Koln, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany
Presented ByHubSpot

Trending Koln, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany Startups

Learn more about high-growth Koln, Nordrhein Westfalen, Germany startups.


shopstartups.de (CxS GmbH)

shopstartups.de (CxS GmbH) logo

Bei shopstartups kuratieren wir regelmäßig die neuesten Startups, erzählen ...

leefs CX GmbH

leefs CX GmbH logo

The impact of User Research: Our research ment to boost your product teams,...


NaroIQ logo

We’re on a mission to redistribute fund earnings. Our fund infrastructure e...



Der richtige Mensch für den richtigen Job. Der Markt ist hart umkämpft. Vie...


insureNXT logo

insureNXT aims to connect & extand the insurance industry. Together we want...

GDEXA | Mentoring & Skillbased Hiring

GDEXA | Mentoring & Skillbased Hiring logo

Skills over Degree - this is what we are standing for! We empower individua...


Trustventure logo

With "CFO-As-A-Service" we offer entrepreneurial solutions for seed and ven...

Latfro Models

Latfro Models logo

Latfro Entertainment was founded in 2001. Latfro Models was launched in 201...

COPE Studio

COPE Studio logo

COPE Studio is a progressing design practice based in Cologne. Founded in 2...



RAKETENSTART is the all-in-one-legal solution for SMEs. We help entrepreneu...

van Laack & partners GmbH

van Laack & partners GmbH logo

van Laack & partners GmbH offers our globally operating customers 360 cons...

GO & Company

GO & Company logo

GO & Company ist ein unternehmergeführtes Beratungshaus, welches sich auf F...


Cannabis-Startups.com logo

We work with ambitious cannabis makers to build, launch, and scale brands i...

fafe collection GmbH

fafe collection GmbH logo

Wir sind ein Schmucklabel aus Köln, welches von Franzi König, Fashion & Lif...

LEADING Business Solution Kayir GmbH

LEADING Business Solution Kayir GmbH logo

Consulting Services for Dynamics 365 CE (CRM) and PowerPlatform (PowerApps)

real PACE

real PACE logo

Wir sind ein Corporate Portfolio Builder. Wir beteiligen uns an nachhaltige...

ThreeB IT GmbH

ThreeB IT GmbH logo

The ThreeB IT GmbH is a startup company that develops, provides and maintai...

ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing

ML4Q | Matter and Light for Quantum Computing logo

Matter and Light for Quantum Computing” (ML4Q) is a Cluster of Excellence f...


Lisios logo

In everyday life, people want simple solutions to complex problems. With mo...


cvift. logo

cvift. is the Career Marketplace for IT/Tech Experts, who are not actively ...

Farbspiel Interactive

Farbspiel Interactive logo

We are Farbspiel Interactive, an Indiependent Game Developer from Cologne g...

CGN Esports

CGN Esports logo

CGN Esports, gegründet im Jahr 2020, hat sich schnell als einer der Rising ...

LEAV Aviation GmbH

LEAV Aviation GmbH logo

It’s time to Leav. Let’s make every journey a story to remember. Be open. B...

MEDPERION Sales & Communication

MEDPERION Sales & Communication logo

Die MEDPERION Sales and Communication ist mit rund 1.200 Mitarbeitern einer...

DIO Studios

DIO Studios logo

We are a Cologne-based brand studio for holistic brand strategy, branding a...

positive impacts (PI) GmbH

positive impacts (PI) GmbH logo

Our mission is to empower managers to make educated decisions towards a ful...

Digital Health Germany

Digital Health Germany logo

Digital Health Germany aims to improve and connect the ecosystem of digital...

bezahl.de (NX Technologies GmbH)

bezahl.de (NX Technologies GmbH) logo

The cologne-based FinTech NX Technologies GmbH is the #1 provider of innova...


qibb logo

qibb is the pioneering integration platform to create and maintain low-code...


meetergo logo

meetergois in the Events Tech Industry


Catch logo

Catch is an early stage startup on a mission to disrupt traditional e-commerce payments


acto logo

B2B teams in sales, operations, and procurement face data overload, missing...

HEE Technologies GmbH

HEE Technologies GmbH logo

Wir sind ein Kölner Startup, das Brennstoffzellensysteme für stationäre Anw...



VATION offers tech-enabled health coaching powered by humans not bots to he...


Xaver logo

Xaver enables Financial Institutions to close Europe’s pension gap. By offe...

axess Intelligence

axess Intelligence logo

axess Intelligence provides data and tools to monitor and analyze the custo...


beeboard logo

Discover BeeBoard: The Ultimate Tool for Lean Project Management and Team ...

DEG Impact

DEG Impact logo

We offer access to profitable alternative investments in developing and eme...


OneFID GmbH logo

Digital 3D sizing and fitting technologies for multi-channel solutions Appr...

Malwina Blaurock Consulting

Malwina Blaurock Consulting logo

MB Consulting bietet maßgeschneiderte Beratungsleistungen, die auf die Bedü...


Colonia logo

At Colonia, we are bringing logistics companies into the 21st century. Our ...

Naughty Nuts

Naughty Nuts logo

“Mist… nur Bio-Zutaten in meinem Nussmus” said no one ever! ... Und genau ...


MBSY GmbH logo

MBSY is a new sales and brand consultancy founded and based in Cologne, Ger...


socialbnb logo

On socialbnb travellers can book accommodations, experiences, and roundtrip...


wheego logo

wheego ist ein international agierendes Tech-Startup. - Gründung 01.04.2021...


jungwild.io logo

Wir sind jungwild. professionell. loyal. nachhaltig. Durch unser großes Net...

drjve AG

drjve AG logo

Wer Unternehmen steuert, braucht die richtigen Informationen. Wir liefern d...

project cologne

project cologne logo

DU! studierst an einer Kölner Hochschule, willst was bewegen, sprühst vor I...



Unser mehrfach ausgezeichnetes Wellbeing Tech Startup MINDZEIT entwickelt L...


VirtusNova logo

VirtusNova is a dynamic SaaS startup based in Cologne, Germany, on a missio...

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