is designed for creatives by creatives. It helps video production, design, and animati...
Hyperhumans: An ecosystem of AI apps to help your become Hyperhuman - in life, business, and be...
Implying toward the digitalisation of Globalised world. At Implica Global C...
Our company recruits maritime personnel of any specialization and qualifica...
HWP is the merger of the two digital experts Achim Hepp and Daniel Wiegand ...
Estonian Startup Awards was born to count the brightest stars on our start...
Welcome to Startup Adventures - a media project that tells you about variou...
Movitronic is developing connected car and digital car key platform. With M...
We are a global community of creativity accelerators and curious creators. ...
Sign documents online. GDPR and eIDAS compliant. Sign with 30+ Advanced and Qualified Electro...
** You can download Corld on the App Store and Google Play now! And be part...
Tallinn the capital of estonia is a small but mighty player in the startup scene with a history dating back to the medieval times tallinn has always been a hub of entrepreneurship and innovation with a population of around 400000 the city has a vibrant tech community and is considered one of the most technologically advanced cities in europe the citys location in northern europe close to the finnish and russian borders has allowed it to be a crossroads for trade and commerce for centuries this legacy has continued into the modern era as tallinn is now home to a thriving tech ecosystem that includes companies such as transferwise pipedrive and veriff these companies have put tallinn on the map as a hub for fintech and software development tallinn is also home to several local universities including tallinn university of technology which has been instrumental in the development of the citys startup scene with a living wage of around 1100 per month and an unemployment rate of just 46 tallinn is an attractive place for young entrepreneurs to start their careers the citys gdp per capita is estimated to be around 19000 in recent years tallinns startup scene has been growing rapidly the rate of new companies starting has been outpacing the rate of companies ending which is a positive sign for the future of entrepreneurship in the city however the city still faces challenges such as a limited pool of local investors and a shortage of highly skilled workers in conclusion tallinns startup scene is thriving due to its rich history of entrepreneurship its technologically advanced infrastructure and its attractive business environment the city still has room for growth but its future looks bright as more and more young entrepreneurs flock to tallinn in search of success and opportunity
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