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The JavaScript zone is overflowed with hundreds of conferences that take place all over the world. These conferences cover many topics. There are fields like Angular and React, that are very stable in the conferences world with a lot of conferences backed by large sponsors. In addition, there are fields like Vue.js, that are very new and groundbreaking.
In the last years, the buzz around the conferences is amazing. They are getting bigger and more common. There are more sponsors and organizers. Usually, the organizers build an attractive website to the conferences. In addition, more developers want to participate as one of the speakers. Wealthy tours are built around the conferences days in the hostess country. Related Workshops and Hackathons occurs and all of us gain from that.
In this article, we will cover my favorite stack of conferences from varied topics. We will learn new things like what is “Diversity Support Ticket”, which conference comes back after a one year vacation and which “historical event” will take place in the near future. In the end of the article, there is an amazing bonus 😍
@ngcruiseMay 29 — June 2, 2017 | Oceana (Miami to the Bahamas)30 Speakers | 17 Sessions | 1 Path | > 810$ | Blog
This is a 3.5 day conference with speakers, excursions, workshops, and more in a cruise. This conference presented by ng-conf. Three fantastic excursions are planned for three different tropical stops. The ship is called Enchantment of the Seas. It’s part of the Royal Caribbean UK Cruise company.There are several pools and whirlpools (family friendly and adult only), a full spa, rock climbing, a track, bungee trampoline, shops, amazing restaurants, and even an atrium. WoW!The track: Miami, Florida | Nassau, Bahamas | Cococay, Bahamas | Key West, Florida 🐳.
@angularupJune 25, 2017 | Tel Aviv, Israel18 Speakers | ~22 Sessions | 2 Paths | 105–280€
The AngularUp conference gives us an opportunity to hear the top speakers from around the world and learn about the present and future of Angular and its ecosystem, Typescript, tools and much more. The conference’s website suggests us to join to an Angular tour in Israel, float in the Dead Sea, walk in the streets of Jerusalem and eat great Hummus 🤣.
@AngularCampJuly 6–7, 2017 | Barcelona, Spain> 20 Speakers | > 20 Sessions | 2 Paths | 260–400€ | Blog
AngularCamp is a collaborative community event for all those who interested in coming together to share their recent work in a collaborative manner.At the beginning of the event, participants propose ideas for talks, workshops, and demos that are curated and put into sessions. Besides that, the organizers already received some proposals which will be fixed parts of the event for this year. We will find them on the schedule page in the near future. In order to convince your boss, read this article.
#angularsummitSeptember 25-27, 2017 | Boston, Massachusetts10 Speakers | 29 Sessions | 1050$ | Blog
Angular Summit is a conference for developers who use Angular and modern web development tools. This is a two-day conference with a full-day training option. Angular Summit is packed with the latest techniques and insights to help you build something great.Angular Summit is the only Angular conference offering 90-minute in-depth technical sessions. In addition, it offers five full-day optional workshops.
@AngularConnectNovember 7–8, 2017 | London, United Kingdom> 50 Speakers | 2 Paths | 490–790€ | Blog
AngularConnect is a 2-day, multi-track conference featuring the world’s leading Angular experts, including the core Angular team at Google.
@ngEuropeFebruary 1–2, 2018 | Paris, France> 30 Speakers | > 30
ng-europe, the original European Angular conference, is back after one year of a vacation. The 2018 edition will bring us the most awesome people from the Angular community. Round 1 tickets will be available soon as well as the call for paper 🗣.
@ngconfApril 5–7, 2017 | Salt Lake City, Utah~80 Speakers | ~90 Sessions | | Livestream
This year, ng-conf was packed with entertaining talks. These talks have both a creative and artistic component that makes them really great. In addition, a 360 degree camera mounted in the front row of the conference, live streaming both conference days. ng-conf has provided an app that includes the full conference schedule, all workshops, talks, and extra-curricular activities.
You can check the Angular events list in the formal website.
@ChainReactConfJuly 10 — 11, 2017 | Portland, Oregon26 Speakers | 20 Sessions | 1 Path | 450$ | Slack
The React Native Conference will consist of multiple talks on React Native given by mobile software engineers at Facebook, Airbnb, and others, on a variety of topics from beginner to expert level.
@ReactRallyAugust 24–25, 2017 | Salt Lake City, Utah20 Speakers | 1 Path | 300–400$
React Rally is a two-day single-track conference for developers of all backgrounds using Facebook’s React.js, React Native and related tools. Speakers will cover topics such as React Native, Flux, ES6, isomorphic universal JavaScript, and so much more.
@reactjsdayOctober 6, 2017 | Verona, Italy20 Speakers | 1 path | 45–55€
Introducing new development paradigms and best practices to the frontend, it has gathered a large and active community of developers.The conference is organized by GrUSP, the organizers of jsDay, in partnership with FEVR.
@ReactEuropeMay 18 — 19, 2017 | Paris, France22 Speakers | > 20 Sessions | 1 Path |
ReactEurope brings us the best and most passionate people from the very core team to the coolest people from the community we love. The conference aims to give talks that inspire and explore new futuristic ideas dealing with all the techs we enjoy from the React ecosystem such as React.js, React Native, GraphQL, Relay, Universal apps, Webpack, inline CSS and more.
You can check the React events list in the formal Facebook’s page.
@NodeSummitJuly 25–27, 2017 | San Francisco, California> 20 Sessions | 545–645$
Node Summit is the largest conference focused exclusively on Node.js and “The Ecosystem of Node”. Join us to hear from business leaders and technology experts as they discuss Node.js’ transformative role in the future of computing.Day Zero provides a limited set of attendees invite-only access to additional talks, workshops and educational sessions, as well as more opportunities to network with the Node.js community and thought leaders.
@NodeConfEUNovember 5–8, 2017 | Kilkenny, Ireland> 20 Speakers | 700$
NodeConf EU is the key Node.js event in Europe, providing a forum for the Node.js community. It’s a gathering of minds in an informal setting. It offers attendees an opportunity to meet with their friends, peers and speakers in a relaxed, welcoming, friendly and most importantly respectful environment.This conference involves a community of peers, there are no VIP’s, everyone is equal and open to answer questions about node or technology, mingle and solve problems together.
You can follow the Node events list in the formal Node.js website.
@jsheroesJune 8–9, 2017 | Cluj-Napoca, Romania20 Speakers | 24 Sessions | 2 Paths | 140–170€
JSHeroes is one of our dreams and the high point of an active community. We’re truly engaged to see it come true. We know it’s a stretch and it might seem crazy to organize an event of this international scale. We’ve considered all the risks and each of us decided to take personal ownership for it so that our local Cluj JavaScripters community evolves into a global JSHeroes community.
Throughout the two days of conference, the heroes will talk about the latest trends in the world of JavaScript and Web Development. There is a special ticket type that called “The Diversity Support Ticket”. The purchase of this gets you 1 JSHeroes ticket for you and 1 JSHeroes ticket for someone in the community who couldn’t afford to come, selected via theirs diversity ticket application. It’s fantastic.
@VueConfJune 21–23, 2017 | Wroclaw, Poland15 Speakers | 14 Session | 1 path | 300 — 600€
There is a lot of buzz around the vue-conf. This is the first official Vue.js conference in the world! It’s very exciting. Think of the first conference of AngularJS before 5 years. It’s a historical moment for Vue and the JavaScript community. The conference is organized by Evan You, Vue.js creator, Damian Dulisz and Monterail, a web development and design agency.
@ReactiveConfOctober 25 — 27, 2017 | Bratislava, SlovakiaUndetermined | 2 Paths | 400 — 500€
ReactiveConf covers all cutting-edge mobile and web tech stacks. The conference embraces the diversity of thought, and they give us a snapshot of what’s coming next in web and mobile development. In addition, we can discuss the future of development with tech leaders from across the world.
@abracketsconfMay 21–24, 2017 | Walt Disney, Orlando, Florida150 Sessions | 80 Speakers | 1 Path | 1600–2900$ | Brochure
Anglebrackets brings together open source collaborators on Angular, HTML 5,, bootstrap, Node.js and more — it’s the conference for lovers of the open web.
@london_ajaxNovember 17, 2017 | London, England1 Path | 80£ (~92€)
HalfStack is a one-day, single track, fun JS conference in a Shoreditch pub. Talks will include a variety of modern front-end development topics — ES6, Typescript, React, Dojo 2, WebGL, and much more — from leading speakers based primarily in London 💂.
You can follow each of the conferences in the social network conference’s page, but there are many. suggests us a list of these events in one interactive page. You can filter events by topic, country or city. In addition, you can save the calendar to your iCal, Outlook, Google or Yahoo calendar 👏.
In today’s fast-paced world with its rapidly changing technology, it’s a challenge to stay on top of everything new while mastering the fundamentals. Conferences are one of the greatest ways to learn new things about your field of interests. The organizers and speakers strict to build innovative, interesting, attractive, updated and precise talks. In many cases, new statements and tidings are said by the hostess companies like Google and Facebook. So, if you don’t go there, just watch their videos…
You can follow me on or Twitter to read more about Angular, JavaScript and web development.