Enterprise Security Management Strategist
Would you be surprised to find that “nearly 40% of ransomware victims pay attackers,” according to a recent article published by DarkReading? I sure was. The number of victims that pay ransomware and the amount paid has been an elusive figure for years now. To date, law enforcement has not collected and published ransomware crime statistics like they have for other forms of criminal activity.
Junk research published by security vendors has always irked me because they use and misuse statistics to spread fear and sell products. Security threats are overblown and solutions are oversimplified, leading to a bevy of problems ranging from the creation of information security urban myths to poor corporate decision making based on faulty assumptions.
Sadly, the DarkReading article and underlying research is no exception. It’s a prime example of what’s wrong with vendor-sponsored research and how the rest of us pick up quotes, circulate and re-tweet without giving it a minute of critical thought. It’s easy to spot — just grab a statistic and follow it down the rabbit hole. Let’s dissect the ransomware payment rate and find out what’s really going on.
DarkReading published this article on April 14th, 2017 with the headline:
If you follow the article to the end, a link to the research is cited, along with the name of the security vendor that performed the research (Trustlook). They have a nice blog post and a cute, entertaining infographic — great reading material to send to the CISO tomorrow morning. The next step is to check the validly of the research and see exactly what Trustlook is claiming.
This would be enough to make anyone that took a semester of college Stats roll their eyes and move on. However, the assertions in the infographic really take the cake. When percentages are used in statistics, the reader tends to forget or lose sight of the underlying numbers. Breaking down the percentages further:
Let me say that again in case you missed it.
Trustlook found 8 of their customers that said they paid a ransom and turned it into this:
Source: https://newblogtrustlook.files.wordpress.com/2017/04/2017-trustlook-ransomware-survey.png
…and DarkReading expanded the claim to include all ransomware victims:
Two days later, it’s everywhere:
Source: Google.com search
A new ransomware urban myth is born.