I'm writing this while learning Rust, so everything I write here is the basic things someone starting to learn Rust should know. So let's start with some history.
Graydon Hoare, a Research employee at Mozilla started Rust as a personal project in the year 2006. Then later, Mozilla began sponsoring the project in 2009 as a part of the ongoing development of an experimental browser engine called Servo, which was announced in 2010.
The first release was on May 15th, 2015.
fn main(){
//Dont do this
let x = 5;
//This will throw an error.
//Do this instead.
println!("{}", 1);
// or
println!("{}", x);
//Output is 1 or 5 for the variables x.
are called placeholders
in Rust.
fn main(){
println!("Becoming the in the {0} is very important. So be {1}.", "industry", "patient");
// Becoming the in the industry is very important. So be patient.
fn main(){
println!("{blog_name} provides {type} needed.", blog_name="devBox", type="informations");
//devBox provides informations needed.
, Hexadecimal {:x}
, Octal {:o}
. Then we have a placeholder format for debugging
, which is called Debug Trait. And with it, it is possible to display multiple values to the console using a placeholder with a colon followed by a question mark {:?}
print! ()
, which prints strings to the console. println!()
, prints strings to the console but appends a new line character at the end of the string. eprint!()
, prints any string inside the parentheses as an error. And the last one, eprintln!()
, prints string as errors but also appends a new line character at the end.fn main(){
//The following example prints “Rust Programming is fun, right?John is coding in Rust, cool right?” in one line.
print!("Rust Programming is fun, right?");
print!("John is coding in Rust, cool right?");
//output Rust Programming is fun, right?John is coding in Rust, cool right? -- same line
// ---println!()---
//The following example prints “Rust Programming is fun, right?” on one line and “"John is coding in Rust, cool right?” on the new line.
println!("Rust Programming is fun, right?");
println!("John is coding in Rust, cool right?");
Rust Programming is fun, right? --line
John is coding in Rust, cool right? --another line
//The following example prints “Rust Programming is fun, right?” and “John is coding in Rust, cool right?” on the same line but as an error.
eprint!("Rust Programming is fun, right?");
eprint!("John is coding in Rust, cool right?");
//output Rust Programming is fun, right?John is coding in Rust, cool right? -- same line
// ---eprintln!()---
//The following example prints “Rust Programming is fun, right?” as an error and appends a new line to it. Then prints “John is coding in Rust, cool right?” and appends a new line.
println!("Rust Programming is fun, right?");
println!("John is coding in Rust, cool right?");
output as errors:
Rust Programming is fun, right? --line
John is coding in Rust, cool right? --another line
, Block Comments /**/
and Doc Comments. Now the Doc Comments has a sub-type called Outer Doc Comments ///
and Inner Doc Comments //!
/// Outer Doc Comment
fn main() {
// Line Comments
//let mut x = 5;
Block Comment
You can use the block comment when you want to disable a lengthy blocks of code
let mut x = 5;
//! Inner Doc Comments
, is used to store a single alphabet, emojis, or Korean characters. And The value assigned to a char variable is enclosed in a single quote''
. But note that, unlike some other languages, a character in Rust takes up 4 bytes rather than a single byte. It does so because it can store a lot more than just an ASCII value like emojis, Korean, Chinese, and Japanese characters.fn main(){
let char_letter = 'a';
println!("{}", char_letter)
// output: a
Variables and Mutability:
keyword.fn main() {
let x = 5; // Immutable variable
let mut y = 10; // Mutable variable
y = 15; // Updating the value of a mutable variable
println!("x: {}, y: {}", x, y);
// output: x: 5, y: 15
Data Types:
fn main() {
let number: i32 = 42; // Signed 32-bit integer
let pi: f64 = 3.14; // 64-bit floating-point number
let is_true: bool = true; // Boolean
let letter: char = 'A'; // Character
println!("Number: {}, Pi: {}, Is True: {}, Letter: {}", number, pi, is_true, letter);
// output: Number: 42, Pi: 3.14, Is True: true
Control Flow:
fn main() {
let number = 7;
// if/ if else/ else
if number < 5 {
println!("Number is less than 5");
} else if number == 5 {
println!("Number is equal to 5");
} else {
println!("Number is greater than 5");
// Loop
let mut counter = 0;
loop {
println!("Counter: {}", counter);
counter += 1;
if counter >= 5 {
// match @desc this is Unqiue to Rust.
let day = 3;
match day {
1 => println!("Monday"),
2 => println!("Tuesday"),
3 => println!("Wednesday"),
_ => println!("Other day"),
expression in Rust is a powerful construct that allows you to compare the value of an expression against a series of patterns and execute different codes based on the pattern that matches. It's similar to a switch statement in other programming languages but provides more flexibility and exhaustive pattern matching.fn main() {
let number = 5;
match number {
1 => println!("Number is 1"),
2 | 3 | 4 => println!("Number is 2, 3, or 4"),
5..=10 => println!("Number is between 5 and 10 (inclusive)"),
_ => println!("Number doesn't match any pattern"),
keyword. You can specify the function's parameters and return type.fn add_numbers(a: i32, b: i32) -> i32 {
return a + b;
fn main() {
let result = add_numbers(3, 4);
println!("Result: {}", result);
// output: Result: 7
Ownership and Borrowing:
fn main() {
let s1 = String::from("hello"); // s1 owns the string "hello"
let s2 = s1; // s2 takes ownership of the string, s1 is invalidated
println!("{}", s2); // s2 can be used
// output: hello
let s3 = String::from("world");
let s4 = &s3; // s4 borrows a reference to s3 and s3 is not invalidated
println!("{}", s4); // s4 can be used, but s3 is still valid
// output: world
These are just a few basic concepts in Rust to get you started. Rust is a rich language with many more features and concepts to explore. Happy learning!