OpenVoice: Versatile Instant Voice Cloning - Discussion and Referencesby@diction
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OpenVoice: Versatile Instant Voice Cloning - Discussion and References

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OpenVoice demonstrates remarkable instance voice cloning capabilities. It is more flexible than previous approaches in terms of voice styles and languages. In order to facilitate future research, we make the source code and model weights publicly available. We also make the model weights and code available for download.
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(1) Zengyi Qin, MIT & and (email: [email protected]);

(2) Wenliang Zhao, Tsinghua University;

(3) Xumin Yu, Tsinghua University;

(4) Xin Sun,;

Abstract and Introduction


Discussion and References

4 Discussion

OpenVoice demonstrates remarkable instance voice cloning capabilities and is more flexible than previous approaches in terms of voice styles and languages. The intuition behind the approach is that it is relatively easy to train a base speaker TTS model to control the voice styles and languages, as long as we do not require the model to have the ability to clone the tone color of the reference speaker. Therefore, we proposed to decouple the tone color cloning from the remaining voice styles and the language, which we believe is the foundational design principle of OpenVoice. In order to facilitate future research, we make the source code and model weights publicly available.


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