Not a word to me about gamblingby@dostoyevsky

Not a word to me about gambling

by Fyodor Dostoyevsky8mMay 27th, 2023
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On the morrow she said not a word to me about gambling. In fact, she purposely avoided me, although her old manner to me had not changed: the same serene coolness was hers on meeting me—a coolness that was mingled even with a spice of contempt and dislike. In short, she was at no pains to conceal her aversion to me. That I could see plainly. Also, she did not trouble to conceal from me the fact that I was necessary to her, and that she was keeping me for some end which she had in view. Consequently there became established between us relations which, to a large extent, were incomprehensible to me, considering her general pride and aloofness. For example, although she knew that I was madly in love with her, she allowed me to speak to her of my passion (though she could not well have showed her contempt for me more than by permitting me, unhindered and unrebuked, to mention to her my love).
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


A Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist.

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky HackerNoon profile picture
Fyodor Dostoyevsky@dostoyevsky
A Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist.



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