Plan the unplannable with Tetromino: a way to deliver innovation in the face of high uncertaintyby@edoardoturelli
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Plan the unplannable with Tetromino: a way to deliver innovation in the face of high uncertainty

by Edoardo Turelli14mDecember 13th, 2018
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Delivering innovation is at the top of every tech company’s agenda. But they often don’t dare as much as they could because they’re held back by the risk of never-ending R&D, leading to failure or lack of tangible results. But is innovation necessarily unplannable and difficult to deliver? At Hadean we’ve iterated on an approach, Tetromino planning, that demonstrates the opposite: we empowered a team of six incredibly talented engineers to deliver, in less than a year, the first iteration of a groundbreaking OS, three proof-of-concepts of distributed-compute libraries that beat the established ones, and a gaming framework that, at the prototype stage, is already unrivaled on the market. This is remarkable innovation delivered in a highly uncertain context, both from a technical and commercial point of view, and it has all gone through a deliberate process.

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Edoardo Turelli

Edoardo Turelli


Exited Founder/CTO • Built world-record-breaking deeptech • Led multiple scaling

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Edoardo Turelli HackerNoon profile picture
Edoardo Turelli@edoardoturelli
Exited Founder/CTO • Built world-record-breaking deeptech • Led multiple scaling



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