As a student I find myself going, and going nonstop. During winter break I am supposed to be relaxing and binge-watching <a href="" target="_blank">Netflix</a>. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely spent a few days in my pajamas watching The Office, but I soon found myself to be feeling bored and unfulfilled by this ritual.
As a student I find myself going, and going nonstop. During winter break I am supposed to be relaxing and binge-watching Netflix. Don’t get me wrong, I definitely spent a few days in my pajamas watching The Office, but I soon found myself to be feeling bored and unfulfilled by this ritual.
In order to curb my boredom I created a winter break project for myself.
I made, this is an online community that provides resources for women and minority genders with a background in computer science. You can join this online community and become a code breaker.
The first step of the Stanford DTPG is to empathize. I began to think of people that I strongly empathize with and I immediately thought of women in STEM, and even more specifically, women in computer science. Being a female in CS, I was aware of the programs that were available to help get women to study CS. I even participated in Girls Who Code and cite that as the reason why I am now studying CS. Despite all of these resources available to high school women, I noticed that once you in fact do decided to study computer science, the resources just kind of just fall off. I decided that I wanted to create a resource for women currently study CS, as well as women who were trying to start their careers in the field. I then realized that I wanted to be more inclusive and make a resource for women AND minority genders — both underrepresented groups in CS.
The second step is to define. I did this step by defining what resources I could provide for these groups. I decided that at the collegiate level I would provide programming, internship, and professor resources. At the career level I would provide interviewing, and job resources. For both collegiate and career level I provide community resources as well.
The third step is to ideate. I did this step by scouring the internet for available resources and by talking to others to try and make sure I helping solve this problem in the right way. What I mean by helping solve this problem in the right way is that I had to check with my potential users and make sure that this is something that they would like, and not just something that I liked.
Fourth is the prototype step. I used WIX to help create this website. I decided to use something like WIX instead of doing the programming myself because a former boss of mine told me “don’t recreate the wheel”. I also knew that my goal for this project was not to improve my web development skills, but to create the best resource possible. I spent type prototyping and also user testing. For me user testing was me writing down the top 6 things I wanted people to be able to do on my site, and then asking real life people to do these things. I would watch them as they tried to complete these tasks and note where they got stuck or took longer than I had expected. I edited my site accordingly to make it as easy as possible for people to navigate.
The last step is test. In order to do this step I shared my site on as many online sites as possible, and asked(begged) for feedback. Although my site is live and people are using it I feel as though I will always be in the test phase. I constantly am adding new resources that I discover, and always welcome feedback.