Bratislava, Slovakia
Presented ByHubSpot

Finax HR

Finax HR logo

Finax je trgovac vrijednosnim papirima. Donosimo revolucionarni proizvod ko...

Gerulata Technologies

Gerulata Technologies logo

Gerulata Technologies is a tech company on a mission to provide tools for f...

Tech & IT People - Hire fast in just 30 days

Tech & IT People - Hire fast in just 30 days logo

We're an international recruitment and consultancy company specializing in ...

Panza Robotics

Panza Robotics logo

We are building consumer-friendly robots that can make your life easier, sa...

Kodiva s. r. o.

Kodiva s. r. o. logo

KODIVA is a technology company operating in the field of development and ou...


DevelGuru logo

DevelGuru helps to grow your business with the right IT talent. We connect...

Fintech & Insurtech Association of Slovakia (FINAS)

Fintech & Insurtech Association of Slovakia (FINAS) logo

Základné ciele FINAS: • Platforma na zdieľanie vedomostí • Prepájať svety t...

Warper - venture builder

Warper - venture builder logo

We are venture builder based in Slovakia. We help build startups in the are...


Noove logo

We connect rapid open innovation processes with young talent to crowdsource...

GPI Europe a.s.

GPI Europe a.s. logo

GPI Europe is a full-service wealth management company delivering smart fin...


altFINS logo

Traders use altFINS to scan crypto markets for trading opportunities, creat...


Doklado logo

Dokladois in the Finance-Accounting Tech Industry


3IPK logo

3IPK is a B2B blockchain Software as a Service (SaaS) platform providing di...

BeeSmoke TM

BeeSmoke TM logo

BeeSmoke TM - Premium European Vapes (CE,TPD,UFI,PATENTS,TEST REPORTS) - Fu...



Welcome to Granida, the online B2B marketplace that connects farmers with b...


Solvedio logo

Solvedio is a recognized expert in digitalization, offering comprehensive a...


Parallaxis logo

PARALLAXIS focuses on Salesforce solutions and its full innovative power by...

WOF Alliance

WOF Alliance logo

We are connecting manufacturers, retailers, wholesalers, importers, and exp...


Cyllium logo

Skupina CYLLIUM sa venuje komplexným riešeniam v oblasti kybernetickej bezp...


eONic logo

We are a EU-based startup developing connected autonomous multimodal roboti...

Govar – English speaking club

Govar – English speaking club logo

Speak English with other users in our speaking club. Govar is a free Englis...


FlowHunt logo

FlowHunt is a no-code platform that empowers users to create AI-powered chatbots and tools thro...


Appliable logo

We are software development company focusing on developing cross-platform m...

GLOBERG:Digital, k.s.

GLOBERG:Digital, k.s. logo

Svet IT je komplexný a také sú aj naše služby. Klienti nám veria, pretože i...


Ovogene logo

Ovogene is the first AI egg donor bank in the world. We are an internationa...


HealthCareLab logo

HealthCare Lab is an international CEE and South Europe focused acceleratio...

TODAY Technologies

TODAY Technologies logo

Today Technologies is a fintech company. We are a support partner for broke...

TESTING UNITED CONFERENCE I Vienna I 7 - 8 November, 2024

TESTING UNITED CONFERENCE I Vienna I 7 - 8 November, 2024 logo

Testing United is a professional testing conference connecting experts acro...

Venture to Future Fund, a.s.

Venture to Future Fund, a.s. logo

We invest in innovation-driven Slovak companies with the potential to becom...


ALKUR logo

Accounting assistance Employee migration support Relocation of business and...

Unicorn Hub Agency

Unicorn Hub Agency logo

We are Unicorn-hub, a HR startup with Ukrainian roots. Founded by colleague...


Panaxeo logo

Crazy good software teams assembling crazy good digital products. Remote be...

Ventra Go!

Ventra Go! logo

Top 5 HR Tech solutions in Russia 2023. On-demand service platform that con...


Grow2FIT logo

We offer you a perfectly tailored solution that FITs your needs and helps y...

VeriFace | Identity Verification

VeriFace | Identity Verification logo

VeriFace is a comprehensive biometric identity verification service that s...

Lýceum C.S. Lewisa

Lýceum C.S. Lewisa logo

Novovzninuté Lýceum C. S. Lewisa dáva dôraz najmä na 3 sféry – podnikavosť,...

Winners Investments o.c.p.

Winners Investments o.c.p. logo

Winners Investments, o.c.p., a.s., je hrdým členom skupiny Winners Group s ...

Veles Farming

Veles Farming logo

Veles Farming, is a food-tech start up coming from the heart of Europe. Our...

Heneken Metalürji Döküm

Heneken Metalürji Döküm logo

Green field project - a brand new factory with a low-carbon footprint in Iz...



The company ITALIANSKONSULTING was founded in Slovakia in 2011. Managing ow...

Red Basket

Red Basket logo

Red Basket is a content marketing agency that specializes in creating high-...

Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies

Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies logo

The Czech-Slovak Institute of Oriental Studies is a distinguished institute...


Calcurates logo

Calcurates is a multi-carrier shipping software that helps your e-commerce ...



VIRTUO je prvé centrum v slovensko-českom priestore špecializované na reduk...

Bratislava, Slovakia - Startup Scene

Bratislava the capital of slovakia is a city with a rich history of entrepreneurship the city is located in the southwestern part of the country bordering austria and hungary with a population of over 400000 people bratislava is a bustling hub of activity attracting both local and international entrepreneurs the technological innovations of the area have been impressive with companies like eset a leading cybersecurity firm and sygic a navigation software company being founded in the area additionally bratislava is home to several international companies including ibm dell and att local universities such as comenius university and the slovak university of technology have played a significant role in the development of the startup scene in bratislava these institutions have produced a steady stream of talented graduates who have gone on to found successful companies in the area the living wage in bratislava is around 1200 per month and the unemployment rate is currently at 55 the city level gdp is estimated to be around 20 billion with a rate of new companies starting and ending being relatively stable despite the challenges faced by many startup scenes bratislavas entrepreneurial ecosystem is thriving the citys strategic location talented workforce and supportive government policies have all contributed to its success with a growing number of startups and a vibrant community of entrepreneurs bratislava is quickly becoming a hub for innovation and creativity in central europe

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