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The Michelson-Morley Experiment

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Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation by Albert Einstein, is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. The Michelson-Morley Experiment

The Michelson-Morley Experiment

The machine is of structural steel, weighing 1,900 pounds. It has two arms which form a Greek cross. Each arm is 14 feet in length. The whole apparatus is floated in a trough containing 800 pounds of mercury.

Four mirrors are arranged on the end of each arm, sixteen in all, with a seventeenth mirror, M, set at one of the inside corners of the cross, as [61]diagrammed. A source of light (in this case a calcium flame) is provided, and its rays directed by a lens toward the mirror M. Part of the light is allowed to pass straight through M to the opposite arm of the cross, where it strikes mirror 1. It is reflected back across the arm to mirror 2, thence to 3, and so on until it reaches mirror 8. Thence it is reflected back to mirror 7, to 6, and so on, retracing its former path, and finally is caught by the reverse side of the mirror M and is sent to an observer at O. In retracing its path the light sets up an interference phenomenon (see below) and the interference bands are visible to the observer, who is provided with a telescope to magnify the results.

A second part of the original light-beam is reflected off at right angles by the mirror M, and is passed to and fro on the adjacent arms of the machine, in exactly the same manner and over a similar path, by means of the mirrors I, II, III, … VIII. This light finally reaches the observer at the telescope, setting up a second set of interference bands, parallel to the first.

A word now about this business of light interference. Light is a wave motion. The length of a wave is but a few millionths of an inch, and the amplitude is correspondingly minute; but none the less, these waves behave in a thoroughly wave-like manner. In particular, if the crests of two waves are superposed, there is a double effect; while if a crest of one wave falls with a trough of another, there is a killing-off or “interference”.

Under ordinary circumstances interference of [62]light waves does not occur. This is simply because under ordinary circumstances light waves are not piled up on one another. But sometimes this piling up occurs; and then, just so sure as the piled-up waves are in the same phase they reinforce one another, while if they are in opposite phase they interfere. And the conditions which we have outlined above, with the telescope and the mirrors and the ray of light retracing the path over which it went out, are conditions under which interference does occur. If the returning wave is in exact phase with the outgoing one, the effect is that of uniform double illumination; if it is in exactly opposite phase the effect is that of complete extinguishing of the light, the reversed wave exactly cancelling out the original one. If the two rays are partly in phase, there is partial reinforcement or partial cancelling out, according to whether they are nearly in phase or nearly out of phase. Finally, if the mirrors are not set absolutely parallel—as must in practice be the case when we attempt to measure their parallelism in terms of the wave-length of light—adjacent parts of the light ray will vary in the extent to which they are out of phase, since they will have travelled a fraction of a wave-length further to get to and from this, that or the other mirror. There will then appear in the telescope alternate bands of illumination and darkness, whose width and spacing depend upon all the factors entering into the problem.

If it were possible for us to make the apparatus with such a degree of refinement that the path from mirror M via mirrors 1, 2, 3, etc., back through M and into the telescope, were exactly the same length [63]as that from flame to telescope by way of the mirrors I, II, III, etc.—exactly the same to a margin of error materially less than a single wave-length of light—why, then, the two sets of interference fringes would come out exactly superposed provided the motion of the earth through the “ether” turn out to have no influence upon the velocity of light; or, if such influence exist, these fringes would be displaced from one another to an extent measuring the influence in question. But our ability to set up this complicated pattern of mirrors at predetermined distances falls far short of the wave-length as a measure of error. So in practice all that we can say is that having once set the instrument up, and passed a beam of light through it, there will be produced two sets of parallel interference fringes. These sets will fail of superposition—each fringe of one set will be removed from the corresponding fringe of the other set—by some definite distance. Then, any subsequent variation in the speed of light along the two arms will at once be detected by a shifting of the interference bands through a distance which we shall be able to measure.

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This book is part of the public domain. Albert Einstein (2020). Einstein's Theories of Relativity and Gravitation. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved October 2022.

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