Performance Assessment of LALMs and Multi-Modality Modelsby@benchmarking

Performance Assessment of LALMs and Multi-Modality Models

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This section details the evaluation of several instruction-following Language-Aligned Audio Models (LALMs) and multi-modality models like SpeechGPT, SALMONN, and Whisper, comparing their performance on both fundamental and chat benchmarks using the largest available model checkpoints.
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(1) Qian Yang, Zhejiang University, Equal contribution. This work was conducted during Qian Yang’s internship at Alibaba Group;

(2) Jin Xu, Alibaba Group, Equal contribution;

(3) Wenrui Liu, Zhejiang University;

(4) Yunfei Chu, Alibaba Group;

(5) Xiaohuan Zhou, Alibaba Group;

(6) Yichong Leng, Alibaba Group;

(7) Yuanjun Lv, Alibaba Group;

(8) Zhou Zhao, Alibaba Group and Corresponding to Zhou Zhao ([email protected]);

(9) Yichong Leng, Zhejiang University

(10) Chang Zhou, Alibaba Group and Corresponding to Chang Zhou ([email protected]);

(11) Jingren Zhou, Alibaba Group.

Abstract and 1. Introduction

2 Related Work

3 AIR-Bench and 3.1 Overview

3.2 Foundation Benchmark

3.3 Chat Benchmark

3.4 Evaluation Strategy

4 Experiments

4.1 Models

4.2 Main Results

4.3 Human Evaluation and 4.4 Ablation Study of Positional Bias

5 Conclusion and References

A Detailed Results of Foundation Benchmark

4.1 Models

We evaluate the performance of various LALMs with instruction-following capabilities. These models are either open-sourced or accessible through public APIs, such as SpeechGPT (Zhang et al., 2023), BLSP (Wang et al., 2023a), SALMONN (Tang et al., 2023a), Qwen-AudioChat (Chu et al., 2023), and Qwen-Audio Turbo [3]. Additionally, we consider large multi-modality models with audio understanding abilities like PandaGPT (Su et al., 2023), Macaw-LLM (Lyu et al., 2023), and NExT-GPT (Wu et al., 2023b). Besides, we also incorporate a concatenative approach comprising Whisper-large-v2 (Radford et al., 2023) and GPT-4 Turbo (OpenAI, 2023) for tasks related to speech as a baseline. We evaluate the performance of all these models on both funda

Table 3: The comparison of different LALMs on AIR-Bench.

Table 4: The success rate of different strategies of matching hypotheses with the golden choices for the foundation benchmark.

mental and chat benchmarks, utilizing their latest publicly available checkpoints. In cases of multiple checkpoints, we select the model with the largest parameter size. For all models, we directly follow their default decoding strategies for evaluation.

This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.
