Developers need a specific set of software tools to get the job done.
You might have new starters in your team OR you need to fundamentally change the software environment that your current team uses in some way — perhaps migrating to a different OS?
The list of software tools we all need can be quite extensive. While some of these software tools you can obtain from package managers (e.g. Aptitude, Snap, Homebrew, etc…), they can still have quite complex installation steps (which could randomly change and break!).
These steps might be documented, they might not. There’s also the problem that having a developer maintain their own base software environment can mean huge inconsistencies between different dev machines that get worse over time.
Addressing the problem can create a huge hit to productivity. For on-boarding new starters it can mean a whole lot of effort lining up knowledgeable people in your team supporting your new starter for the next X days, or a long and drawn out migration plan if your problem is needing to change a dev team’s existing software environment.
What do you get? A base development environment that will be consistent across your team, that you know will have everything a developer needs to get started and you can rely on every time it’s installed (providing it’s actively maintained).
Ansible is an IT automation tool which can be used for a number of different tasks and IT needs. It uses a declarative DSL written in YAML and can be run locally, within the provisioning of a virtual machine, cloud environment or via ssh against a list of known hosts.
For the sake of brevity for this article, I’m going to assume some Ansible knowledge — there’s a fantastic zero-to-hero tutorial below which will take you through the Ansible syntax and some of the built-in plugins it uses:
An Ansible2 Tutorial_Updated for Ansible2! Ansible is one of the simplest server provisioning and configuration management tools. This is a…
We’re going to start with a basic playbook file which will reference the roles and tasks we need to create a development environment:
We’ll then build out the roles / tasks and vars we need. I’ll only really describe the first of these — you can checkout the playbook if you would like to see how the rest of the steps are implemented and the project should be structured.
Packages Task
Vars file for Packages Task
Running the Playbook
ansible-playbook -i "localhost," -c local configure.yml
[00:00:30][00:00:30] PLAY [all] *********************************************************************[00:00:30][00:00:30] TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************[00:00:31] ok: [localhost][00:00:31][00:00:54] TASK [packages : Install required apt packages] ********************************[00:02:59] changed: [localhost][00:02:59][00:02:59] TASK [packages : Remove unrequired apt packages] *******************************[00:02:59] ok: [localhost]
If any of the steps fail, the playbook fails and returns an exit code of 0 (failure).
Great! We now have a playbook we can use to install and remove various aptitude packages — but as we extend it, how should we run it and test it to make sure it doesn’t brick our machine?
We don’t really want to risk breaking our current environment if we can help it. This is where Vagrant comes in handy.
Vagrant is an open source tool for initialising and configuring virtual environments. Vagrant provides a command-line interface for managing virtual environments, and uses a file called a Vagrantfile
to provide the definition of the environment that needs to be built.
Here’s a very simple Vagrantfile
which creates a VM containing an Ubuntu OS:
We can configure a Vagrantfile
to run our Ansible playbook once a virtual machine of our choosing has booted up:
Bringing our Development Machine Up
Hashicorp take great pride in how simple it is to bring up a Vagrant machine — simply: vagrant up
Bringing machine 'dev' up with 'virtualbox' provider...==> dev: Checking if box 'bento/ubuntu-18.04' is up to date...==> dev: Running provisioner: ansible...
dev: Running ansible-playbook...PYTHONUNBUFFERED=1 ANSIBLE_FORCE_COLOR=true ANSIBLE_HOST_KEY_CHECKING=false ANSIBLE_SSH_ARGS='-o UserKnownHostsFile=/dev/null -o IdentitiesOnly=yes -o ControlMaster=auto -o ControlPersist=60s' ansible-playbook --connection=ssh --timeout=30 --limit="dev" --inventory-file=/home/andy/Projects/development-environment-playbook/.vagrant/provisioners/ansible/inventory -v configure.ymlUsing /home/andy/Projects/development-environment-playbook/ansible.cfg as config file
PLAY [all] *********************************************************************
TASK [Gathering Facts] *********************************************************ok: [dev]
(If it’s the first time you’ve done this, you’ll see a lot of output from the downloading of the appropriate VM image if it’s not available on your machine already).
You can probably guess what would come here if you’re familiar with the concept of Continuous Integration and the tools available. There will be many options and differences here depending on what CI solution you use. In this example I’ll briefly cover over how this could work in one of the more popular solutions: Jenkins — which I’ll also assume a working knowledge of — here’s a good knowledge-base around Jenkins pipe-lining.
I’ll assume a pre-existing installation of Jenkins — but if not, here’s the official docker image so you can try it out:
jenkinsci/docker_Docker official jenkins repo. Contribute to jenkinsci/docker development by creating an account on
The only special considerations here are to ensure that the Jenkins CI server, container or VM has all the dependencies it needs to run VMs via Vagrant. This will obviously differ dependent on the base OS and version. Here’s an example for installing Vagrant on Centos 7.
Assuming you actually want to know when your build fails, with the help of the Slack plugin for Jenkins — your Jenkinsfile
could be as simple as:
pipeline {stages {stage ('Start') {steps {sh 'vagrant up'}}}post {success {slackSend (color: '#00FF00', message: "A new version of the development environment is available!")}
failure {slackSend (color: '#FF0000', message: "The latest build of the development environment FAILED: Job '${env.JOB_NAME} [${env.BUILD_NUMBER}]' (${env.BUILD_URL})")}}}
And if all goes well? Voila!
If you commit to this approach and embed this in your team — here’s what benefits you could see:
I’ve focused quite a lot on the specifics of implementing this strategy for a Linux based environment (specifically Ubuntu), but this strategy can really apply to any OS (in principle any that you could obtain a VM image for). Providing you have good scripting skills in your preferred environment — you could easily tailor this strategy to suit your needs.
There are obviously many ways to achieve the same result as this, but hopefully this article will help those in need of a solution to this problem and who perhaps have constraints preventing them from adopting other approaches.
Here’s a full example I’ve whipped up for a development setup I’ve used in the past. It’s by no means perfect.
AndyMacDroo/ubuntu-development-environment-playbook_Ansible playbook for an ubuntu development environment. - AndyMacDroo/
Note: The cloud based CI integration I’ve used here to build the project, unfortunately doesn’t use VirtualBox / Vagrant due to some known limitations in this area (in a nutshell it amounts to issues running and deploying VMs inside the virtualised workers initialised in cloud CI pipelines)— the configuration I’ve applied here instead just runs the playbook against the Ubuntu Bionic VM provided by AppVeyor.
Ideas and Further Suggestions:
to include any custom scripts or utilities that developers might need or would save them time into your playbook.Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed it☺️