THE STRENGTH OF A BEAMby@robertsball
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by Robert S. Ball
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Robert S. Ball


I was an Irish astronomer who founded the screw theory....

April 25th, 2023
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In the preceding lecture we have examined some general circumstances in connection with the condition of a beam acted on by a transverse force; we proceed in the present to inquire more particularly into the strength under these conditions. We shall, as before, use for our experiments rods of pine only, as we wish rather to illustrate the general laws than to determine the strength of different materials. The strength of a beam depends upon its length, breadth, and thickness; we must endeavour to distinguish the effects of each of these elements on the capacity of the beam to sustain its load.
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Robert S. Ball

Robert S. Ball


I was an Irish astronomer who founded the screw theory.

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Experimental Mechanics by Robert S. Ball is part of the HackerNoon Books Series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. THE STRENGTH OF A BEAM


A Beam free at the Ends and loaded in the Middle.—A Beam uniformly loaded.—A Beam loaded in the Middle, whose Ends are secured.—A Beam supported at one end and loaded at the other.


377. In the preceding lecture we have examined some general circumstances in connection with the condition of a beam acted on by a transverse force; we proceed in the present to inquire more particularly into the strength under these conditions. We shall, as before, use for our experiments rods of pine only, as we wish rather to illustrate the general laws than to determine the strength of different materials. The strength of a beam depends upon its length, breadth, and thickness; we must endeavour to distinguish the effects of each of these elements on the capacity of the beam to sustain its load.

We shall only employ beams of rectangular section; this being generally the form in which beams of wood are used. Beams of iron, when large, are usually not rectangular, as the material can be more effectively [Pg 189]disposed in sections of a different form. It is important to distinguish between the stiffness of a beam in its capacity to resist flexure, and the strength of a beam in its capacity to resist fracture. Thus the stiffest beam which can be made from the cylindrical trunk of a tree 1' in diameter is 6" broad and 10"·5 deep, while the strongest beam is 7" broad and 9"·75 deep. We are now discussing the strength (not the stiffness) of beams.

378. We shall commence the inquiry by making a number of experiments: these we shall record in a table, and then we shall endeavour to see what we can learn from an examination of this table. I have here ten pieces of pine, of lengths varying from 1' to 4', and of three different sections, viz. 1" × 1", 1" × 0"·5, and 0"·5 × 0"·5. I have arranged four different stands, on which we can break these pieces: on the first stand the distance between the points of support is 40", and on the other stands the distances are 30," 20", and 10" respectively; the pieces being 4', 3', 2', and 1' long, will just be conveniently held on the supports.

379. The mode of breaking is as follows:—The beam being laid upon the supports, an S hook is placed at its middle point, and from this S hook the tray is suspended. Weights are then carefully added to the tray until the beam breaks; the load in the tray, together with the weight of the tray, is recorded in the table as the breaking load.

380. In order to guard as much as possible against error, I have here another set of ten pieces of pine, duplicates of the former. I shall also break these; and whenever I find any difference between the breaking loads of two similar beams, I shall record in the table the mean between the two loads. The results are shown in Table XXIV.


h the dimensions of the beams. By span is meant the distance between the points of support; the real length is of course greater; the depth is that dimension of the beam which is vertical. The fifth column gives the mean of two observations of the breaking load. Thus for example, in experiment No. 5 the two beams used were each 36" × 1" × 0"·5, they were placed on points of support 30" distant, so the span recorded is 30": one of the [Pg 191]beams was broken by a load of 58 lbs., and the second by a load of 60 lbs.; the mean between the two, 59 lbs., is recorded as the mean breaking load. In this manner the column of breaking loads has been found. The meaning of the two last columns of the table will be explained presently.

382. We shall endeavour to elicit from these observations the laws which connect the breaking load with the span, breadth, and depth of the beam.

383. Let us first examine the effect of the span; for this purpose we bring together the observations upon beams of the same section, but of different spans. Sections of 0"·5 × 0"·5 will be convenient for this purpose; Nos. 4, 6, 8, and 10 are experiments upon beams of this section. Let us first compare 4 and 8. Here we have two beams of the same section, and the span of one (40") is double that of the other (20"). When we examine the breaking weights we find that they are 19 lbs. and 36 lbs.; the former of these numbers is rather more than half of the latter. In fact, had the breaking load of 40" been ¾ lb. less, 18·25 lbs., and had that of 20" been ½ lb. more, 36·5 lbs., one of the breaking loads would have been exactly half the other.

384. We must not look for perfect numerical accuracy in these experiments; we must only expect to meet with approximation, because the laws for which we are in search are in reality only approximate laws. Wood itself is variable in quality, even when cut from the same piece: parts near the circumference are different in strength from those nearer the centre; in a young tree they are generally weaker, and in an old tree generally stronger. Minute differences in the grain, greater or less perfectness in the seasoning, these are also among the circumstances which prevent one piece of timber from being identical [Pg 192]with another. We shall, however, generally find that the effect of these differences is small, but occasionally this is not the case, and in trying many experiments upon the breaking of timber, discrepancies occasionally appear for which it is difficult to account.

385. But you will find, I think, that, making reasonable allowances for such difficulties as do occur, the laws on the whole represent the experiments very closely.

386. We shall, then, assume that the breaking weight of a bar of 40" is half that of a bar of 20" of the same section, and we ask, Is this generally true? is it true that the breaking weight is inversely proportional to the span? In order to test this hypothesis, we can calculate the breaking weight of a bar of 30" (No. 6), and then compare the result with the observed value; if the supposition be true, the breaking weight should be given by the proportion—

30" : 40" :: 19 : Answer.

The answer is 25·3 lbs.; on reference to the table we find 25 lbs. to be the observed value, hence our hypothesis is verified for this bar.

387. Let us test the law also for the 10" bar, No. 10—

10" : 40" :: 19 : Answer.

The answer in this case is 76, whereas the observed value is 68, or 8 lbs. less; this does not agree very well with the theory, but still the difference, though 8 lbs., is only about 11 or 12 per cent. of the whole, and we shall still retain the law, for certainly there is no other that can express the result as well.

  388. But the table will supply another verification. In experiment No. 3 a 40" bar, 1" broad, and 0"·5 deep, broke with 38 lbs.; and in [Pg 193]experiment No. 7 a 20" bar of the same section broke with 74 lbs.; but this is so nearly double the breaking weight of the 40" bar, as to be an additional illustration of the law, that for a given section the breaking load varies inversely as the span.

389. We next inquire as to the effect of the breadth of the beam upon its strength? For this purpose we compare experiments Nos. 3 and 4: we there find that a bar 40" × 1" × 0"·5 is broken by a load of 38 lbs., while a bar just half the breadth is broken by 19 lbs. We might have anticipated this result, for it is evident that the bar of No. 3 must have the same strength as two bars similar to that of No. 4 placed side by side.

390. This view is confirmed by a comparison of Nos. 7 and 8, where we find that a 20" bar takes twice the load to break it that is required for a bar of half its breadth. The law is not quite so well verified by Nos. 5 and 6, for half the breaking weight of No. 5, namely 29·5 lbs., is more than 25, the observed breaking weight of No. 6: a similar remark may be made about Nos. 9 and 10.

391. Supposing we had a beam of 40" span, 2" broad, and 0"·5 deep, we can easily see that it is equivalent to two bars like that of No. 3 placed side by side; and we infer generally that the strength of a bar is proportional to its breadth; or to speak-more definitely, if two beams have the same span and depth, the ratio of their breaking loads is the same as the ratio of their breadths.

392. We next examine the effect of the depth of a beam upon its strength. In experimenting upon a beam placed edgewise, a precaution must be observed, which would not be necessary if the same beam were to be broken flatwise. When the load is suspended, the beam, if merely laid edgewise on the supports, would almost certainly turn over; it is [Pg 194]therefore necessary to place its extremities in recesses in the supports, which will obviate the possibility of this occurrence; at the same time the ends must not be prevented from bending upwards, for we are at present discussing a beam free at each end, and the case where the ends are not free will be subsequently considered.

  393. Let us first compare together experiments Nos. 2 and 3; here we have two bars of the same dimensions, the section in each being 1"·0 × 0"·5, but the first bar is broken edgewise, and the second flatwise. The first breaks with 77 lbs., and the second with 38 lbs.; hence the same bar is twice as strong placed edgewise as flatwise when one dimension of the section is twice as great as the other. We may generalize this law, and assert that the strength of a rectangular beam broken edgewise is to the strength of a beam of like span and section broken flatwise, as the greater dimension of the section is to the lesser dimension.

394. The strength of a beam 40" × 0"·5 × 1" is four times as great as the strength of 40" × 0"·5 × 0"·5, though the quantity of wood is only twice as great in one as in the other. In general we may state that if a beam were bisected by a longitudinal cut, the strength of the beam would be halved when the cut was horizontal, and unaltered when the cut was vertical; thus, for example, two beams of experiment No. 4, placed one on the top of the other, would break with about 40 lbs., whereas if the same rods were in one piece, the breaking load would be nearly 80 lbs.

395. This may be illustrated in a different manner. I have here two beams of 40" × 1" × 0"·5 superposed; they form one beam, equivalent to that of No. 1 in bulk, but I find that they break with 80 lbs., thus showing that the two are only twice as strong as one.

396. I take two similar bars, and, instead of laying them loosely one [Pg 195]on the other, I unite them tightly with iron clamps like those represented in Fig. 56. I now find that the bars thus fastened together require 104 lbs. for fracture. We can readily understand this increase of strength. As soon as the bars begin to bend under the action of the weight, the surfaces which are in contact move slightly one upon the other in order to accommodate themselves to the change of form. By clamping I greatly impede this motion hence the beams deflect less, and require a greater load before they collapse; the case is therefore to some extent approximated to the state of things when the two rods form one solid piece, in which case a load of 152 lbs. would be required to produce fracture.

397. We shall be able by a little consideration to understand the reason why a bar is stronger edgewise than flatwise. Suppose I try to break a bar across my knee by pulling the ends held one in each hand, what is it that resists the breaking? It is chiefly the tenacity of the fibres on the convex surface of the bar. If the bar be edgewise, these fibres are further away from my knee and therefore resist with a greater moment than when the bar is flatwise: nor is the case different when the bar is supported at each end, and the load placed in the centre; for then the reactions of the supports correspond to the forces with which I pulled the ends of the bar.

398. We can now calculate the strength of any rectangular beam of pine:

Let us suppose it to be 12' long, 5" broad, and 7" deep. This is five times as strong as a beam 1" broad and 7" deep for we may conceive the original beam to consist of 5 of these beams placed side by side (Art 391); the beam 1" broad and 7" deep, is 7 times as strong as a beam 7" broad, 1" deep (Art. 393). Hence the original beam must be 35 times as [Pg 196]strong as a beam 7" broad, 1" deep; but the beam 7" broad and 1" deep is seven times stronger than a beam the section of which is 1" × 1", hence the original beam is 245 times as strong as a beam 12' long and 1" × 1" in section; of which we can calculate the strength, by Art. 388, from the proportion—

144" : 40" :: 152 : Answer.

The answer is 42·2 lbs., and thus the breaking load of the original beam is about 10,300 lbs.

399. It will be useful to deduce the general expression for the breaking load of a beam l" span, b" broad, and d" deep, supported freely at the ends and laden in the centre.

Let us suppose a bar l" long, and 1" × 1" in section. The breaking load is found by the proportion—

l : 40 :: 152 : Answer;

and the result obtained is 6080/l. A beam which is d" broad, l" span, and 1" deep, would be just as strong as d of the beams l" × 1" × 1" placed side by side; of which the collective strength would be—


If such a beam, instead of resting flatwise, were placed edgewise, its strength would be increased in the ratio of its depth to its breadth—that is, it would be increased d-fold—and would therefore amount to


We thus learn the strength of a beam 1" broad, d" deep, and l" span. The strength of b of these beams placed side by side, would be [Pg 197]the same as the strength of one beam b" broad, d" deep, and l" span, and thus we finally obtain


Since b d is the area of the section, we can express this result conveniently by saying that the breaking load in lbs. of a rectangular pine beam is equal to


the depth and span being expressed in inches linear measure, and the section in square inches.

400. In order to test this formula, we have calculated from it the breaking loads of all the ten beams given in Table XXIV. and the results are given in the sixth column. The difference between the amount calculated and the observed mean breaking weight is shown in the last column.

401. Thus, for example, in experiment No. 7 the span is 20", breadth, 1", depth 0"·5; the formula gives, since the area is 0"·5,


This agrees sufficiently with 74 lbs., the mean of two observed values.

402. Except in experiments Nos. 5 and 10, the differences are very small, and even in these two cases the differences are not sufficient to make us doubt that we have discovered the correct expression for the load generally sufficient to produce fracture.

  403. We have already pointed out that a beam begins to sustain permanent injury when it is subjected to a load greater than half that which would break it (Art. 368), and we may infer that it is not in [Pg 198]general prudent to load a beam which is part of a permanent structure with more than about a third or a fourth of the breaking weight. Hence if we wanted to calculate a fair working load in lbs. for a beam of pine, we might obtain it from the formula.


Probably a smaller coefficient than 1500 would often be used by the cautious builder, especially when the beam was liable to sudden blows or shocks. The coefficient obtained from small selected rods such as we have used would also be greater than that found from large beams in which imperfections are inevitable.

404. Had we adopted any other kind of wood we should have found a similar formula for the breaking weight, but with a different numerical coefficient. For example, had the beams been made of oak the number 6080 must be replaced by a larger figure.


405. We have up to the present only considered the case where the load is suspended from the centre of the beam. But in the actual employment of beams the load is not generally applied in this manner. See in the rafters which support a roof how every inch in the entire length has its burden of slates to bear. The beams which support a warehouse floor have to carry their load in whatever manner the goods are disposed: sometimes, as for example in a grain-store, the pressure will be tolerably uniform along the beams, while if the weights be irregularly scattered on the floor, there will be corresponding inequalities in the mode in which the loads are distributed over the beams. It will therefore be useful for us to examine the strength of a beam when its load is applied otherwise than at the centre.[Pg 199]

  406. We shall employ, in the first place, a beam 40" span, 0"·5 broad, and 1" deep; and we shall break it by applying a load simultaneously at two points, as may be most conveniently done by the contrivance shown in the diagram, Fig. 53. a b is the beam resting on two supports; c and d are the points of trisection of the span; from whence loops descend, which carry an iron bar p q; at the centre r of which a weight w is suspended. The load is thus divided equally between the two points c and d, and we may regard a b as a beam loaded at its two points of trisection. The tray and weights are employed which we have used in the apparatus represented in Fig. 58.


Fig. 53.

407. We proceed to break this beam. Adding weights to the tray, we see that it yields with 117 lbs., and cracks across between c and d. On reference to Table XXIV. we find from experiment No. 2 that a similar bar was broken by 77 lbs. at the centre; now ³/₂ × 77 = 115·5; hence we may state with sufficient approximation that the bar is half as strong again when the load is suspended from the two points of trisection as it is when suspended from the centre. It is remarkable that in breaking the beam in this manner the fracture is equally likely to occur at any point between c and d.[Pg 200]

  408. A beam uniformly loaded requires twice as much load to break it as would be sufficient if the load were merely suspended from the centre. The mode of applying a load uniformly is shown in Fig. 54.


Fig. 54.

In an experiment actually tried, a beam 40" × 0"·5 × 1" placed edgewise was found to support ten 14 lb. weights ranged as in the figure; one or two stone more would, however, doubtless produce fracture.

409. We infer from these considerations that beams loaded in the manner in which they are usually employed are considerably stronger than would be indicated by the results in Table XXIV.


410. It has been noticed during the experiments that when the weights are suspended from a beam and the beam begins to deflect, the ends curve upwards from the supports. This bending of the ends is for example shown in Fig. 54. If we restrain the ends of the beam from bending up in this manner, we shall add very considerably to its strength. This we can do by clamping them down to the supports.

  411. Let us experiment upon a beam 40" × 1" × 1". We clamp each of the [Pg 201]ends and then break the beam by a weight suspended from the centre. It requires 238 lbs. to accomplish fracture. This is a little more than half as much again as 152 lbs., which we find from Table XXIV. was the weight required to break this bar when its ends were free. Calculation shows that the strength of a beam may be even doubled when the ends are kept horizontal by more perfect methods than we have used.

412. When the beam gives way under these circumstances, there is not only a fracture in the centre, but each of the halves are also found to be broken across near the points of support; the necessity for three fractures instead of one explains the increase of strength obtained by restraining the ends to the horizontal direction.

413. In structures the beams are generally more or less secured at each end, and are therefore more capable of bearing resistance than would be indicated by Table XXIV. From the consideration of Arts. 408 and 411, we can infer that a beam secured at each end and uniformly loaded would require three or four times as much load to break it as would be sufficient if the ends were free and if the load were applied at the centre.


  414. A beam, one end of which is firmly imbedded in masonry or otherwise secured, is occasionally called upon to support a weight suspended from its extremity. Such a beam is shown in Fig. 55.

In the case we shall examine, a b is a pine beam of dimensions 20" × 0"·5 × 0"·5, and we find that, when w reaches 10 lbs., the beam breaks. In experiment No. 8, Table XXIV., a similar beam [Pg 202]required 36 lbs.; hence we see that the beam is broken in the manner of Fig. 55, by about one-fourth of the load which would have been required if the beam had been supported at each end and laden in the centre.


We shall presently have occasion to apply some of the results obtained by the experiments made in the lecture now terminated.

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This book is part of the public domain. Robert S. Ball (2020). Experimental Mechanics. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved October 2022

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Robert S. Ball@robertsball
I was an Irish astronomer who founded the screw theory.



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