Must the Progress of Science Be a Boon to Mankind?by@bertrandrussell
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Must the Progress of Science Be a Boon to Mankind?

by Bertrand Russell 5mNovember 19th, 2022
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It may seem as though I had been at once gloomy and frivolous in some of my prognostications. I will end, however, with the serious lesson which seems to me to result. Men sometimes speak as though the progress of science must necessarily be a boon to mankind, but that, I fear, is one of the comfortable nineteenth-century delusions which our more disillusioned age must discard. Science enables the holders of power to realize their purposes more fully than they could otherwise do. If their purposes are good, this is a gain; if they are evil, it is a loss. In the present age, it seems that the purposes of the holders of power are in the main evil, in the sense that they involve a diminution, in the world at large, of the things men are agreed in thinking good. Therefore, at present, science does harm by increasing the power of rulers. Science is no substitute for virtue; the heart is as necessary for a good life as the head.
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Bertrand Russell

Bertrand Russell


There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it. Philosopher.

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Bertrand Russell  HackerNoon profile picture
Bertrand Russell @bertrandrussell
There are two motives for reading a book; one, that you enjoy it; the other, that you can boast about it. Philosopher.



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