Presenting A General Automated Testing Approach for Detecting XPath-Related Logic Bugsby@xpath
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Presenting A General Automated Testing Approach for Detecting XPath-Related Logic Bugs

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This paper has presented a general automated testing approach for detecting XPath-related logic bugs in XML processors. We demonstrate that differential testing is applicable in this domain, since XML processors widely adhere to the XPath standards.

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Academic Research Paper

Academic Research Paper

Part of HackerNoon's growing list of open-source research papers, promoting free access to academic material.

Abstract and 1 Introduction

2 Background

3 Approach and 3.1 Differential Testing for XML Processors

3.2 XPath Expression Generation

3.3 XML Generation

4 Evaluation

4.1 Effectiveness

4.2 Efficiency

4.3 Comparison to the State of the Art

4.4 Analysis of BaseX Historical Bug Reports

5 Related Work

6 Conclusion, Acknowledgments, and References


This paper has presented a general automated testing approach for detecting XPath-related logic bugs in XML processors. We demonstrate that differential testing is applicable in this domain, since XML processors widely adhere to the XPath standards. To generate interesting XPath queries, our approach selects a so-called targeted node to guide predicate generation and predicate rectification to ensure the inclusion of that node. Our evaluation shows that this improves the number of bugs detected in 24 hours to 2× as compared to random generation. More importantly, we have successfully detected 27 previously unknown, unique bugs in six mature XML processing systems. We believe that this high number is surprising, given that XML processors are an essential part of our computing infrastructure, with the first XPath standard having been proposed more than 20 years ago, and the systems that we have tested having been maintained for at least 15 years. We believe that XPress, given its simplicity and generality, has a high chance of being integrated into the toolbox of XML processor developers. Furthermore, we believe that our work might inspire testing approaches for other XML standards, such as XQuery or XSLT.


This research was supported by a Ministry of Education (MOE) Academic Research Fund (AcRF) Tier 1 grant.


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This paper is available on arxiv under CC BY 4.0 DEED license.


(1) Shuxin Li, Southern University of Science and Technology China and Work done during an internship at the National University of Singapore (;

(2) Manuel Rigger, National University of Singapore Singapore (

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