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(1) Diwen Xue, University of Michigan;
(2) Reethika Ramesh, University of Michigan;
(3) Arham Jain, University of Michigan;
(4) Arham Jain, Merit Network, Inc.;
(5) J. Alex Halderman, University of Michigan;
(6) Jedidiah R. Crandall, Arizona State University/Breakpointing Bad;
(7) Roya Ensaf, University of Michigan.
3 Challenges in Real-world VPN Detection
4 Adversary Model and Deployment
5 Ethics, Privacy, and Responsible Disclosure
6 Identifying Fingerprintable Features and 6.1 Opcode-based Fingerprinting
6.3 Active Server Fingerprinting
6.4 Constructing Filters and Probers
7 Fine-tuning for Deployment and 7.1 ACK Fingerprint Thresholds
7.2 Choice of Observation Window N
7.4 Server Churn for Asynchronous Probing
7.5 Probe UDP and Obfuscated OpenVPN Servers
9 Evaluation & Findings and 9.1 Results for control VPN flows
12 Acknowledgement and References
Previous works attempt to identify VPN traffic only after the flow terminates, making use of aggregated statistics such as connection duration [17, 24, 26]. However, detecting disallowed traffic only after the flow is finished may be of limited interest to a real-world censor [4]. We therefore have two objectives for our Filter: to reduce probing targets by being as selective as possible, and to detect OpenVPN as soon as possible within a flow.
Inspired by [4, 67], we consider the windowing strategy of limiting the inspection to only the first N data packets of a flow. We tested N from [10, 20, 30, ..... 200] on the ISP and VPN Dataset. As shown in Figure 8 (a), the number of ISP flows that are flagged by the Filter declines from over 62,000 to 322 as we increase the observation window. However, we note that a window size of 100 packets has already achieved a precision within 2% of the best performing (200 packets).
Detection Speed and Potential Impact on Blocking A smaller window size can sever a connection at an earlier stage, thereby reducing transfer of data to a censored endpoint, while a more conservative windowing strategy excels at accuracy. In our deployment, we use 100 packets as the window size to balance detection speed and accuracy. To put this choice into perspective, we note that the Great Firewall of China (GFW) was previously observed to send confirmation probes to suspected endpoints in 15-minute intervals, and it has only recently moved to near real-time operation [11]. Recent work on how it detects Shadowsocks shows the median delay between the beginning of a connection and probing is about a minute, with probes being replayed for up to 47 times for confirmation [1]. In comparison, our deployment with a window size of 100 packets gives a median time of 7.9 seconds for the filter to flag an OpenVPN connection. We believe even with this delay, our system is still useful for censors who are interested in blocking OpenVPN connections. In addition, we note that a motivated adversary can further optimize this delay and speed the detection by tuning window size and probing rate, but with some potential loss of accuracy.
This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.