The Next Revolution in Gen AI - Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Modelsby@thomascherickal

The Next Revolution in Gen AI - Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Models

by Thomas Cherickal12mAugust 30th, 2024
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Large language Models today are inherently static. What would happen if we made a static large language model dynamic? This author believes that we will achieve AGI! Interested? Read this article to know more!
featured image - The Next Revolution in Gen AI - Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Models
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Can We Make Static Transformers Dynamic?

Transformers are trained on the entirety of the visible Internet data.

This helps them learn the statistical properties of human-generated data and makes them remarkably accurate in producing human-like data.

But is that all?

Can we improve upon them?

Make them more human?

Make them approach AGI even more closely.

There is such a way.

Welcome to Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Models - the Next Game-Changing Revolution in AI!

The human brain has several things that transformers do not.

Constant growth, adaptation, autonomy, and self-learning.

If we were to give such capacities to transformer-based models, what would be the result?

Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Models - An Upcoming Revolution in AI

A dynamic LLM would have capacities static LLMs could not even begin to approach.

The first thought is about how much this LLM could learn, grow, and truly become autonomous.

That's a red flag if there ever was one.

But for the brave of heart, here is a new algorithm that could truly create such a system!

Constantly learning, constantly growing in size (both neurons and embeddings), and as completely individual as the data presented to it!

A Novel Algorithm for a Continuously Trained, Continuously Growing Large Language Model

We could develop such a model from scratch with this completely novel algorithm:

  1. Initialize the Transformer Model:

    Start with a base transformer architecture that supports dynamic growth in layers and embeddings.

  2. Set Up the Data Pipeline:

    Establish a robust data management system to handle incoming data streams efficiently.

  3. Implement Online Learning:

    Enable the model to update its weights continuously as new data arrives, allowing for real-time adaptation.

  4. Use Mini-Batches:

    Process incoming data in mini-batches to facilitate incremental updates and efficient training.

  5. Integrate Feedback Mechanisms:

    Design a system to assess model performance and provide feedback for adjustments during both training and inference.

  6. Incorporate Memory Replay:

    Store past experiences and periodically revisit them to retain knowledge and prevent forgetting.

  7. Apply Regularization Techniques:

    Use methods like Elastic Weight Consolidation to protect important parameters from catastrophic forgetting.

  8. Enable Dynamic Layer Growth:

    Allow the model to add new transformer layers or neurons as needed based on incoming data complexity.

  9. Utilize Transfer Learning:

    Leverage pre-trained weights from similar tasks to accelerate adaptation to new data and tasks.

  10. Implement Concept Drift Detection:

    Monitor for significant changes in data distribution and trigger model updates accordingly.

  11. Use Contextual Metadata:

    Incorporate task labels or metadata to inform the model about the context of new data for improved learning.

  12. Regularly Evaluate Performance:

    Assess the model’s performance on both new and old tasks using appropriate evaluation metrics.

  13. Adjust Forgetting Rate:

    Dynamically modify the forgetting rate based on the importance of past tasks and current learning needs.

  14. Incorporate Meta-Learning:

    Enable the model to learn how to learn from new tasks quickly, enhancing adaptability.

  15. Establish Maintenance Routines:

    Monitor the model’s growth, performance, and adherence to ethical standards, ensuring continuous improvement.

This algorithm outlines a structured approach to developing a continuously learning and continuously growing LLM model that effectively combines training and inference while adapting to new information.

More Details for the Technically Inclined

  1. Dynamic Architecture Initialization:

    Begin with a transformer architecture that allows for the dynamic addition of layers and neurons based on incoming data complexity.

  2. Real-Time Data Ingestion:

    Set up a robust pipeline for real-time data ingestion from various sources, including text, images, and sensor data.

  3. Continuous Training Mechanism:

    Implement an online learning approach that enables the model to continuously update its parameters as new data arrives without requiring complete retraining.

  4. Adaptive Embedding Space:

    Design an embedding space that can expand dynamically to accommodate new concepts and relationships learned from incoming data.

  5. Feedback Loop Integration:

    Establish a feedback mechanism that evaluates the model's predictions and performance, allowing for adjustments based on real-world outcomes.

  6. Memory Management System:

    Incorporate a memory system that retains important past experiences while discarding irrelevant data to prevent overfitting and ensure knowledge retention.

  7. Self-Assessment Protocol:

    Develop protocols for the model to assess its own performance, identifying areas of weakness and triggering self-correction processes.

  8. Multi-Modal Input Processing:

    Ensure the model can process and integrate multi-modal inputs (text, images, audio) to enhance understanding and contextual awareness.

  9. Hierarchical Learning Structure:

    Utilize a hierarchical approach to learning, where lower-level features are learned first, followed by more complex relationships and abstractions.

  10. Concept Drift Detection:

    Implement mechanisms to detect shifts in data distribution (concept drift), enabling the model to adapt its learning strategies accordingly.

  11. Task-Specific Fine-Tuning:

    Allow for task-specific fine-tuning of the model based on the context of the incoming data, optimizing performance for different applications.

  12. Explainable AI Techniques:

    Integrate explainable AI methods to provide transparency in decision-making processes, ensuring that the model's actions can be understood and trusted.

  13. Safety and Ethical Compliance:

    Establish guidelines for safety and ethical compliance, ensuring that the model operates within acceptable parameters and aligns with human values.

  14. Resource Optimization:

    Optimize computational resources by employing techniques such as low-precision computation, pruning, and efficient attention mechanisms to enhance performance.

  15. Scalable Deployment Framework:

    Create a deployment framework that allows the model to be easily scaled across different platforms and environments, ensuring adaptability to various use cases.

This algorithm outlines a comprehensive approach to developing a fully autonomous transformer system capable of continuous learning, dynamic growth, and effective integration of training and inference processes.

Hardware and Resource Requirements

Hardware Requirements

Training Hardware

  • Massive cluster of cutting-edge AI accelerators like NVIDIA H100s
  • 1000+ GPUs with high-bandwidth HBM3 memory
  • Total training hardware cost: $200-500 million+

Inference Hardware

  • Highly distributed system of servers with state-of-the-art AI chips
  • 100,000+ NVIDIA H100 or custom AI ASICs
  • Inference hardware costs: $100-300 million+


  • 100s of TB of high-bandwidth HBM3 DRAM to load 10T+ parameter model
  • Aggressive use of model parallelism and weight quantization to reduce memory footprint

Power and Cooling

  • Tens of megawatts of power consumption
  • Massive liquid cooling infrastructure with industrial chillers and cooling towers

Software and Development Costs

Model Architecture

  • Highly flexible and scalable architecture supporting extreme growth
  • Continuous learning with online updating and meta-learning capabilities
  • Advanced multimodal input processing (text, images, video, audio, sensors, robotics)
  • Sophisticated feedback loops with reinforcement learning for real-world interactions
  • Long-term memory management with episodic and semantic memory systems
  • Hierarchical learning from low-level features to high-level abstraction and reasoning
  • Strong self-awareness and meta-cognition to monitor and improve own performance
  • Cutting-edge explainable AI and causal reasoning for transparency
  • Robust ethical guidelines and value alignment safeguards

Development Costs

  • Team of 100+ world-class AI researchers, engineers, and domain experts
  • R&D costs: $100-500 million+

Total Estimated Costs

  • Training hardware: $200-500 million+

  • Inference hardware: $100-300 million+

  • Power and cooling infrastructure: $50-100 million+

  • R&D: $100-500 million+

  • Total: $450M-$1.4B+

Creating an ultra-large, fully autonomous transformer model would require an absolutely massive investment of resources.

We're talking about a project that could easily cost over $1 billion and require the efforts of hundreds of top AI researchers and engineers.

The hardware alone would be on the scale of a small supercomputer center.

Only a handful of organizations globally have the resources and capabilities to undertake such an ambitious project at this time.

And even then, there are no guarantees of success given the immense technical challenges involved.

But, if achieved, it could represent a major milestone in the development of artificial general intelligence.


The development of a continually growing and self-improving transformer model that combines training and inference could have significant repercussions in the AI world:

Rapid Advancements in AI Capabilities

  • Such a system would be able to quickly adapt and expand its knowledge, potentially leading to breakthroughs in areas like natural language understanding, reasoning, and generation.
  • It could accelerate the development of artificial general intelligence (AGI) by enabling the model to learn and improve autonomously.

Challenges in Oversight and Control

  • Maintaining control and oversight of a rapidly evolving AI system would be extremely difficult, raising concerns about safety and alignment with human values.
  • There would be a need for robust feedback mechanisms and safeguards to ensure the model's actions remain beneficial as it grows in complexity.

Potential for Misuse and Abuse

  • Malicious actors could attempt to exploit or manipulate such a system for nefarious purposes like generating misinformation or evading detection.
  • It could be used to automate cyberattacks and other malicious activities at scale.

Disruption to Current AI Development Practices

  • The traditional paradigm of training models on fixed datasets would be upended, requiring new approaches to ensure stable and reliable performance.
  • It would challenge current benchmarking and evaluation methods that rely on static datasets and tasks.

Ethical and Societal Implications

  • The rapid development of a superintelligent AI system could have profound societal impacts, both positive and negative, that would need to be carefully considered.
  • There would be difficult questions about the rights and responsibilities of such an advanced AI system.

Existential Risks

  • In the long term, the development of a self-improving AI system that surpasses human-level intelligence in all domains could pose existential risks to humanity if not properly aligned with human values and goals.
  • Mitigating these risks would require major breakthroughs in AI safety research and global cooperation.

Existing Scientific Work




Difference Between Autonomous Transformer Models and Autonomous LLM Agents

  1. Definition and Functionality

    Autonomous Agents: These are systems designed to perform specific tasks autonomously, often leveraging large language models (LLMs) for decision-making and interaction with their environment. They are capable of executing complex, chained tasks with minimal human intervention.

    Autonomous Base Model: This refers to a foundational model that dynamically grows and evolves over time by continuously learning from all data it encounters. It maintains a comprehensive record of its experiences, which influences its future behavior and decision-making.

  2. Learning Mechanisms

    Autonomous Agents: Typically employ reinforcement learning and other adaptive strategies to improve their performance based on feedback from interactions. They focus on achieving specific goals through self-directed actions.

    Autonomous Base Model: Utilizes continuous learning to adapt and grow its architecture based on the cumulative knowledge acquired from all data. It emphasizes long-term memory retention and the ability to recall past experiences to inform future actions.

  3. Memory and Context Handling

    Autonomous Agents: May have limited memory capabilities, often retaining context only during a session or for a specific task. Their memory is usually task-oriented and not necessarily comprehensive.

    Autonomous Base Model: Maintains a growing record of all data it has been exposed to, allowing it to recall historical context and insights across various tasks and interactions. This long-term memory enhances its ability to make informed decisions.

  4. Interaction with Environment

    Autonomous Agents: Interact with their environment through sensors or direct human prompts, processing inputs to make decisions and act accordingly. They are designed for specific applications and can adapt to changing conditions.

    Autonomous Base Model: While it may also interact with the environment, its primary function is to evolve and adapt based on the entirety of its experiences, allowing for more generalized learning and application across diverse scenarios.

  5. Complexity and Scalability

    Autonomous Agents: Often designed for specific tasks and may not scale well to handle a wide variety of tasks without significant reconfiguration or retraining.

    Autonomous Base Model: Built to scale dynamically, adapting its structure and capabilities as it encounters new data, allowing for broader applications and more complex interactions over time.

  6. Decision-Making Process

    Autonomous Agents: Rely on predefined algorithms and heuristics to make decisions based on current context and goals. Their decision-making is often reactive and focused on immediate tasks.

    Autonomous Base Model: Makes decisions based on a comprehensive understanding of its accumulated knowledge, allowing for more nuanced and informed choices that consider long-term implications.

  7. Application Scope

    Autonomous Agents: Typically applied in specific domains such as customer service, robotics, or automated workflows, focusing on executing defined tasks efficiently.

    Autonomous Base Model: Aims for broader applicability, capable of evolving to meet diverse needs across various domains by leveraging its extensive knowledge base.

  8. Ethical Considerations

    Autonomous Agents: Face ethical challenges related to bias, accountability, and transparency in decision-making, particularly in dynamic environments.

    Autonomous Base Model: Must address similar ethical concerns but also needs to ensure that its growing knowledge base does not lead to unintended consequences or reinforce harmful biases over time.

  9. Performance Evaluation

    Autonomous Agents: Evaluated based on their effectiveness in achieving specific tasks and their ability to adapt to changing conditions.

    Autonomous Base Model: Assessed on its overall growth, adaptability, and the quality of decisions made over time, considering its extensive memory and learning capabilities.

Future Directions

Autonomous Agents: Future research may focus on enhancing their adaptability, improving memory retention, and integrating more complex decision-making processes.

Autonomous Base Model: Future developments could include refining continuous learning algorithms, improving memory management, and expanding its ability to generalize knowledge across diverse applications.

In summary, while both autonomous agents and autonomous base models aim to operate independently and adaptively, they differ significantly in their architecture, learning mechanisms, memory handling, and overall goals.

Autonomous agents are task-oriented systems, while autonomous base models focus on dynamic growth and comprehensive knowledge retention.


Autonomous Dynamic Large Language Models that grow and differentiate themselves based on their training sounds like the title of a future AI movie.

Yet, it is unmistakably the next step in the evolution of AGI and LLMs.

Am I worried that the steps that I have spelled out here could be used by malicious parties?


But am I also resigned to the fact that this is the logical next step?

Also, yes.

Dynamic Large Language Models will be the next revolution in Generative AI.

All the achievements of static Large Language Models will be nothing compared to what these machines will be capable of.

We already have the parents of Autonomous Base LLMs released already - Autonomous Agents.

This is merely the next decisive step.

Will this also be humanity’s final step?

I hope not - but I worry.

All the best in your generative AI career.

Except the cover, all images generated by DALL-E-3.