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I don't have a proper keyboard and my wired internet started working just today. I can't sit and just wait here. I decided to use my "media influence" and bring more attention to those who didn't know that Russia started a war a few days ago.
I want to thank our forces and military people - things are under control, but it's just the beginning. We all must understand that Russia is huge and loves to play with weapons. They always cut social initiatives and produced weapons instead.
At the same time - thanks to all counties that support us with lethal weapons. Our soldiers using it right now to repel the invaders.
Let's start with true facts because there is a lot of fake news and misinformation.
Russia with the support of the Belarus leader is attacking Ukraine(Feb 26 is the 3rd day)
It's not a "peaceful operation". It's a real INVASION, much harder than in 2014. It's a war and they have a lot of resources.
Morale is high here. Soldiers are furious. Ukrainians are organized and trying to help each other.
A lot of Russian soldiers already died. It's bad, but UA patriots must defend our cities. I'm telling this because Russia hiding all facts. The number of dead Russian soldiers is growing and it can't be otherwise, especially when after we received tons of weapons from the USA.
Why am I writing this in a tech publication? I'm asking you to spread the message online and show your support to Ukraine. Social media is a huge tool to show it. Every celebrity, any post of UA flag doesn't go unnoticed. Media and technologies can help.
Here in Kharkiv, the best way to communicate right is to use the mobile internet. People use Telegram, Whatsapp mostly. Especially chats apps are useful when you are having a "comfy night" at an underground station.
There is also a great P2P chatting tool that works on Bluetooth(100m max): Bridgefy app.
I also want to spread the message that Ukraine is demanding:
While Russia can use it as a way to start WW3 - to be honest - it's time to cut the crap ("diplomatic talks") and act quickly. You don't talk to a dog that has rabies. You isolate it or kill it.
Again, don't get me wrong.
"Sleeper Russian agents" are using different tools to mark important infrastructural objects. They put marks that can be visible in the ultraviolet. Sometimes they are using lamps with UV lights and put them in windows. There was a case, where someone used car lights as a lighthouse.
But our police are catching them
All-day l get messages from my worldwide family(all of you are part of my fam). Do it even more, to everyone who you know. Love doesn't have borders.
I'm writing it while cycling my neighborhood and looking for some resources to grab. I'm fine, in comparison to old, disabled people or someone who already has no money due to a pandemic.
Another way to protect us: to send messages to adequate Russian people or moms of Russian soldiers.
Even while they are demoralized - THEY MUST PROTEST. It's the final battle.
What will prevent Gollum to click a nuclear button? I think nothing.
Read New York Times: On the Ground: Ukraine Under Attack
Coronavirus is already not our problem :) People are donating the money they received as government support to our army or buying goods that our soldiers are in need.
If you want to donate some money to our Ukrainian Army, here is a way to do it.
From: (more currencies inside)
The National Bank of Ukraine has opened a special account to raise funds for the Ukrainian Army. Anyone from any country can donate!
The account is multi-currency. It is open for transfers of funds from international partners and donors, any person as well as from Ukrainian business and citizens.
For donations in USD: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX JP MORGAN CHASE BANK, New York SWIFT Code: CHASUS33 Account: 400807238 383 Madison Avenue, New York, NY 10179, USA Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
For donations in GBP: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX Bank of England, London SWIFT Code: BKENGB2L Account: 40000982 Threadneedle Street, London EC2R 8AH, UK Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
For donations in EUR: SWIFT Code NBU: NBUA UA UX DEUTSCHE BUNDESBANK, Frankfurt SWIFT Code: MARKDEFF Account: 5040040066 IBAN DE05504000005040040066 Wilhelm-Epsteinn-Strabe 14, 60431 Frankfurt Am Main,Germany Bank account: UA843000010000000047330992708
Thanks to all of you who will donate.
I will find a candy shop and buy sweets and biscuits. It will be our calories if things get worse. And I'm buying vodka for the first time in 7 years. It's a good anesthetic. Just in case :)
Important to mention: we have a lot of students from foreign countries: Africans, Indians, Asians. They struggle a lot. Not a lot of people speak English here. And it's hard for them to act quickly with limited options to speak.
Our bank system working well even under this pressure. Not a lot of cash. Plus our crypto platforms also working well
Russian soldiers are dying. A lot of burned bodies were reported. You can't blame us for that. They are using rockets to hit our houses, hospitals, and kill our kids
The Telegraph: russia deploys mobile crematorium follow troops battle
These babies work good against Russian tanks
Our hero that is gliding and protecting us.
Yesterday a girl was born in Kyiv underground. Love will find its way ;) Her name is Miya
Glory to the heroes!
Glory to Ukraine!
And FU Patreon(Deleted our page and blocked donated $250k)
Official link to the telegram link of our government:
Twitter Link: