This post explores the many ways React Components can be combined, mixed-in, and mixed-up, including:
First, a refresher on the essentials. We’ll start out without any JSX syntactical sugar so we’re clear what’s happening under the hood. Later we’ll explore JSX syntax and compositional techniques.
A React Element is a virtual representation of an HTML Element that is synced with the real DOM using the render function from react-dom. createElement is a utility to create React Elements.
Arguments to createElement:
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Components are functions that return renderable “nodes”: Elements, strings, null, or other Components. Components that extend the React.Component class are more abstract:
<a href=""></a>
Unlike the static example in the Elements section, this HTML will update if Baz changes its state.
JSX is a syntax that transforms XML-like trees into createElement calls:
<a href=""></a>
Read JSX In Depth and WTF is JSX? for a deep dive into what you can and can’t do with JSX.
The simplest way to compose React components is to follow these rules:
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The React docs have a good explanation of how to structure components in this way: Lifting State Up
A higher-order component is a function that takes a component and returns a component. One use case is to inject additional props or context.
Think of an HOC as a component factory or a stage in a “component assembly line”.
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Without JSX it possible to use HOCs inline as well.
Since JSX children are turned into the 3rd argument to createElement, this argument can be repurposed to accept data types other than renderable nodes, such as a render callback (a function that returns a node).
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See Function as Child Component for an in-depth discussion of the approach.
The “renderless” component pattern takes the container-presenter pattern to the extreme and forces state management to be implemented completely separately from render logic. A combine(Container, Presenter) utility function uses higher-order functions and inheritance to compose state containers with arbitrary stateless components.
The example below implements a StateContainer utility class and combinefunction:
<a href=""></a>
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