as Artificial Intelligence(AI), Virtual Reality(VR), Augmented Reality, IOT, Robotics, Physix, etc.
I mostly enjoy crisscrossing the various ecosystems in web3 in the quest for knowledge and I am always on the lookout for the latest Hackernoon stories from the crypto world.
My journey in tech began two years ago when I first landed a plum job as a copywriter in Physix, a Maine AI startup. Then, I had just graduated from the Nigerian Law School with a dim prospect for a high paying job. Taking to tech was a combination of my passion to explore the amazing world of technological innovations and my desire for financial freedom.
Purple. The dignity and prestige that come with it make every other colour obscure and absent.
Hackernoon helps me to keep track of the latest developments in tech , blockchain and cryptocurrency on a daily basis and at zero cost. For me personally, it represents a repository of information on technology and emerging trends, and it is really amazing to see how experts around the world are able to share the same platform educating a vast army of readers.
My focus on web3 projects is due to its defining characteristics, one of which is the ability to empower creators around the world with low entry barrier. Innovations such as DAO, NFT, and Defi stemming from this phase of the internet are empowering creators and building the creators’ economy.
With two years behind me, I can proudly say that I, as a tech writer, am an example of how web3 represents a vast opportunity for ordinary people to learn, collaborate and earn. Two years of writing for web3 projects ranging from NFT to Defi has been my years of learning the ropes in web3 and gaining the confidence to pursue a career in media, publicity and consultancy.
Getting complex tasks done with the help of sophisticated apps at the speed of a gazelle.
I’m worried about how the internet addiction is negatively impacting all of us, especially our young people. We are fast becoming a race of people with an absent minded feeling towards the more/most important things of life.
I would invest in training web3 developers and builders across Africa. It would be split into grants for R&D and some portion of it will be expended on building web3 products that can offer solutions to certain problems.
I am three months away from completing my UI?UX course and I am excited to see how impressive an expertise in UI/UX will look on my CV.
It’s ten years into the future for me personally. The past is gone, the future is now.