Overview of Memotion 3: Sentiment & Emotion Analysis of Codemixed Hinglish - Conclusionby@memeology
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Overview of Memotion 3: Sentiment & Emotion Analysis of Codemixed Hinglish - Conclusion

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Analyzing codemixed Hindi-English memes: Memotion 3 paper presents AI sentiment, emotion, and intensity detection methods.

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Analysis of Codemixed Hinglish - Conclusion
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This paper is available on arxiv under CC 4.0 license.


(1) Shreyash Mishra has an equal contribution from IIIT Sri City, India;

(2) S Suryavardan has an equal contribution from IIIT Sri City, India;

(3) Megha Chakraborty, University of South Carolina, USA;

(4) Parth Patwa, UCLA, USA;

(5) Anku Rani, University of South Carolina, USA;

(6) Aman Chadha, work does not relate to a position at Amazon from Stanford University, USA, or Amazon AI, USA;

(7) Aishwarya Reganti, CMU, USA;

(8) Amitava Das, University of South Carolina, USA;

(9) Amit Sheth, University of South Carolina, USA;

(10) Manoj Chinnakotla, Microsoft, USA;

(11) Asif Ekbal, IIT Patna, India;

(12) Srijan Kumar, Georgia Tech, USA.

Abstract & Introduction

Related Work

Task Details

Participating systems


Conclusion and Future Work and References

6. Conclusion and Future Work

In this paper, we summarize the approaches used by the participants for the Memotion 3 task and analyze the results. Due to the multi-modal nature of the dataset, all teams use a pre-trained image and text embedding models. However, each team presents a novel model pipeline. The highest scores achieved in Task A, Task B and Task C of Memotion 3.0 are 34.41%, 79.77% and 59.82% respectively, which shows there is significant room for improvement. On analysis of the results and the mis-classified examples on the test set, we find that "Sarcasm" and "Humour" are difficult to identify, especially in code-mixed memes.

While we address Hind-English code-mixed memes in this paper, future work could include exploring other languages/language pairs. A unified baseline model to analyze memes in multiple languages could also be an interesting possibility.


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