1. ── SSH├────── 1 time a day├────── 5 minutes└────── 30.4166666667 hours annually
2. ── Window resize├────── 15 time a day├────── 30 seconds└────── 45.625 hours annually
3. ─ Making GIF’s├────── .2 time a day├────── 5 minutes└────── 6.08333333333 hours annually
4. ── Clean Slack channel├────── .2 time a day├────── 1 minute└────── 1.21666666667 hours annually
5. ── Make static HTML report├────── .2 time a day├────── 15 minutes└────── 18.25 hours annually
whats that add up to?
In : 30.4166666667 + 45.625 + 6.08333333333+ 1.21666666667+ 18.25Out: 101.5916666667
def hours(n,t):return n * t
def hours_a_year(n,t):return hours(n,t) * 365.0
def time_wasted(n,t,what):string = 'you spend %s hours a year %s\'ing'return string % (hours_a_year(n,t) / 60.0, what)
Solution: Alias to reduce type time
In : time_wasted(1, 5, "SSH")Out: "you spend 30.4166666667 hours a year SSH'ing"
Solution: Hot keys for easy movement
In : time_wasted(15, .5, "window resizing")Out: "you spend 45.625 hours a year window resizing'ing"
Solution: bash function for screen recordings to gifs
In : time_wasted(.2, 5, "gif")Out: "you spend 6.08333333333 hours a year gif'ing"
screen2gif /Users/davidholtz/Desktop/screen2gif-resize.mov
Solution: node script for cleaning slack channel programatically
In : time_wasted(.2, 1, "slack clean")Out: "you spend 1.21666666667 hours a year slack clean'ing"
Often Slack channels get really messy — and in my case I often want to clear a channel out — but manual deleting each message takes forever.
Solution: Sublime package for building HTML files
In : time_wasted(.2, 15, "static website build")Out: "you spend 18.25 hours a year static website build'ing"
Using Sublime’s https://github.com/SublimeText-Markdown/MarkdownEditing
Example image from MarkdownEditing
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