Welcome to HackerNoon’s Writing Prompts! Would you like to take a stab at answering some of these questions on version control and project management using Git and GitHub for our readers?
Git is by far the most popular version control system in use today. It is used in an astonishing number of software projects, both commercial and open source. It works well on a variety of operating systems and IDEs (Integrated Development Environments). Git developers are highly represented in the pool of potential software development talent, and thus, aren’t going to get out of demand in years to come.
As a result, obtaining the appropriate instructional resources will make all the difference. If you’re interested in writing about Git and GitHub as in the process of learning, developing the code and the job interviews, feel free to draw some inspiration from the list of topics below.
Choose from any one (or all) of the following topics/concepts or consider writing about an entirely new example.
How to create A GitHub Profile README?
How to use GitHub for code documentation to save time?
Reflect upon how README.md, wikis, etc help in providing more context on the code to fellow developers and contributors.
What are GitHub actions? What are some of the most popular GitHub actions?
How to build your own blog using GitHub Pages?
What are some of the simple shortcuts on Git CLI that could make a developer’s day easier?
Explore flags like -
# To sort branches by commit date
git branch --sort=-committerdate
# Checkout previous branch
git checkout -
How to use Git to find the lost files that were never committed?
Explore more about git fsck --lost-found
What are some of the tips and tricks to maintain certain conventions in your Git repository on its own?
A few examples are as below:
Adding a standard commit message template
Configuring same line endings
Git Hook to enforce branch naming strategy
How git logs can help you while debugging?
What are some of the best developer tools or extensions that enhance the GitHub experience?
What are some of the most commonly-asked interview questions on Git and GitHub?
We hope that the above topics would have either given you a clear direction or at least sparked inspiration for your next story about Git and GitHub. We’ll be adding more prompts soon, until then we’ll be looking forward to reading your story.