If you are working in a Linux distribution or a mac you probably have run into the problem where you have opened too many terminals and can’t figure out what was doing what. That’s because you cant nicely split terminals as you want and you can’t name your terminal. I faced this problem when I had to work with several servers. I had to open more than 4 terminal windows to connect to different server instances and found out very difficult when switching among them. Also I had no way to rename my terminal windows to identify them.
Then I found out this solution and it’s really awesome and I want share it with you guys and I know it’ll be definite help for you as well.
Yesss, the application name is terminator.
Ubuntu installation
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:gnome-terminatorsudo apt-get updatesudo apt-get install terminator
Then search for Terminator app
Here is it’s magic
You can right click on terminator terminal and choose the option to split horizontally or vertically. Also you can double click on any terminal title bar and rename as you wish.
Hope this tiny information helps you guys in managing you terminals.
Cheers !!!!