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The Palmer Method of Business Writing
The Palmer Method of Business Writing, by A. N. Palmer is part of the HackerNoon Books series. You can jump to any chapter in this book here. Lesson 83
Drill 99
Capital Q, as shown above, is the enlarged form of figure two preceded by a movement drill. Curve the main downward strokes liberally. Make the lower loop flat on the base line and drop the finishing curve below. Students should frequently compare their writing with the copies.
Drill 100
The mind directs, the arm and hand perform; both mind and muscle must work in harmony.
No matter how perfectly the muscles of the arm are trained, good letters cannot be made unless a good conception of form is in the mind. Capital Q should be made well at the rate of sixty to the minute, and the figure two faster. The count in each case is 1, 2, 3.
Drill 101
In the style of writing here presented the loop of small g extends three spaces below the base line. The paper should be held in such a position that the downward strokes are pulled toward the center of the body, the paper being changed from time to time with the left hand to keep its position relatively the same. The motion should be purely muscular throughout, and the movement in making the loop particularly quick and elastic. Study the form closely and note the crossing of the loop with a left curve on the base. Pull the loops toward the center of the body and not toward the left elbow.
In groups of five connected letters a speed of sixty-five letters to the minute should be attained. A count of ten for each group of five will aid in regulating the movement.
Drill 102
By comparison it will be seen that q is a little shorter below the base than g; that the turn at the bottom is made to the right, instead of, to the left; and that the lower part connects on the base line with the first. On account of the check at the connective point, fewer letters are made to the minute than of small g, but the movement should be quick.
About HackerNoon Book Series: We bring you the most important technical, scientific, and insightful public domain books. This book is part of the public domain.
Palmer, A. N. 2021. The Palmer Method of Business Writing. Urbana, Illinois: Project Gutenberg. Retrieved November 2022 from
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