MY BELOVED MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH,—I am unspeakably rejoiced at your good fortuneby@dostoyevsky

MY BELOVED MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH,—I am unspeakably rejoiced at your good fortune

by Fyodor Dostoyevsky2mJune 10th, 2023
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MY BELOVED MAKAR ALEXIEVITCH,—I am unspeakably rejoiced at your good fortune, and fully appreciate the kindness of your superior. Now, take a rest from your cares. Only do not AGAIN spend money to no advantage. Live as quietly and as frugally as possible, and from today begin always to set aside something, lest misfortune again overtake you. Do not, for God’s sake, worry yourself—Thedora and I will get on somehow. Why have you sent me so much money? I really do not need it—what I had already would have been quite sufficient. True, I shall soon be needing further funds if I am to leave these lodgings, but Thedora is hoping before long to receive repayment of an old debt. Of course, at least TWENTY roubles will have to be set aside for indispensable requirements, but the remainder shall be returned to you. Pray take care of it, Makar Alexievitch. Now, goodbye. May your life continue peacefully, and may you preserve your health and spirits. I would have written to you at greater length had I not felt so terribly weary. Yesterday I never left my bed. I am glad that you have promised to come and see me. Yes, you MUST pay me a visit.
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Fyodor Dostoyevsky

Fyodor Dostoyevsky


A Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist.

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Fyodor Dostoyevsky@dostoyevsky
A Russian novelist, short story writer, essayist, and journalist.



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