Vengeance and Mercyby@edgarriceburroughs

Vengeance and Mercy

by Edgar Rice Burroughs16mMarch 13th, 2023
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It was an hour later that Sheeta, the panther, hunting, chanced to glance upward into the blue sky where his attention was attracted by Ska, the vulture, circling slowly above the bush a mile away and downwind. For a long minute the yellow eyes stared intently at the gruesome bird. They saw Ska dive and rise again to continue his ominous circling and in these movements their woodcraft read that which, while obvious to Sheeta, would doubtless have meant nothing to you or me. The hunting cat guessed that on the ground beneath Ska was some living thing of flesh—either a beast feeding upon its kill or a dying animal that Ska did not yet dare attack. In either event it might prove meat for Sheeta, and so the wary feline stalked by a circuitous route, upon soft, padded feet that gave forth no sound, until the circling aasvogel and his intended prey were upwind. Then, sniffing each vagrant zephyr, Sheeta, the panther, crept cautiously forward, nor had he advanced any considerable distance before his keen nostrils were rewarded with the scent of man—a Tarmangani.
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Edgar Rice Burroughs

Edgar Rice Burroughs


Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.

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Edgar Rice Burroughs@edgarriceburroughs
Edgar Rice Burroughs was an American author, known for his prolific output in the science fiction and fantasy genres.



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