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The Problem of Communication

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Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation by Albert Einstein, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. The Problem of Communication

The Problem of Communication

Accordingly, in making the necessary assumptions to cover the matter of measuring lengths, we must make one with regard to the character of the signals which are to be employed for this purpose. If we could assume a system of signalling that would consume no time in transmission all would be simple enough. But we have no experience with such a system. Even if we believe that it ought to be possible thus to transmit signals at infinite velocity, we may not, in the absence of our present ability to do this, assume that it is possible. So we may only assume, with Einstein, that for our signals we shall employ the speediest messenger with which we are at present acquainted. This of course is light, the term including any of the electromagnetic impulses that travel at the speed C.

Of course in the vast majority of cases the distance that any light signal in which we are interested must go to reach us is so small that the time taken [84]by its transmission can by no means be measured. We are then, to all intents and purposes, at both places—the point of origin of the signal and the point of receipt—simultaneously. But this is not the question at all. Waiving the fact that in astronomical investigations this approximation no longer holds, the fact remains that it is, in every case, merely an approximation. Approximations are all right in observations, where we know that they are approximations and act accordingly. But in the conceptual universe that parallels the external reality, computation is as good an agent of observation as visual or auditory or tactile sensation; if we can compute the error involved in a wrong procedure the error is there, regardless of whether we can see it or not. We must have methods which are conceptually free from error; and if we attempt to ignore the velocity of our light signals we do not meet this condition.

The measurement of lengths demands that we have a criterion of simultaneity between two remote points—remote in inches or remote in light-years, it does not matter which. There is no difficulty in defining simultaneity of two events that fall in the same point—or rather, in agreeing that we know what we mean by such simultaneity. But with regard to two events that occur in remote places there may be a question. A scientific definition differs from a mere description in that it must afford us a means of testing whether a given item comes under the definition or not. There is some difficulty in setting up a definition of simultaneity between distant events that satisfies this requirement. If we [85]try simply to fall back upon our inherent ideas of what we mean by “the same instant” we see that this is not adequate. We must lay down a procedure for determining whether two events at remote points occur at “the same instant,” and check up alleged simultaneity by means of this procedure.

Einstein says, and we must agree with him, that he can find but one reasonable definition to cover this ground. An observer can tell whether he is located half way between two points of his observation; he can have mirrors set up at these points, send out light-signals, and note the time at which he gets back the reflection. He knows that the velocity of both signals, going and coming, is the same; if he observes that they return to him together so that their time of transit for the round trip is the same, he must accept the distances as equal. He is then at the mid-point of the line joining the two points under observation; and he may define simultaneity as follows, without introducing anything new or indeterminate: Two events are simultaneous if an observer midway between them sees them at the same instant, by means, of course, of light originating at the points of occurrence.]*

[It is this definition of simultaneity, coupled with the assumption that all observers, on whatever uniformly moving systems, would obtain the same experimental value for the velocity of light, that leads to the apparent paradoxes of the Special Theory of Relativity. If it be asked why we adopt it, we must in turn ask the inquirer to propose a better system for defining simultaneous events on different moving bodies.]198[86]

[There is nothing in this definition to indicate, directly, whether simultaneity persists for all observers, or whether it is relative, so that events simultaneous to one observer are not so to another. The question must then be investigated; and the answer, of course, will hinge upon the possibility of making proper allowances for the time of transit of the light signals that may be involved. It seems as though this ought to be possible; but a simple experiment will indicate that it is not, unless the observers involved are at rest with respect to one another.

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This book is part of the public domain. Albert Einstein (2020). Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved October 2022.

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