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The Palmer Method of Business Writing
The Palmer Method of Business Writing, by A. N. Palmer is part of the HackerNoon Books series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. Lesson 37
Drill 40
The small r given in the first line in drill forty cannot be made at a high rate of speed, as the form requires a checking of movement at the top to form the shoulder. Study the parts of the letter shown before the first completed form.
The form in the second line can be made at much higher speed, and, while somewhat difficult to learn, is much easier in execution when mastered. The first part of it is just like the first part of small m or n. The downward stroke is retraced to a point about one-fourth of a space above the first part; a stop (hardly noticeable) and a dot are made before the swinging curve to the next letter. If the connective lines between letters of this style are made with too much under-curve, perhaps touching the base line, they will more nearly resemble small x than r. Guard against this fault.
Close study of the form while practicing will be necessary. After its mastery, ninety connected letters to the minute will be a good rate of speed. Unquestionably, the first few trials will be discouraging, but faithful practice will be rewarded. Stick to it.
Eighteen groups of five should be made to the minute.
Drill 41
The count for this small r in drill forty-one for each group of five is 1–2, 3–4, 5–6, 7–8, 9–10; or one-dot, two-dot, three-dot, four-dot, five-dot; or one-stop, two-stop, three-stop, four-stop, five-stop. A conversational count similar to that in small o, drill eleven, may be used to advantage in small r, thus—You-stop, you-stop, you-stop, you-stop, at-the-top. How long, do you stop, at the top? Not long, but you stop, every time at the top. What for, what for, what for? To make a dot, to make a dot, to make a dot, etc.
Drill 42
The rate of practice speed in this drill should be twenty or more words to the minute.
Drill 43
There is no initial line before small o; it begins at the top.
About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books. This book is part of the public domain.
Palmer, A. N. 2021. The Palmer Method of Business Writing. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved September 2022 from
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